I am cable hogue! A guy left to die in the desert and not only survived; flourished by finding water. There is a movie about me, well a ballad anyway! I am previously from Ravenswood West VA. a town in Jackson County WVa; so named as the ohio county I live in now off chillicpthe pike. I have folllowed and read posts on this forum for years as a guest. I just recently became a member.vctransplant wrote:Wow. I didnt mean to get such a weird discussion going. And who is this cable......whatever guy. A bit of a rattle snake. What does that mean? Sounds to me like he is the part of the male body that some guys refer to as their snake. No need to disrespectful cableguy you are entitled to your opinion and it is valued here on SEOP. There are a lot of good and knowledgable people on here. They will love to talk sports with you but not if you are a jerk. Keep going the way you are going you will be talking to yourself.
Why can other posters state thier opinions on here, and no hassle? Someone new joins the disscussion and ads his input and is categorized as a jerk; if the shoe fits transplant it!
WELL LOOKS LIKE I My have stirred up a hornets nest; cool.

I just like snakes, espesially rattle snakes. Think of the song by Ritchie Valens "La Bamba" some folks nicknamed the song a Bit of a Rattle Snake because it could jump up and bite you. Apparently some of you have been struck by my snake and writings. You just need to suck out the poison and take your medicine.