Jackson Basketball

Riding the Bench
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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Pavilion »

Out of Bounds you are either lying or don't read the paper. The board had already hired the coach back for this season on the recommendation of the superintendent by a 4-1 vote. The school had already taken care of it. The supt or the board took disciplinary action and the coach sat for 5 games and was docked part of his pay. He sat the first 5 games of the season. He was rehired after the season was over for this year, so I don't know how can you say he was not supported by this supt and board. The state took 6 months to decide their ruling. In fact, they took so long that the school actually had already hired him back a couple of months before the ruling came down. Go back and look at the local paper. The coach resigned, which meant he was currently in possession of the position. He was not non-renewed. He simply no longer had the credentials to coach because ODE took his pupil activity permit, which is a requirement to be a high school or junior high coach in the state of Ohio. It is not a requirement to coach at the collegiate level.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by jottings »

Got a final on tonight's Portsmouth-Jackson JV game? thanks.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by sparky »

from a total outsider, if your pee wee program is lacking instead of getting on here and bitchin and moaning get involved and do something about it. take action not just talk but actually help solve the problem. too many people talking about the problem instead of fixing it. if you are not part of the solution maybe you are part of the problem. then after hearing the parents rip you apart because they think you are clueless that old couch will be much more inviting.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

sparky wrote:from a total outsider, if your pee wee program is lacking instead of getting on here and bitchin and moaning get involved and do something about it. take action not just talk but actually help solve the problem. too many people talking about the problem instead of fixing it. if you are not part of the solution maybe you are part of the problem. then after hearing the parents rip you apart because they think you are clueless that old couch will be much more inviting.
I prefer the leather recliner. I'm donating my time sparky...you'd be proud.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by teamworkwins »

Improve your program or kids will transfer. Southeastern (players), Oak Hill (coach) etc. will be tempting. Howard would be a good fit for the Jr. High coming up.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

teamworkwins wrote:Improve your program or kids will transfer. Southeastern (players), Oak Hill (coach) etc. will be tempting. Howard would be a good fit for the Jr. High coming up.
Jackson can go 0-23 the next 6 years and my kid still won't transfer....especially for sports.

And no one loves sports more than I do.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by NewEra »

Howard stepping in next year or year after?

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Eaglesnest »

Ironman92 wrote:
teamworkwins wrote:Improve your program or kids will transfer. Southeastern (players), Oak Hill (coach) etc. will be tempting. Howard would be a good fit for the Jr. High coming up.
Jackson can go 0-23 the next 6 years and my kid still won't transfer....especially for sports.

And no one loves sports more than I do.
Excellent quote Ironman. Loyalty is a thing of the past.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ontheriver »

Jackson has always done a good job at bringing in outside coaches in all sports, but they do a good job at running them off also. It will always be this way in Jackson, There is to many back scratchers and good old clickish buddy clubs.

0-23 for the next 6 years and wouldnt look for alternatives, well your in the good old boy clickish club. As I said it will always be this way in Jackson.

You should know this Ironman 92, Example: they brought Blackstone in and built the program just to run him off and give it to the local Reynolds.

A lifelong teacher /AD is not all the sudden a High school basketball coach.

It might just be your kid on the team when Kight says were not doing bad with the kids we got. I guess he doesn't see his lack of coaching ability as part of the problem.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

Ontheriver wrote:Jackson has always done a good job at bringing in outside coaches in all sports, but they do a good job at running them off also. It will always be this way in Jackson, There is to many back scratchers and good old clickish buddy clubs.

0-23 for the next 6 years and wouldnt look for alternatives, well your in the good old boy clickish club. As I said it will always be this way in Jackson.

You should know this Ironman 92, Example: they brought Blackstone in and built the program just to run him off and give it to the local Reynolds.

A lifelong teacher /AD is not all the sudden a High school basketball coach.

It might just be your kid on the team when Kight says were not doing bad with the kids we got. I guess he doesn't see his lack of coaching ability as part of the problem.

What is your purpose on here? Are you just trying to keep the level of stupid very high? I posted EXACTLY what I meant. My kids will never transfer from Jackson, especially for athletics. If you're truly "that good"....you'll achieve plenty wherever you play. Every mom and dad want the best for their little star so they look for the greenest pastures and give 70 other reasons why it wasn't for sports.

