New Coach at Vinton County

Ty Webb
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Ty Webb »

Surely you jest Doggie......a muzzle, smart ellick comment? Athens has nothing to worry about. Tell Coach Skinner and the Athens Hoopsters to take the summer off. They should cruise to the TVC Ohio title next year. ;-)

As far as the podcast, my people are gonna have to have a sit-down with Coaches people to see if we can get another contract worked out for next year. I'm gonna want more money this year and Coach Combs is saying that I need to stop playing practical jokes on him cause he always an emotional train wreck during the season. If we are able to do the podcast again, I'm sure we'll invite Troy Bolin over from If for no other reason, we got him that Viking apparel he secretly wanted us to get for him. :122245

Steely Dan
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Steely Dan »

hawkeyepierce wrote:I was at the Vinton County Senior Awards Program this evening and was asked by two different individuals (one, a parent of a freshman player), as to Coach Combs' status; and as rumors often do, they were stretched outside the bounds of truth. For the record, I have to clear up a few misconceptions that has permeated around Vinton County since Chillicothe announced their coaching search. First and foremost, Coach Combs NEVER applied for the Chillicothe position. He was approached by the powers-to-be at Chillicothe for his services. Of course, Coach Combs was flattered and felt it necessary for his family's sake to speak with Chillicothe's administration. However, after several days of introspection, Coach Combs withdrew his name from consideration for the position of Boys' Varsity Basketball Coach at Chillicothe High School. Also, at no time was John Royster or any other individual on Sid Farkus' list was ever considered for Coach Combs' what would have been vacant position.

I would like to thank Sid Farkus for mentioning me as an heir apparent to Coach Combs. I think it is flattering that someone finds me worthy of consideration for a make believe position. Thank you.

Just one final note, for my part-time lunch time buddy: I will not apologize for my verbosity and I will not attempt to beguile you with an explanation for it. Know only this, I have worked very hard to improve myself in a myriad of ways and to belittle any achievement is bellicose.
Your command of the English language and your power of prose is second to none on this website HP. I commend you, and your continued efforts to broaden the vocabulary of some of the folks who try to communicate on this website.


Your brother in increasing the writing skills of SEO,


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep fighting the good fight my friend, you are certainly an asset to this board! Hope to see you soon.

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g w mclintock
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by g w mclintock »

Steely Dan wrote:
hawkeyepierce wrote:I was at the Vinton County Senior Awards Program this evening and was asked by two different individuals (one, a parent of a freshman player), as to Coach Combs' status; and as rumors often do, they were stretched outside the bounds of truth. For the record, I have to clear up a few misconceptions that has permeated around Vinton County since Chillicothe announced their coaching search. First and foremost, Coach Combs NEVER applied for the Chillicothe position. He was approached by the powers-to-be at Chillicothe for his services. Of course, Coach Combs was flattered and felt it necessary for his family's sake to speak with Chillicothe's administration. However, after several days of introspection, Coach Combs withdrew his name from consideration for the position of Boys' Varsity Basketball Coach at Chillicothe High School. Also, at no time was John Royster or any other individual on Sid Farkus' list was ever considered for Coach Combs' what would have been vacant position.

I would like to thank Sid Farkus for mentioning me as an heir apparent to Coach Combs. I think it is flattering that someone finds me worthy of consideration for a make believe position. Thank you.

Just one final note, for my part-time lunch time buddy: I will not apologize for my verbosity and I will not attempt to beguile you with an explanation for it. Know only this, I have worked very hard to improve myself in a myriad of ways and to belittle any achievement is bellicose.
Your command of the English language and your power of prose is second to none on this website HP. I commend you, and your continued efforts to broaden the vocabulary of some of the folks who try to communicate on this website.


Your brother in increasing the writing skills of SEO,


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep fighting the good fight my friend, you are certainly an asset to this board! Hope to see you soon.
I probably know more about vocabulary and puttin words togeter than any body I no. And I think you too guys are the smartasst guys on this internet.

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Run Bubba Run
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Run Bubba Run »

You guys have obviously forgotten about Kenny Bixx. Now there is a vocabulary deluxe.

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g w mclintock
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by g w mclintock »

Run Bubba Run wrote:You guys have obviously forgotten about Kenny Bixx. Now there is a vocabulary deluxe.

(For you fellas from VC, that means "Good Point, You Got Me") :razz:

I'm sure this explanation was unnecessary for Hawkeye. :122245

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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I got it G.W. It is always good to hear from you.

My Brother Steely Dan, greatness comes in all shapes and sizes, it just happens to be for us, extra-large. That being said, us being men of greatness and girth, are simpatico in thought. Furthermore, if the mass public chooses to ignore our greatness and our ability to convey what is right and what is wrong, well then... the galactically stupid will remain and it will give us the direction to fight the good fight.

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Kenny Bixx Jr.
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Kenny Bixx Jr. »

i go away for a while, i mean i visit my momma and i am missed. ah, i dont know what to say. thanks guys. now what is with this foolyshness with combs leaving? going to chillicothe? wouldnt that have been the final kick in the teeth? vc you should be proud, its like the 80s all over again. backroom deals, good ole boy network, people whispering should or be told to keep there mouths shut. chase off the only coach that wins. i would like to see him coach everything, he seems to know how to get it done and we are going to run him off too. we cant help are selves we are afraid of success, why else would run off good people. im telling you, any more of this stupidness i am getting some obama money and i am leaving vinton county myself.

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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by 2-Gun »

hawkeyepierce wrote:I was at the Vinton County Senior Awards Program this evening and was asked by two different individuals (one, a parent of a freshman player), as to Coach Combs' status; and as rumors often do, they were stretched outside the bounds of truth. For the record, I have to clear up a few misconceptions that has permeated around Vinton County since Chillicothe announced their coaching search. First and foremost, Coach Combs NEVER applied for the Chillicothe position. He was approached by the powers-to-be at Chillicothe for his services. Of course, Coach Combs was flattered and felt it necessary for his family's sake to speak with Chillicothe's administration. However, after several days of introspection, Coach Combs withdrew his name from consideration for the position of Boys' Varsity Basketball Coach at Chillicothe High School. Also, at no time was John Royster or any other individual on Sid Farkus' list was ever considered for Coach Combs' what would have been vacant position.

I would like to thank Sid Farkus for mentioning me as an heir apparent to Coach Combs. I think it is flattering that someone finds me worthy of consideration for a make believe position. Thank you.

Just one final note, for my part-time lunch time buddy: I will not apologize for my verbosity and I will not attempt to beguile you with an explanation for it. Know only this, I have worked very hard to improve myself in a myriad of ways and to belittle any achievement is bellicose.
Glad you crawled out of Coach Combs colon long enough to share that with us Hawkeye

Kenny Bixx
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Kenny Bixx »

anyone seen hawkeye?

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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Ironman92 »

Kenny Bixx wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:12 pm anyone seen hawkeye?

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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Kenny Bixx wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:12 pm anyone seen hawkeye?
What’s up?

The Ghost of Swanker
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

Pulling up 9 year old threads to holla at someone

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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by hawkeyepierce »

:roll: :lol:

Steely Dan
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Re: New Coach at Vinton County

Post by Steely Dan »

Oh boy, did I ever get a big laugh out of this one. Kenny, nice to see that you have finally upgraded from Blatz to Old Mil' water, it is better for ya'. HP, so happy to see you are still here, me, not so much anymore, but always enjoy your prose, when you do post. This was a good blast from the past! Kenny, go get a couple more cases of Old Milwaukee and then start sharing your thoughts.... :)

Doing someone else's Dirty Work....
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