Wheelersburg vs South Webster

The Ghost of Swanker
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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

My butt never hurts from a good ole fashion L from Burg 😂

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster


Gyro-Step wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:44 pm SE basketball as a whole is WAY DOWN and some of the worst talent on varsity level I’ve ever seen. How’s that for real talk?
Oh you're not hurting my feelings there trust me I totally agree! I think D3 and D4 are about as down as I've seen in quite some time around here! Thats why the Jeeps have a very good chance at making a run at the district because D4 is down!

As to why people are asking about the offense now I just think it's because it's near the halfway point of the season and just had a longggg winter break to work on things but the offense doesn't seem to have changed any from the first game. That's all people is saying! I also agree that this team isn't loaded with scorers or nothing like that! There just doesn't seem to be much rhythm in our offense and it's hard from the outside looking in to see exactly what we're trying to do other than hoping Blevins scores? Hopefully that changes going forward because you and I both know coaches scout heavily and this time of the year everyone has a pretty good idea as to what the other team is going to do!

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Gyro-Step »

Agreed. We still have a lot of nice players in this area... but the supporting casts are too often filled with youngsters who haven’t even got their feet wet in JV. When I played, you had to be PRETTY GOOD to be getting minutes at the varsity level as a freshman or sophomore. Now, these area teams are filled with these guys as their role players. Maybe it’s that guys aren’t sticking it out for 4 years and you don’t have the upperclassmen? Not sure. Anyways, webster has a lot of those young guys and they are getting great experience that will pay off in the future. Right now, however, they are passive. Have been all year... the youth may just be beginning to show itself? A lot of these guys are just running the play or passing the ball within the confines of the continuity and not looking to attack. I agree that they’re getting predictable, everyone gets that way 1/2 way through... but Not sure how you change it at this point unless you change a lot about the offense (blow it up?). We knew this team would struggle to score. Last year it was easy for some of these secondary players to blend in with Alek Blevins, Zimmerman, and Shonkwiler... but now we’re finding out how they can handle being the “focal” points. My point all along is I’m not surprised by what we’re seeing. Coach has them playing hard and that’s more than you can say for a lot of teams.

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Ironman92 »

Some good points being made

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster


Gyro-Step wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:55 pm Agreed. We still have a lot of nice players in this area... but the supporting casts are too often filled with youngsters who haven’t even got their feet wet in JV. When I played, you had to be PRETTY GOOD to be getting minutes at the varsity level as a freshman or sophomore. Now, these area teams are filled with these guys as their role players. Maybe it’s that guys aren’t sticking it out for 4 years and you don’t have the upperclassmen? Not sure. Anyways, webster has a lot of those young guys and they are getting great experience that will pay off in the future. Right now, however, they are passive. Have been all year... the youth may just be beginning to show itself? A lot of these guys are just running the play or passing the ball within the confines of the continuity and not looking to attack. I agree that they’re getting predictable, everyone gets that way 1/2 way through... but Not sure how you change it at this point unless you change a lot about the offense (blow it up?). We knew this team would struggle to score. Last year it was easy for some of these secondary players to blend in with Alek Blevins, Zimmerman, and Shonkwiler... but now we’re finding out how they can handle being the “focal” points. My point all along is I’m not surprised by what we’re seeing. Coach has them playing hard and that’s more than you can say for a lot of teams.
They are playing hard and I'm very happy about that. Like you said, that seems to be the battle for most teams and coaches around here!

For Webster this senior class has never had any participation in basketball or sports in general! In 7th grade they pulled 8th down to even field a team and in 8th they pulled 7th up to even field a team! Not 1 kid has ever even came out since freshman year - that's a crazy stat! It's the worst class athletically to ever come through here! But because of that this current group has always played up to make up for that which helps.

Jeeps only lost 3 players last year but were 3 very key players. SO like you said some of those role players last year have to step up and be big time contributors and that's no easy task! I do think we have to find a little more rhythm in our offense. Personally speaking I'd like to see some of our big kids (Witter, Edwards, Bockway) get some touches downlow maybe that will open things up?? Worst comes to worst we could use those big bodies out there just to set some screens!This is the biggest team we've had in several years so I'd just like to see that utilized a bit since I only see 1 dominant post player in the league and that young man plays for Oak Hill!

