Retaliation on South Gallia?

Rebels 0n 3
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Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by Rebels 0n 3 »

Someone recently pointed out that the refs beat us at South Point. Now w are getting cheated at home which NEVER happens...... Could this be payback for someone exposing those zebras?

Judge and Jury
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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by Judge and Jury »

Lol did someone just say s.g. got cheated at home by the refs lol come on man s.g. got beat quit making excuses for the kids!!

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by brown22 »

I've never seen a ref cheat I've seen them get mad at the fans or coach and make a call being a smartass and then I've seen just horrible refs but I've never seen them cheat and make sure a team loses.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by art_vandelay »

Was it the same crew doing the second game? Or are you saying that a completely different crew read comments on seopreps and cared enough to cheat South Gallia because of the comments? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....*

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by Raiderball »

It's a conspiracy.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by 93Bulldog »

For some odd reason, one of the best crews in southeast Ohio did the game in Merverville last night. I highly doubt anyone got cheated.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by enigmaax »


How long before the other RebelO0n333s whine about having their name a REF?

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by Bazinga! »

Rebels 0n 3 wrote:Someone recently pointed out that the refs beat us at South Point. Now w are getting cheated at home which NEVER happens...... Could this be payback for someone exposing those zebras?
Is this for real? Did you really just post this comment? What in the world is wrong with you people down there?


If you don't like the officiating at a home game..... Blame your AD!!!! They hire them. Some crews are very bad. Don't hire those crews. But don't blame them when your team is not the best team that night. You give all the people of SG and that school such a bad name. Poor Losers!

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?


The officials that worked this game are three of the top ones in Southeastern Ohio. You very well could see any of these officials in the sectional, district, and regionals. Who knows one of the them may have a state game. Heck one of them is a Big Ten Football official. The game was called physical just like it will be called in the tournament. As a player you have to adjust to the officials not the officials adjust to the players. Now the Rebels can go several ways but I hope they learn from this and improve so they can make a run in the tournament. If they make excuses like some do on here then this season will end as a disappointment just like last year did.

I hope this group learns from this game and works to improve. You have to execute the fundamentals such as boxing out and taking care of the ball. SG did not necessarily shoot that well tonight and hit the boards that well in this game. You know that something will go wrong in any game so you have to overcome things that happen.

Heck was talking with one of the players from the 2011-12 team and we both agreed if that group had had the District Final game that year SG would have made it to the Regionals. We even joked that Danny and Dalton might have put a few guys in the hospital.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by NeutralField »

Rebels 0n 3 wrote:Someone recently pointed out that the refs beat us at South Point. Now w are getting cheated at home which NEVER happens...... Could this be payback for someone exposing those zebras?
I root for SG but you are the 1%. There is no Conspiracy Theory! Nobody agrees with you and your making the SG community look like cry babies. The coaches don't want to hear it, the players don't want to hear it, the fans don't want to hear it and posters on this board don't want to hear it.

Rebels on 3️⃣
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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by Rebels on 3️⃣ »

Rebels 0n 3 wrote:Someone recently pointed out that the refs beat us at South Point. Now w are getting cheated at home which NEVER happens...... Could this be payback for someone exposing those zebras?
Off topic but plz people quit stealing my screen name.

My story is. I was the original Rebels on 3 from way back in name was taken not once but twice now by Rebelson3 and Rebles on 3....I was Rebel Mafia but now I am Rebels on 3️⃣ the real OG.
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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by enigmaax »

Rebels on 3️⃣ wrote:
Rebels 0n 3 wrote:Someone recently pointed out that the refs beat us at South Point. Now w are getting cheated at home which NEVER happens...... Could this be payback for someone exposing those zebras?
Off topic but plz people quit stealing my screen name.
enigmaax wrote:*like*

How long before the other RebelO0n333s whine about having their name a REF?
Slightly under 9 hours.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

enigmaax wrote:
Rebels on 3️⃣ wrote:
Rebels 0n 3 wrote:Someone recently pointed out that the refs beat us at South Point. Now w are getting cheated at home which NEVER happens...... Could this be payback for someone exposing those zebras?
Off topic but plz people quit stealing my screen name.
enigmaax wrote:*like*

How long before the other RebelO0n333s whine about having their name a REF?
Slightly under 9 hours.
How long before no one cares what enigmaax had to say anymore. All this guy does is complain and bash on every thread. Dude relax, have fun.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

Anyways the Refs don't reflect the outcome of the game. Players have to play and put themselves in the right situation to not let calls effect the outcome of the game. SG has a good team this year and could make a good tourney run, just need to get their heads up and move on. They have Trimble one more time this year and could still win the hocking if a few things go right. Or at least a share of the title. On to Wahama.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

They need to make a cap on how many profiles you can make on here. Now there is a Rebelson3, Rebels on 3, Rebels on 3️⃣, and now some immature person literally made a Rebelson3️⃣ just a few hours ago. This is getting real old people. Grow up and let's talk about sports enigmaax because it's obvious you are the one doing this.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

enigmaax wrote:
RebelZone wrote: How long before no one cares what enigmaax had to say anymore.
Here let me help you. There are things called a typo. It was supposed to say “How long before no one cares what enigmaax HAS to say anymore”. It's so obvious you are the one making all the fake profiles.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

Anymore no further extent. There you go little buddy.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

enigmaax wrote:
RebelZone wrote: How long before no one cares what enigmaax had to say anymore.
It's taking you awhile to log into your other accounts to fire back lol. enigmaax aka Rebelson3️⃣ aka probably all the other Rebels on 3 screen names also.

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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by enigmaax »

I just meant anymore as in, did anyone EVER care, sooooo....

(PS - I do not have multiple accounts and normally don't find those who do funny. This is an exception because of how much whining you/he/they/whoever has done this week.)

Riding the Bench
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Re: Retaliation on South Gallia?

Post by RebelZone »

enigmaax wrote:I just meant anymore as in, did anyone EVER care, sooooo....

(PS - I do not have multiple accounts and normally don't find those who do funny. This is an exception because of how much whining you/he/they/whoever has done this week.)
On every thread where there's a Rebels on whatever you are always the one feeding the fire. It's obvious dude. Let it go.


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