Yeah....I'm DEFINATELY a part of the boys club in Jackson...that's why I flippin teach 4 counties away and have for 15 years. Quit trying to take my priorities and parental morals and throw them where you think I have them. Jackson had a pretty crappy softball program and my daughter had traveled about everywhere playing from 3rd-8th grade. Did we send her to Gallia Academy? Nope....she and another coulda been transfer stayed at their home school and right now Jackson softball is pretty high up there with a league title (1st in 33 years)....even beat Gallia Academy twice last season (funny as they were the top team around when they were going into high school)

How about you spew some more crap.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

And while I'm at it.....Blackstone definately did a lot for our football program....but many around here believe Jim Humphreys did even more. But let's look at the athletes at that time. Blackstone took over at the end of an era when Jackson football and basketball were just as low as ever (football 1-9) (basketball 1-20)....baseball was very low and then for a few years Jackson all of a sudden Jackson shares a league title in football, basketball, golf, and baseball jumped up into district play every year....the main reason was the athletes. Blackstone was a good football coach and you and I both know why he stopped coaching at Jackson.

Out of Bounds
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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Out of Bounds »

Ironman92 wrote:
Ontheriver wrote:Jackson has always done a good job at bringing in outside coaches in all sports, but they do a good job at running them off also. It will always be this way in Jackson, There is to many back scratchers and good old clickish buddy clubs.

0-23 for the next 6 years and wouldnt look for alternatives, well your in the good old boy clickish club. As I said it will always be this way in Jackson.

You should know this Ironman 92, Example: they brought Blackstone in and built the program just to run him off and give it to the local Reynolds.

A lifelong teacher /AD is not all the sudden a High school basketball coach.

It might just be your kid on the team when Kight says were not doing bad with the kids we got. I guess he doesn't see his lack of coaching ability as part of the problem.

What is your purpose on here? Are you just trying to keep the level of stupid very high? I posted EXACTLY what I meant. My kids will never transfer from Jackson, especially for athletics. If you're truly "that good"....you'll achieve plenty wherever you play. Every mom and dad want the best for their little star so they look for the greenest pastures and give 70 other reasons why it wasn't for sports.

Yeah....I'm DEFINATELY a part of the boys club in Jackson...that's why I flippin teach 4 counties away and have for 15 years. Quit trying to take my priorities and parental morals and throw them where you think I have them. Jackson had a pretty crappy softball program and my daughter had traveled about everywhere playing from 3rd-8th grade. Did we send her to Gallia Academy? Nope....she and another coulda been transfer stayed at their home school and right now Jackson softball is pretty high up there with a league title (1st in 33 years)....even beat Gallia Academy twice last season (funny as they were the top team around when they were going into high school)

How about you spew some more crap.
I92. I enjoy most everything you post. But nothing more than this right here. I applaud your no transfer mentality. And you are correct. If an althlete is one capable of playing on the next level, then they will accomplish enough and will get recognized even on a bad team.

I am still to this day VERY aggrevated with the way the school system has allowed outside influences to manipulate the program. They have lost some good young coaches on the way. And my comments in above statements I stand by. No matter what you read in the paper it was covered in a way that painted the picture the school system wanted. Those on the inside know EXACTLY what I am talking about. The school system is reaping what they sew all the way back to the non-renewal of Todd May. It's funny, the three best young coaches they have had in the system in my opinion, Dustin Ford (University of Illinois) Todd May (Concord University) and Heath Mckinnis (Rio Grande University) have all gone on to greener pastures. I know Coach Ford left on his own terms, but the other two were just screwed and didn't even get offered a kiss! I wish more parents had the attitude of I92, let the kids play and the coaches coach. The rest will fall into place.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

I'm not familiar with why May was nonrenewed, Ford obviously left on his own....but Heath was forced or at risk of losing his teaching license I thought? I thought that family and friend went to the big wigs at the state level and made the mole hill a mountain. From the few I spoke with after he returned from his 5 games he had paid for his actions through this punishment and they were to have him back....but they spoke as if they knew of the stuff coming down from the state and weren't sure on what they would decide.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by 96stroker »

7h grade got beat by Chillicothe twice I know , maybe other losses.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

96STROKER wrote:7h grade got beat by Chillicothe twice I know , maybe other losses.
Sounds great to me still. The last time Jackson won a league title that team was 10-3 in 7th and 11-4 in 8th grade.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by baseball16 »

Isn't chilli leaving Seoal?
96STROKER wrote:7h grade got beat by Chillicothe twice I know , maybe other losses.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Pavilion »