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by art_vandelay »

Gyro-step: I don't think pointing out a subpar offensive night makes me (or whoever your posts are referencing) a fairweather fan, but if so, then so be it. As long as individual kids/coaches aren't being called out on here, I don't see a problem with posting that a team had an off night. As for the Oak Hill or South Point games, I wasn't there so I'm not gonna comment on Webster's offense if I wasn't there to see it. SEOPreps has always been a good place for "real talk." If all we had on here were cheerleaders or chest-thumpers (and there are a few), it probably wouldn't be anywhere near the site it is today.

Regardless, as Jeepnation pointed out, Webster has both won and lost the games they should've. Minford will be a huge game Friday night and a chance for the Jeeps to get things right.*

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Gyro-Step »

The flu/fair weather comment was apparently a failed attempt at a “tongue in cheek” comment from me... was trying to lighten the mood while echoing Vito’s comment that everyone needs to stay patient. Wasn’t attacking anyone or trying to start anything. I’m 100% webster born and raised. You’d all know me well..anyways.Now that we’re passed that!

I agree with JNation that youngsters playing out of necessity because of that senior class (lack there of). That’s what you get occasionally in small towns, that is just a little extreme that we have 0 male athletes from that class. It is amazing.. Art, I have no issue with your comments from game..I know you and you’re a straight shooter and consistent on here and it’s appreciated.

I also agree that a post presence would be beneficial... all these young guys can hit a spot 3 and no better than the inside/out look. But in order for that to happen one of those guys would have to be a legitimate threat to score down there.. not to mention passing from the low post isn’t exactly an easy task for guys who aren’t used to having the ball in their hands. We shall see

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Vito Corleone »

Everything from here on out is just preparation to tournament time. That should be the only focus. The way I look at it is: They've got, what, 10-11 more games of preparation. They are young, the coaching staff is new. They are getting their feet wet too. Coach Cole's first time ever being the head of the program, and he got an extremely late start to this. New offenses they are trying to implement. They've got plenty of time to get things moving in the right direction for tourney. Would we like to see a little more progress offensively? Sure, who wouldn't. But it's going to take time. Just remember...No Seniors. This team next year is going to be really good. There's some help coming in 8th grade that has the possibility to contribute right away. Personally, Where the program is at...it's in really good shape. A little tourney success this year can add to the hunger for a great run next year. Patience SW folk. Patience

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by LucasDavenport »

Hello to all The Webster Posters.

Last nights game was maddening. We were never out of it yet never in it. But if you would have told me before the Game that Burg would win by 10 points — I probably wouldn’t have disagreed with you.

Good discussion on here.

Go Jeeps!!

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Proud_Pirate63 »

Gyro-Step wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:55 pm Agreed. We still have a lot of nice players in this area... but the supporting casts are too often filled with youngsters who haven’t even got their feet wet in JV. When I played, you had to be PRETTY GOOD to be getting minutes at the varsity level as a freshman or sophomore. Now, these area teams are filled with these guys as their role players. Maybe it’s that guys aren’t sticking it out for 4 years and you don’t have the upperclassmen? Not sure. Anyways, webster has a lot of those young guys and they are getting great experience that will pay off in the future. Right now, however, they are passive. Have been all year... the youth may just be beginning to show itself? A lot of these guys are just running the play or passing the ball within the confines of the continuity and not looking to attack. I agree that they’re getting predictable, everyone gets that way 1/2 way through... but Not sure how you change it at this point unless you change a lot about the offense (blow it up?). We knew this team would struggle to score. Last year it was easy for some of these secondary players to blend in with Alek Blevins, Zimmerman, and Shonkwiler... but now we’re finding out how they can handle being the “focal” points. My point all along is I’m not surprised by what we’re seeing. Coach has them playing hard and that’s more than you can say for a lot of teams.
Speaking of Zimmerman, didn’t he go away to college on a basketball scholarship? Why is he back coaching with the JV?

The Ghost of Swanker
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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

Defintiely agree Bockway needs on the floor more. Kids built like a slinky and what I've seen he can handle the ball better than the other bigs. I think Webster is legit 8 deep on D but on Offense Blevins is the only one you can count on scoring. Devon Corriel can shoot and drive as good as anyone and he sets the tone for offense and is pretty good at drawing the foul under the basket.

