Not me baby. Coach Lisath is doing exactly what a coach in 2023 should be doing, which is building energy in the schools and community around the program. Kids both inside and outside of Portsmouth will respond to that energy, and it’s not a surprise many will want to be a part of it. That can be extra kids coming out or moving in.Calvin wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:55 amThose Ironheads and Burgers are irrational and childish with their incessant accusations and nonsensical posts. So don’t let that stop you from sharing information. Folks on this thread are much more rational.trojandave wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:12 am I would talk about any possible transfers coming in, but I don't want this thread to turn into something that looks like the Ironton--Wheelersburg football threads, which are rife with accusations of recruiting, transfers, and espionage.
I will say that Coach Lisath's energy and his style of play displayed in scrimmages has been very appealing to some outside the PCSD, so much so that some decisions have been made that will help the basketball program. Decisions of which Coach Lisath had absolutely nothing to do with.
I know that's somewhat cryptic, but I'll leave it at that.
If your coach isn’t doing this, that’s a problem that needs fixing.
SEO basketball can’t be as strong as it can be without a strong Portsmouth. I am rooting for Coach Lisath and the Trojans to go 20-2 next year, and think it’s awesome what they’re building.