Southeastern coach

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by KRS »

I have always believed coaching was over rated, hopefully they get the right staff in place that can make everyone happy and be successful. I watched many games this year I saw a lot of growth with the young players. A program heading in the right direction with a youth program the last few years that was second to none, hopefully this continues. Best of luck to the next coach and the players.
Last edited by KRS on Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by hawkeyepierce »

KRS wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:48 pm Southeastern has won 32 games the last 4 seasons with 3 different coaches. Let that sink in for a far as the Athletic Director position he was giving that job up before basketball season even began. That was no secret around the Southeastern community, as he is a well respected teacher and community member and told many people. If I understand the process there will be no resignation at the next board meeting. He has chosen not to apply. My sources tell me he would have been renewed with a 4-1 vote but after the season decided it was not worth it. As far as parents are concerned, I get it. We get frustrated. When my kid played I felt like the coach didn't put in the time, practice enough, or prepare for games as much as I would have liked. I chose not to express my concerns in such a manner that would affect my kid or teammates feelings about their coach. It was never a personal attack on their character. I just had certain expectations that I felt were sometimes not met. Parents, me included, often think no one is good enough. It ended up working out and the sun still came up after the season had ended. best of luck to the next hire. I do believe they have enough talent to be very competitive the next few years.
The curse of Larry Jordan rolls on.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by eagles73Taylor »

Good luck to coach Adams.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by Chief02 »

KRS wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 7:35 am I have always believed coaching was over rated, hopefully they get the right staff in place that can make everyone happy and be successful. I watched many games this year I saw a lot of growth with the young players. A program heading in the right direction with a youth program the last few years that was second to none, hopefully this continues. Best of luck to the next coach and the players.
Coaching is overrated until the coach and staff demoralizes the leaders of your team and undermines their leadership. Previous poster was spot on with the problem.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by Chief02 »

PantherAlum wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:03 am 1. The Parents only concern was the bullying by the current/former coaching staff. Several parents wanted to attend practice but were told they would not only be barred from the grounds but also for that weekends games. Playing time WAS NOT an issue with the parents.

2. Anyone attending any games this year could recognize the former staff had no concept of in game coaching and a lack of any offensive philosophy. I was in attendance at the SE-New Hope Christian game. SE was down 25+ midway thru the 3rd qtr and coach never left his seat. Did not call 1 time-out to help the kids out. That pretty much summed up the season.

3. They have a lot of young talent on this team (more than enough to win more than 1 SVC game) so the time was right to make a change. Honestly, other than ZT and Adena, the SVC was pretty weak and to finish 1-13 was as embarrassing as it gets.

4. As someone posted earlier, I also have heard MA will take over.

Hopefully I haven’t stepped on any toes or hurt someone’s feelings but I witnessed a lot of negatives this year.
Bingo! Spot on post! When you don’t play your best player(s) in crunch time of games you may be close in, you have s coaching problem. There was no philosophy and no direction. Best wishes to Coach Adams.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by KRS »

If it is coach Adams, I think that would be the best hire for the current situation. I heard he was interested in it 3 years ago when Cox left, I wouldn't have minded if they would have made the switch then. Hopefully he is given ample time, Best of luck. I look for him to shake things up. Opinions vary on who the better players are so this could be interesting next season. Does anyone know about the staff ? The rumors are it is basically the same.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by PantherAlum »

Agree, the best route would have been Adams if he was interested 3 years ago. Would have been tough for him to give up the opportunity to coach Ella tho. I would hope he shakes up the entire staff top to bottom in my opinion. I don’t have a problem with Dresbach but think he is most suited as Freshmen coach if they field a Freshmen team in 2019. The rest are easily replaced.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by HamPorter »

Agree on Dresbach. He’s a good coach.