We're going to find a combination on the floor that is tough, sooner or could be later next season, it's just a matter of trial and error and since no one is going to stop Oak hill in conference I can live with finding the key before tournament starts.

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

I think he ended up at Shawnee?

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Proud_Pirate63 »

Swanker Pine wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:54 pm I think he ended up at Shawnee?
Whatever works for him I guess. I just like to see kids in this area experience life outside of southern Ohio. Even if it is for a few short years. Whole big world out there.

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster


Proud_Pirate63 wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:50 pm
Gyro-Step wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:55 pm Agreed. We still have a lot of nice players in this area... but the supporting casts are too often filled with youngsters who haven’t even got their feet wet in JV. When I played, you had to be PRETTY GOOD to be getting minutes at the varsity level as a freshman or sophomore. Now, these area teams are filled with these guys as their role players. Maybe it’s that guys aren’t sticking it out for 4 years and you don’t have the upperclassmen? Not sure. Anyways, webster has a lot of those young guys and they are getting great experience that will pay off in the future. Right now, however, they are passive. Have been all year... the youth may just be beginning to show itself? A lot of these guys are just running the play or passing the ball within the confines of the continuity and not looking to attack. I agree that they’re getting predictable, everyone gets that way 1/2 way through... but Not sure how you change it at this point unless you change a lot about the offense (blow it up?). We knew this team would struggle to score. Last year it was easy for some of these secondary players to blend in with Alek Blevins, Zimmerman, and Shonkwiler... but now we’re finding out how they can handle being the “focal” points. My point all along is I’m not surprised by what we’re seeing. Coach has them playing hard and that’s more than you can say for a lot of teams.
Speaking of Zimmerman, didn’t he go away to college on a basketball scholarship? Why is he back coaching with the JV?
He went but only for a few days! One of his relatives told me he “didn’t like the coach”... not sure how true that is but he’s back!

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by art_vandelay »

Gyro: no worries brother. I think we all can agree that Webster a young team that'll only get better. You're right though that Webster posters get a little more revved up whenever Burg the opponent (myself included)!

Like others have said, I'd also like to see a little more of Bockway. He a 6'4" sophomore that is athletic and can defend. Likewise, Witter and Edwards are big bodies that are decently athletic. Overall, Jeeps are playing hard regardless of outcome. That bodes well for them going forward.*

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Gyro-Step »

Proud pirate: zimmerman played soccer this year for Shawnee (as did Alek Blevins). Those guys along with Shonkwiler played in 3 district championship games last season. I think that success has positively impacted this years group (learning to win) as a lot of them were apart of those teams.

Agree with all the posts above that this team will get better as time goes on. Whether this year or next year, we can all definitely see the potential.

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by rxburgfan »

Burg only gets better in January and beyond so if you don’t beat them now chances become less. SW played about as well as they could and came up short.

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

^^^ we got them next Tuesday, again

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by Sport Fan »

Swanker Pine wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:01 pm LOL I remember when I was in high school. First time you've posted since they took that L from Waverly or what? Webster had 2/3 of the talent on the floor tonight even if one of them plays for the other team

You act like it was a blow out dude, It was a 8-10 point game the whole time. And really I wouldn't be surprised if it is a 20pt loss at Burg. Everyone knows it's 8 vs 5 over there.

Wrong when you play the Burg you play the whole town.. not 8 !!!!!!!!!

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Re: Wheelersburg vs South Webster

Post by sputNICK7v7 »

Sport Fan wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:40 am
Swanker Pine wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:01 pm LOL I remember when I was in high school. First time you've posted since they took that L from Waverly or what? Webster had 2/3 of the talent on the floor tonight even if one of them plays for the other team

You act like it was a blow out dude, It was a 8-10 point game the whole time. And really I wouldn't be surprised if it is a 20pt loss at Burg. Everyone knows it's 8 vs 5 over there.

Wrong when you play the Burg you play the whole town.. not 8 !!!!!!!!!
Yeah until you have them beat and then their fans start leaving early with 2 minutes left. Reach higher? No, reach faster... for those keys so we can beat the traffic. lol

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