DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by greygoose »

lol, you haven’t been to many games definitely not at the game played at Jackson

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by Tanks3232 »

MyTurn2 wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 8:24 am Coaches wife?🤣 Hell no🤣 your reaching there big time🤣 Do you truly think a coach's wife is gonna get on here and respond to all this bs and make matters worse for them? Come on now lol.
And hypocrite? Thats so funny! Sounds like your actually one of those parents and i can prob guess which one LOL. Just calling a spade a spade here lol. All these threads are people behind keyboards talkin poop (not all just some) but you wanna try bashing me all cuz i spit facts? Lol. Way too funny!. Something wrong with stating facts or would you like screenshots and videos to back it up too? Theres plenty. Or is the true problem that said parents are gettin called out for what they really are, the problem? Bottom line is this, you cant point fingers blaming just the coach this season without knowing the back story lol. I can go back and forth all day bout this whats the point its not like its gonna get anywhere. The seasons over anyways. I just feel sorry for these kids cause this year could have went so much better.
As for the game, unioto was on fire shooting,i wont deny that. However, doin things like smackin in the face, hitn in the eye and stuff intentionally (it was obvious it was intentional) isnt cool in any game and the waverly boys didnt seem to play like we seen the last few tourney games. Its that simple so yeah they did seem like they were off. Either way, no one expected them to even get past the first game let alone go to convo so hats off to them. Just goes to shot how good they can be when they work together🤷‍♀️
Everyone has their 2 cents and thats mine🤣 after all, opinions are like assholes and everyones got one right? LOL. :lol:
Unioto players were purposely hitting people in the face? The only time someone got hit on the face was a follow through when 0 on Unioto blocked 30

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by danicalifornia »

I’m so confused on how 21-49 from the field is on fire, same for 6-19 from 3 being on fire too.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by YouCantBeSerious »

Tough game for the Tigers. Unioto played pretty well and Waverly didn’t. Waverly came out of the gate firing and then after about halfway thru the 1st quarter started to decline and never recovered. If you have been to many Waverly games, especially against good teams, you will know this is a trend. Starting out well and then after a few mins it’s gone for the rest of the game. I think that is a combo of a few things, being young is one. But it also seems like they have a few planned/scripted sets for the first few minutes then it goes south and they are extremely stagnant offensively. They were notorious for going quarter stretches of only scoring 5-7 points. They were so many possession’s last night where Waverly just had one guy dribbling and the other 4 guys are just standing and watching, this occurred a lot this season. Just don’t get it.
Honestly the game wasn’t even out of reach yet at the beginning of the 2nd quarter, but the way the Tigers players faces looked it was already over. Once they mature they will be fine.

As far as who is leading this team going into next season is a mystery, that will play out in time. I do hope no matter who it is, things become more positive and that will take effort from everyone involved. There can’t be parents lashing out at every little thing and there can’t be a coach who is telling people that they are ready for the season to be over with already when you are only about halfway thru it with a very young talented team.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by postmalone20 »

This post is embarrassing, just like what happened after the Jackson game.
Be better.
Do better.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by Shoedaddy »

1. I believe if Waverly played Unioto 10xs we lose 9.
2. Freshman and Sophomore played against seniors there is a big difference between 15 yr olds and 18 yr olds physically and mentally.
3. It was a bad matchup. Waverly has 1 good ball handler while Unioto had 4 guards that defended ferociously.
4. Combs is hard to beat… especially at the Convo
5. Celebrate the great tournament run. This team is young and lost 15 games but still made it to a district final.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by FIDO »

Way to finish the season strong Tigers. Most didn't see success in the tourney and you've proved them wrong. Sometimes the other team is better. No reason to hang your head's. Learn and build for the future. Above all else, tune out the noise coming from the peanut gallery.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by hbk1999 »

Waverly Coaching staff seemed pretty disinterested during the game.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by OldHooper »

HoopsMaverick84 wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2025 10:38 pm
Tanks3232 wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2025 10:07 pm Honestly was never close. Zickafoose and Welch locked up 10. Not sure if coaching made much of a difference in this one…
I’m not sure if we watched the same game or not, but waverly ran zero sets other than the first play of the game which was a lob set thrown off the rim that was wide wide open, next we’ll get to the 2nd half unioto brings the press as the tigers have NO actual press break just try to isolate 10 where he gets trapped, THEN throw it to the other team and let them get layup after layup before any time out. Very very poor performance.
I’m not so sure you actually watched the game either. Don’t recall 10 having a single turnover in the back court.

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by OldHooper »

The toxicity level with this group is wild. No wonder there’s so much chatter about players/coaches leaving.

This site is meant for talking basketball, predictions, hyping up good players, coaches and great teams. High school basketball players should never be spoken about in a negative format.

As for the DIV District Championship game - Unioto executed and played extremely well. Coach Combs had the offense rolling and taking advantage of mismatches and Coach Fitch had an outstanding defensive strategy. Hats off to them. They played hard and won with much class. They commended the young Waverly team on multiple different levels.

As for Waverly, these kids, coaches, fans and administrators should be proud. These players found a way to make something out of a difficult season. Making it to a District Championship is a magnificent accomplishment.

The only team I can remember seeing this young on that stage was the Fairland team from maybe 6-8 years ago. I believe they started 5 Sophomores. Other than that, unheard of.

Congrats to both teams. The U has a chance to win another one!

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Re: DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP Waverly (7) vs Unioto (2)

Post by EagleNut14 »

I’ve watched Waverly play several times this year and from the outside looking in I feel like the problem is with this team is you have 4 role players and Alexander. I dont know if thats not sitting well with the players or if thats not sitting well with the parents? I have even heard that a teammate had made the comment halfway through the season they wasn’t passing the ball to a freshman! If that’s the case that’s very sad. Everyone can’t be the leading scorer and kids have to know there roles and if this team can’t buy into that it don’t matter how young they are or who is coaching them they will never get to where they think this team will go. Not saying that any of these kids are bad players because that’s not the case at all (very solid group of sophomores) but they don’t have that other guy yet that can help take the pressure off of Alexander. Hurt has definitely proved that he can be the other guy as far as going out and getting 20+ a night just needs to get a little stronger and be more than just a shooter. Hopefully Waverly figures it out but from the comments on this post I don’t see it happening which is very sad.

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