... just as with everyone in SEO the coughing/sinus/sore throat crud has hold of pfloyd BUT I was able to get to 12 basketball games this past week - all at the Convo for Basketball Thirty ... heck I saw 2 girls district finals last Tuesday night to kick things off ... looking forward to 9 more games this week, I will be missing the Thursday night action of D2 District finals - I have a recognition dinner to attend at that time ... other than having the "crud" I am feeling really good ... I have to go to the hospital this week to have my port accessed - so there are still some strings attached during this 3 months away from treatments ... bottom line though - I'm feeling great, doing great and simply just being me again - awesome feeling ...

... my port received it's monthly "maintenance" of heparin - reminded me that the hospital strings are definitely attached even with this 3 month hiatus from treatments ... I will now continue to move about the country for another month and a half

... I have been trying my best to see as many games as possible in the time I have been off of my cancer treatments - almost like this is my last chance, my last season to see the game I love - high school hoops ...This past Saturday was a great day ! I watched the Warren Warriors mentored by my good friend Coach Maddox win the Southeast Regional at the Convo! - so proud of Blane and his TEAM ... having the opportunity to share the "W" with Blane/his wife Sally, the Warren faithful - a special day for me ...Saturday was a Jim Valvano moment for me - I laughed with friends at the Convo before, during, after the game ; as I drove back up Rt 33 after the game I spent time thinking about this basketball season and whether there would be seasons to come for me to enjoy; I shed tears of joy with ALL of the Warren fans as they celebrated/shared their "W" Saturday - as Jim Valvano said - if you laugh, spend time thinking, cry you've had a heck of a day ... Saturday, March 16th was "a heck of a day " ...

Start the good thoughts and prayers heading to the 'Big Coach"! Pfloyd heads in for his 3 month scans in April. He can use
support from all his friends at the SEOPS Nation. Want to get him and his family another 3 months of treatment free living.
support from all his friends at the SEOPS Nation. Want to get him and his family another 3 months of treatment free living.
... hard to believe that 3 months will have passed since I last had a cancer treatment at OSU Medical Ctr/the James in Columbus ... it has been awesome to feel like a real person ... I've gained about 8 lbs., have been able to eat everything, taste everything and have it actually taste like I remember LOL ... I have gone to the hospital twice to have my port flushed - all good ... have had an intestinal bug for a few weeks - but all is good again ... NOW it's time for another CT scan this coming Monday 4/22 at OSU ... I've been so busy at school, have felt so good for the last 3 months I haven't really had any negative thoughts about the scans being "bad" ( not that it hasn't crossed my mind - it has - but those thoughts have been fleeting) - they just have to be good again - my fingers are crossed, my mind is in a good place feeling that all is good ... praying that the IL-2 treatments I endured from Nov.- Jan. are STILL doing the job of kicking my immune system into gear to fight the cancer ... for NOW I'm good! ... hoping to report the same when I get my scan results Monday evening or Tuesday ... no matter the results I will be seeing my oncologist on Thursday to come up with "the game" plan based on the scan results ... I'll post whatever I find out early next week ...

Prayers will continue to be lifted up from Surpise Az....God bless and continue
the fight.......You are a real inspiration!!!
the fight.......You are a real inspiration!!!
... doc says everything is "STABLE" !!! Yessssssssssssssss!!!!!! ... the oncologist ran through the blood test results - all good ... then showed me the CT scan results , she pointed out every place that results turned up "stable" ... I had tears in my eyes when I gave her a big hug ... a better word you will never hear when you have cancer ... "STABLE"!!!!!!!! (smiling big with tears in my eyes again LOL) ... 3 more months without any cancer treatment ... I can breathe again! doc said that with a good CT scan in late JULY!!! yes late JULY!!! she would put me on a 6 month treatment free regiment ... I feel like I just saw a SEO team at the Schott playing in the final 4 OH WAIT!!! I DID SEE THAT!!!!
I feel sooooooooo good right now !!!! I feel like I'm on the road to being a "Cancer Survivor" - I'm going to get the "W" in this game !!!! more quarters to play BUT I'm starting to get separation with the lead now ...
... thank you ALL for the support ... your positive thoughts/prayers ARE at work !!!!!!!!!

... thank you ALL for the support ... your positive thoughts/prayers ARE at work !!!!!!!!!

... I am so looking forward to a summer without cancer treatments! - the first time in 3 years !!! I CAN PLAY GOLF !!!!!!!!!! I CAN GO TO HOOPS SUMMER SCRIMMAGES/SHOOTOUTS !!!! I CAN GO ON A VACATION !!!!! I can sit outside on my deck !!!!! ... I can be ME !!!!! ...

Just get on the deck, put on some PF cds,,real loud and enjoy the cool breeze coming of the grass,,,that needs
cut btw.....lol
cut btw.....lol
...Thought I would get to have a summer - but apparently not in the cards ... I have an appointment to see a surgeon at the James this Wednesday late afternoon (4:45pm) ... I received a call during work last week on Thursday from my oncologist, she was concerned about a place on my intestines, said that it appears to have conjoined to another lesion and is syphoning off undigested food - food is not fully digesting in my system. The surgeon wants to discuss resecting the intestines ... I have no time frame as to when this will take place. I told my oncologist that I had to at least get through the rest of the school year before having surgery - so much to get done before the school year ends I can't take time off ... have been on the depressed side since getting the news last week BUT I will regroup , get through this next bump in the road ...

