TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

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Farmer Yoder
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TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by Farmer Yoder »

An epiphany came to me the other night as I assisted Trimble in their game with Southern. There is a cry in the TVC for a league assigner. To this I say...


I could see this as a great answer. Schools could pay me a fee and request a certain officiating profile. Got a game you have to win.....throw in an extra twenty and I will get the kind of offical you need to find that winning edge. Got a game against a weaksister a few bucks and I will send you a rookie who just wont get in the way.

Playing a rival? Me and Scotty dale will come out and seal the deal for you and your town. Heck, we will even hum the fight song while you shoot all those free throws.


These are ......just mine guys! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

John Wooden
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by John Wooden »

Why not you Steely?

JV Team
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by black76 »

Dang, every league needs you 8) 8) 8)

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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by rickoshay »

Farmer Yoder wrote:An epiphany came to me the other night as I assisted Trimble in their game with Southern. There is a cry in the TVC for a league assigner. To this I say...


I could see this as a great answer. Schools could pay me a fee and request a certain officiating profile. Got a game you have to win.....throw in an extra twenty and I will get the kind of offical you need to find that winning edge. Got a game against a weaksister a few bucks and I will send you a rookie who just wont get in the way.

Playing a rival? Me and Scotty dale will come out and seal the deal for you and your town. Heck, we will even hum the fight song while you shoot all those free throws.


These are ......just mine guys! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Do your guys need a Sheriff's escort to the county line, or beyond? Most SE Oh. teams can quickly arrange that. :122245

Willy Cheatem
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by Willy Cheatem »

I hope you all do hire the Farmer to do this. That way I can get in to do games at more than just the two that hire me now. Maybe there will be a little competition for our crew, and we can get even more extra incentives than we do now? Just a thought guys. :122245

And with that I say, willy cheatem? Yes he will! :mrgreen:

The Wizard
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by The Wizard »

why would most schools pay you for a service already provided to them?

Willy Cheatem
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by Willy Cheatem »

The Wizard wrote:why would most schools pay you for a service already provided to them?
Cause then they can be like some of those TVC Hocking teams and get most of the calls at home. :mrgreen:

Purple&Yellow Pride
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by Purple&Yellow Pride »

You guys need to dile it down. We aint never cheated anybody in racine. Yall just cant beat us.

Willy Cheatem
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Re: TVC Solution.....League Assigner.....ME!

Post by Willy Cheatem »

Purple&Yellow Pride wrote:You guys need to dile it down. We aint never cheated anybody in racine. Yall just cant beat us.
You're right casue it aint cheatin if the ref says it aint. :mrgreen:

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