The rest can go and they would be much better off.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by KRS »

PantherAlum wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:21 pm Agree, the best route would have been Adams if he was interested 3 years ago. Would have been tough for him to give up the opportunity to coach Ella tho. I would hope he shakes up the entire staff top to bottom in my opinion. I don’t have a problem with Dresbach but think he is most suited as Freshmen coach if they field a Freshmen team in 2019. The rest are easily replaced.
regardless of who was coaching 3 years ago the odds were we would be in the same situation. Looking for a new coach. Hopefully he stays and/or is given the opportunity to stay for a few years to see how things go. I agree, a complete overhaul would probably be best but putting a staff together can be difficult that is why the talk was it was basically going to be the same. I am sure you would have a plan in place before accepting the position but if not I sat around and heard some people at games that sounded like they are willing to apply so you may be correct about being easily replaced. I don't see many current 8th. graders playing up so I would imagine there will be a freshman team.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by E High »

Would they consider being Slaughter back ?

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by Sid Farkus »

Good luck to Coach Adams! He's a good guy that cares about the kids. I know I'd trust him as much as anyone with the safety of my child. I think they should make a commitment to give him at least 4 years, though. Slaughter only being given one year and Strausbaugh two was not right. A coach needs an opportunity to change the program to what they want. This cannot be done in one or two years. Hopefully, Coach Adams will be treated with a little more patience than the previous two coaches.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by KRS »

Sid Farkus wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:09 pm Good luck to Coach Adams! He's a good guy that cares about the kids. I know I'd trust him as much as anyone with the safety of my child. I think they should make a commitment to give him at least 4 years, though. Slaughter only being given one year and Strausbaugh two was not right. A coach needs an opportunity to change the program to what they want. This cannot be done in one or two years. Hopefully, Coach Adams will be treated with a little more patience than the previous two coaches.
Last edited by KRS on Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by N2Hoops »

Wasn’t Strausburgh who everyone wanted?

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by KRS »

This will be the 4th coach in 5 years so obviously not. Eventually you have to give someone time to build a program. Hopefully that is what Coach Adams gets. Team struggled in the regular season a few years ago but made a run to the sweet 16, coach was out. Last year, team won as many games in the last 5 years at SE and went to the Convo. Same coach this season starting 2 freshman took their lumps, coach is out. I believe they only graduate 1, so they should be more competitive this year and fun to watch.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by PantherAlum »

Agree that a commitment has to be made to a coach to build a program. Slaughter should have been given a more of a chance but the powers that be made their decision prior to that sweet 16 run and had to much pride to rethink that impulse decision. However the Strausbaugh era has run its course. There is a lot of talent coming back on this team and these kids need some kind of positive direction in going forward. Pretty sure if Strausbaugh was kept on for next year that some of that talent (and their parents) would be moving to other districts.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by KRS »

They do return the majority of their team and should improve this season. I see about 8-10 kids legitimately competing for the starting spots. Should make for some competitive practices throughout the year making everyone better.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by N2Hoops »

Stay tuned for the new season of Survivor “Southeastern” can the new coach last longer than 2 years find out the next 2 winters and kick back with some panther dogs on an all new “Survivor Southeastern”.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by Solomon »

Southeastern's problem is Justice. I have it from a good source that he told coach, and he did this to Cox also, that he had talked to all of the school board members and says to the coach, that they don't have the votes to be rehired. So, Justice uses the school board to "fire" the coach when in reality he never speaks with the board members. I have board members tell me so, and they don't appreciate being thrown under the bus by Justice.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by PantherAlum »

Obviously, the Board members must not have attended many of the games this year. If they had they would have recognized the incompetence of the former coach. Factor that in with the concerns of several parents with how their kids were being treated that the Board did not follow up on, then you have a problem within the Board itself.

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Re: Southeastern coach

Post by Solomon »

Well, who made the recommendation to hire the former coach? The problem is not the board, it is the incompetence of the administration and the lack of institutional control. Justice hired him, his mistake, and he doesn't want anyone to know he made the mistake.

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