Hope the visit was a good one yesterday...You have fought this battle and I know you will keep on
keeping on...I have never met you but somehow I feel as if we have drank a lot of coffees together..
God bless you and your family and you will continue to be lifted up in our Prayers...
keeping on...I have never met you but somehow I feel as if we have drank a lot of coffees together..
God bless you and your family and you will continue to be lifted up in our Prayers...
... my appointment with the oncological surgeon ended with my regular oncologist and the surgeon unable to come to agreement as to the exact "plan" they have for me based on the CT scan results of last month (sigh) ... they agreed that I must undergo surgery, they don't agree on how invasive they should be with the surgery ... I will be having a PET scan June 5th to aid in determining how extensive the surgery will be ... they are going to open me up to remove cancer in my abdomen on my small & large intestines, they will be resecting both intestines, inspecting the rest of the intestines for cancerous areas ... the area they do not agree on is how to deal with the cancer in my liver, the surgeon says that they can electronically "zap" the liver to kill the cancer while my oncologist is concerned with the likelihood of the surgery negating all of the immuno therapy that kept me in the hospital for the most part of 2 1/2 months this past winter (deep breathe) ... as described to me at the appointment - I will be in the hospital for 4-5 days, recovery at home will take up to 6 weeks (exhaling) ... by the time I am back on my feet it will be time for the CT scan in late July (the 22nd) ... wasn't prepared mentally for everything they threw at me, concerns me that this last 6 weeks I have had symptoms actually due to the cancer itself - everything to this point has been the results of the treatments ...
... I will let everyone know the surgery date when I find out myself in a couple of weeks ...
... on a side note - I played in an 18 hole scramble golf outing today !!! the first time I have been able to get out and play golf in the last 2+ years - it felt awesome!!! the team finished 2nd at -10 ... made the turn at -7 BUT could not make a putt on the back side LOL ... outside, on the links, with friends - golf (smiling) ...

... I will let everyone know the surgery date when I find out myself in a couple of weeks ...
... on a side note - I played in an 18 hole scramble golf outing today !!! the first time I have been able to get out and play golf in the last 2+ years - it felt awesome!!! the team finished 2nd at -10 ... made the turn at -7 BUT could not make a putt on the back side LOL ... outside, on the links, with friends - golf (smiling) ...

... "what I did on my summer vacation" has gotten underway ... received a phone call from the oncological surgeon today - she had the results of my PET scan I had done yesterday at the James - doc called it a mixed bag of results ... 2 lesions (including the lesions on my liver) had disappeared ... the lesions on my intestines had grown in size but the "brightness" with which they show on the PET scan was weaker than previous scans ... still have indications of lesions in an area on my left lung and a new area of lesions has popped up on my left shoulder blade ... the surgeon's plan is to remove the lesions on the intestines, to resect the intestines to correct the area where my intestines have conjoined by passing a large part of my digestive system, remove the lesion(s) in my shoulder blade area, while she has me opened up she would "electrically" zap the lesions on my left lung (deep breath) ... that was the surgeons plan/she is going to discuss her plan with my oncologist to see if they can come up with a mutually agreed upon plan ... time frame wise, the surgeon thought that she could do me in late July BUT she knows I have school starting the second week of August (which would not have me back on my feet in time for the opening of school if the surgery is done in July) ... she said she thought she could work me in in late June for a Thursday surgery - she was going to get her people working on a June date ... so for now it is wait and see - I'll go in when THEY decide on a date/time ...

... got a second phone call from the oncological surgeon - she has scheduled me an appointment to see the lead surgeon for my surgeries for next week ... she has tentatively scheduled my surgery for June 24th ( I'll post again when it is finalized next week) ... starting to get my head wrapped around what will be happening in the next few weeks - getting my game face on ...

As always our prayers are with you. Traveling to Symmes Valley tomorrow for their shootout. Ready for some more basketball.
... Surgery is scheduled for Monday morning, June 17th, at 10:30am ... doc said 4-5 hours if everything goes well ... 7-8 days inpatient after surgery at the James in C'bus before they will send me home ... 6-8 weeks recovery at home <big exhale> ... as I told trojandave "the game goes on" ...
... to all of you great folks on SEOPS - a sincere thank you for all of the support you have offered from the very beginning waaaaaay back in 2010 ...
... "thank you" - pfloyd & family ...

... to all of you great folks on SEOPS - a sincere thank you for all of the support you have offered from the very beginning waaaaaay back in 2010 ...
... "thank you" - pfloyd & family ...

... I have a full schedule of "surgery prep" beginning at 10am Sunday before surgery Monday morning at the James in C'bus ... not going to lie - I'm feeling very anxious about the surgery/the 7-8 day hospital stay/and the long recovery ... by the time I'm done with this surgery this week/the inpatient stay I will have been hospitalized 41 days in the last 8 months ... praying that more good comes from this surgery, that I WON'T need to begin a new chemo treatment - this last 6 months without treatment has been awesome! have felt almost human again LOL ... I look forward to waking up in the recovery room, hearing that all went well with the surgery - they were able to take out ALL of the cancer in my abdomen, that the resection of both intestines went as expected - TO BE SURE THOUGH I"M ASKING THAT BOTH OF MY SURGEONS STAY AT A HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS !!!!
... I wish for all of the teams Below the Lancaster-Dixon to continue on the path of improvement in the 3 weeks left of Summer Hoops ... I want to be able to get on the puter later this coming week and read some rundowns of this coming weeks play ...
... take care everyone ...

... I wish for all of the teams Below the Lancaster-Dixon to continue on the path of improvement in the 3 weeks left of Summer Hoops ... I want to be able to get on the puter later this coming week and read some rundowns of this coming weeks play ...
... take care everyone ...