More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

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More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by trojandave »

Which is more important to your school? Is it a league title or a significant tournament run (sectional title, district title, etc.)? League titles are won by showing consistently good basketball over the course of a 22 game season, while a significant tournament run is special because of the sudden death nature of the event. It used to be that winning a team winning a sectional title was awarded a trophy, but that is no more, at least in the SE district.....but at least there is still cutting down the nets.

The district title is special because each player receives a medal, something that will be a keepsake for the rest of their lives. A school winning a league championship receives a trophy (I think most league do this) that will be displayed in the trophy case for all to see. Just getting to the district final is quite a difficult achievement, because in some cases a school has to win 3 games to get to that point. For many schools in the SE district, getting to play at the Convo is a big deal, something that a lot of players have wanted to do their whole careers.

Of course getting to the state is the ultimate goal for any school, but unfortunately only a few get to experience the Final 4 and fewer win the state title. So which is more important to your school? At Portsmouth, the Trojans have won 14 league titles in its entire history, yet have 15 appearances in the state tournament. There are no league title banners hanging in PHS gym. Instead, there are the 4 state title banners on the wall and 2 others listing all the Final 4 appearances. Some schools have league title banners for each sport on their wall (I wish PHS had that).

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by Ironman92 »

At Jackson they are both huge and rare. I’d guess the kids want that convo’s not a long tourney run but Jackson never goes to the district tournament. If they make the district semis a couple times I’d guess the league championship might take over....but a long tournament can lead to all-time greatness, winning the league can’t.

Jackson advancing to districts: 1985? 2003?...not sure they made it other years back to the early 60’s. League titles? 1976 and 1991.

We’ll take either...but both will happen in the foreseeable future. Convo probably happens first....long tournament run, time will tell.

Depends on how it happens too. I’m guessing Southeastern going to the regionals last year would be way bigger to them than winning the SVC. On the other end the 20-0 defending state champ Oak Hill team winning SOC then getting upset in sectional finals...... I gotta say long tourney run definitely trumps regular season league championship

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by danicalifornia »

For years at Unioto, there were neither, so just winning their first SVC title in 16 seasons and going to the Convo for the first time in 12 seasons in back to back years were huge for the Shermans. Things have changed a bit, but this is really the first year since Unioto's really good run where the SVC has at least had a couple of serious contenders, so I know an SVC Championship would still mean a lot to the kids. However, a long tournament run is more of what they are wanting out of this season, I'm sure.

For a school like Southeastern, SVC Championships and long tournament runs seemed like they were happening every year, but it had been quite a while since they had made a Regional run (2003), so I know last year was amazing for those kids and that community.

I think it is almost based in your expectations. If you are picked 3rd or 4th in your league and you end up winning it would be huge, but so is the chance to say that you're the best team in the SE District by making a deep tournament run.

For me though? I say it is the tournament run. Every one remembers the teams that make deep runs, not necessarily the ones who win their league.

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by rxburgfan »

Win your league and then make the run. Winning league makes good hardware for hallways. Often the two go together.

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by svac83 »

I think both are pretty important. You don’t think unioto and fairland take pride in those long league winning streaks. And back in the 80’s southern was awful proud of that long winning streak.

League championships and that year long bragging is a big deal. And should never be over looked .

Tournament runs are so subjective. I mean if say in D-2 southeast sectional most teams only have to win 1 game to be a sectional winner. Which I think is ridiculous. So you could win 3 games and be in the district final. I think you would have to go that far at least to call it a run.

On a different tangent why do we have all these team breaking up and traveling this far if they only have to win one or two games to move on.

Why aren’t each of those sectionals broken in to so like the sectional at southeastern would be broken in 2 different sectionals. And then each of those sectionals would play out to a winner and a second place team. And then how they finish would determine where they are seeded at the district and even at the district I think the whole thing should play out to you have a winner and a second and then both of those teams should go to regionals.

Basically what I am saying is we need a system that if the 2 best teams in the state are from the same sectional they should have the ability to still meet in state final. And you could do this with maybe 3 extra games total. If that is too many games for you shorten the regular season a game or two. But none of these teams are over worked in postseason at one or 2 games a week.

I remember my senior year in high school we played 3 games in 4 nights in the sectionals lost in the final but we had a bash that week. This all spread at gas no flow.


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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by trojandave »

svac83: In 2007, Cincinnati Moeller defeated Cincinnati St.Xavier 43-40 in the D1 state championship game. Don't know if they were in the same sectional, but they are in the same Greater Catholic League. They did manage to avoid each other in district and regional play. One would think that they would have met before the state tournament. Just some quirky circumstances.

danicalifornia: I remember when Unioto lost to Columbus Walnut Ridge 46-45 in the 2015 D2 Athens regional. The Shermans missed several critical FT's in the last 2 minutes which cost them. It had to be heartbreaking to watch your school lose the way they did. I watched both of those regional games, and I felt that UHS was the best team of the four. What added to the heartbreak was the fact that the Shermans were undefeated. Walnut Ridge went on to win the regional. My point being that a long tournament run is exciting, but sometimes can bring disappointment with it, knowing that you had the better team.

Ironman92: I remember watching Jackson playing in the district in the early 2000's. Can't remember what year, but I thought they were playing either Warren or Gallia Academy. That year JHS went 17-3 in the regular season. Jackson lost the game, but I thought it was a very good year for the Ironmen considering that district appearances for Jackson have been very rare.

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by Coach SLegg »

Tournament Run...
Once the sweet nectar of the Final 4 is tasted, there's no turning back...ever. In a way it's kind of sad, but this is that word Expectation.
We've done both over the years, and nothing compares to the 1 and Done Season.
Also, if you're playing for a League Title and team gets off to a slow start for whatever reason early in the season, hopes for a League Title could be over in the first few weeks. However, the Tournament Run is the prize at the end of the season. Keeps players, coaches, fans, etc more engaged throughout and for the duration of the season if the goal is a good Tournament Run.
Just my opinion...

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by Ironman92 »

trojandave wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:57 pm svac83: In 2007, Cincinnati Moeller defeated Cincinnati St.Xavier 43-40 in the D1 state championship game. Don't know if they were in the same sectional, but they are in the same Greater Catholic League. They did manage to avoid each other in district and regional play. One would think that they would have met before the state tournament. Just some quirky circumstances.

danicalifornia: I remember when Unioto lost to Columbus Walnut Ridge 46-45 in the 2015 D2 Athens regional. The Shermans missed several critical FT's in the last 2 minutes which cost them. It had to be heartbreaking to watch your school lose the way they did. I watched both of those regional games, and I felt that UHS was the best team of the four. What added to the heartbreak was the fact that the Shermans were undefeated. Walnut Ridge went on to win the regional. My point being that a long tournament run is exciting, but sometimes can bring disappointment with it, knowing that you had the better team.

Ironman92: I remember watching Jackson playing in the district in the early 2000's. Can't remember what year, but I thought they were playing either Warren or Gallia Academy. That year JHS went 17-3 in the regular season. Jackson lost the game, but I thought it was a very good year for the Ironmen considering that district appearances for Jackson have been very rare.
2003 Jackson was 11-9 but then won 3 tournament games before losing to Gallia Academy in District finals 2005 they went 17-3 but lost to Tyler Evans and Logan Elm by a point. Those teams were led by Max Morrow ....Morrow now the Ironmen coach.

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Re: More Important--League Title or Tournament Run?

Post by art_vandelay »

I can't tell you who won the league titles most years, but I always recall long tourney runs. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the long tourney run but can also understand the other viewpoint.*

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