Out of Bounds, you can continue to blame whoever you want and to make up lies about how McKinnis was treated (at least this time around). I suspect he is just a good friend of yours and you know the truth, but if you really don't, go to the Ohio Dept of Education website and click on teaching, then click on Educator Conduct. From there you can search any teacher or coach. You can actually see that McKinnis has had his Pupil Activity Permit suspended and has a limitation of when he can reapply for one in the future. He can not or could not coach anywhere in high school in the state of Ohio this year. You say we can't believe what was reported in the local paper because the admin and board told it the way they wanted. Well, I suppose now you will say the admin talked ODE into putting a copy of this make believe license suspension on their website. You can even read an actual copy of the consent agreement that is in place. It is a public record and right there on the internet for all to view. Fact still remains that he was rehired by the loacl board and then ODE took his license so he had to resign. You simply can't coach high school without that permit! I believe the admin was done with their punishment, but the state put the final nail in the coffin. I personally thought McKinnis was a good young coach, but if the guy doesn't have a license he can't coach, and the board and admin can't be blamed for that. Apparently they were okay with what they done to him cause they hired him back for this year on a 4-1 vote and then this came down from the state. Why don't you run for school board and then fire all of the coaches and administrators you don't like - or at least quit lying about how McKinnis was hosed by the admin and board. Everyone in town knows there was a couple of people in town who wanted him out. They couldn't get it done at the local level as witnessed by his rehiring by the local board, so somehow they got it done at the state level.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ontheriver »

Ironman92 wrote:
Ontheriver wrote:Jackson has always done a good job at bringing in outside coaches in all sports, but they do a good job at running them off also. It will always be this way in Jackson, There is to many back scratchers and good old clickish buddy clubs.

0-23 for the next 6 years and wouldnt look for alternatives, well your in the good old boy clickish club. As I said it will always be this way in Jackson.

You should know this Ironman 92, Example: they brought Blackstone in and built the program just to run him off and give it to the local Reynolds.

A lifelong teacher /AD is not all the sudden a High school basketball coach.

It might just be your kid on the team when Kight says were not doing bad with the kids we got. I guess he doesn't see his lack of coaching ability as part of the problem.

What is your purpose on here? Are you just trying to keep the level of stupid very high? I posted EXACTLY what I meant. My kids will never transfer from Jackson, especially for athletics. If you're truly "that good"....you'll achieve plenty wherever you play. Every mom and dad want the best for their little star so they look for the greenest pastures and give 70 other reasons why it wasn't for sports.

Yeah....I'm DEFINATELY a part of the boys club in Jackson...that's why I flippin teach 4 counties away and have for 15 years. Quit trying to take my priorities and parental morals and throw them where you think I have them. Jackson had a pretty crappy softball program and my daughter had traveled about everywhere playing from 3rd-8th grade. Did we send her to Gallia Academy? Nope....she and another coulda been transfer stayed at their home school and right now Jackson softball is pretty high up there with a league title (1st in 33 years)....even beat Gallia Academy twice last season (funny as they were the top team around when they were going into high school)

How about you spew some more crap.

I92 has 8666 post's tonight , he's packing his bags and leaving Jackson to go teach 4 counties away tonight because he has no life, Wow wow wow wow

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

Ontheriver wrote:
Ironman92 wrote:
Ontheriver wrote:Jackson has always done a good job at bringing in outside coaches in all sports, but they do a good job at running them off also. It will always be this way in Jackson, There is to many back scratchers and good old clickish buddy clubs.

0-23 for the next 6 years and wouldnt look for alternatives, well your in the good old boy clickish club. As I said it will always be this way in Jackson.

You should know this Ironman 92, Example: they brought Blackstone in and built the program just to run him off and give it to the local Reynolds.

A lifelong teacher /AD is not all the sudden a High school basketball coach.

It might just be your kid on the team when Kight says were not doing bad with the kids we got. I guess he doesn't see his lack of coaching ability as part of the problem.

What is your purpose on here? Are you just trying to keep the level of stupid very high? I posted EXACTLY what I meant. My kids will never transfer from Jackson, especially for athletics. If you're truly "that good"....you'll achieve plenty wherever you play. Every mom and dad want the best for their little star so they look for the greenest pastures and give 70 other reasons why it wasn't for sports.

Yeah....I'm DEFINATELY a part of the boys club in Jackson...that's why I flippin teach 4 counties away and have for 15 years. Quit trying to take my priorities and parental morals and throw them where you think I have them. Jackson had a pretty crappy softball program and my daughter had traveled about everywhere playing from 3rd-8th grade. Did we send her to Gallia Academy? Nope....she and another coulda been transfer stayed at their home school and right now Jackson softball is pretty high up there with a league title (1st in 33 years)....even beat Gallia Academy twice last season (funny as they were the top team around when they were going into high school)

How about you spew some more crap.

I92 has 8666 post's tonight , he's packing his bags and leaving Jackson to go teach 4 counties away tonight because he has no life, Wow wow wow wow

GREAT GREAT counter!!!

Math Lesson (3rd Grade level)

I have 8666 posts (at time of your post) and have been on here since 11/17/2006 (2,291 days)

8666 divided by 2291 = 3.78 posts per day

If you wanna compare resumes on here outside of SEOP.....I'd be more than happy to do so.

Nice job negating nothing.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Jim Mora »

So what is new.... will they search again or will Kight hold it one more year for Howard?

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