Coach Gibson Steps Down at West

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Post by ManitouDan »

nothing , since we don't know WHY he walked out. MD

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Post by ManitouDan »

"don't care what the circumstance " ---thats a extremely naive response ---just for instance (and this is not real, just a "what if" ) what if a kid was on alcohol and the adm' would not support his decision to kick the kid off ? What if a kid had a parent that physically threatened the coach ? What if the coach did'nt feel physically up to the job since an illness came on and felt he could not give it his all ? There are lots of things that could go wrong that could cause a coach to give it up quickly.

NO , this is'nt an ideal thing to happen by any means, and my guess all parties involved wish it would'nt have happened this way . Sometimes things happen where you have to prioritize ----and contrary to all thought , sports should never, ever be the # 1 priority in our lives. best of luck to young coach Dunham , he comes from a great family.
Last edited by ManitouDan on Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by black76 »

Let me rephrase, because the last thing I am is naive. There are rare circumstances when it is appropriate to step down, health is a major one. That's why you only see it happen rarely, generally, the reasons can wait till the season's end, that way, you don't abandon and orphan the very kids that are putting forth effort day in and day it has to be an unusual circumstance to have a coach walk out mid season and most would agree with that.

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Post by basernner »


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Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

Coach Gibson took all he could. He tried very hard to run a strict/disciplined program but didn't have much backing from the school board or Superintendent. If you don't have that support you have nothing. Why did Coach Sammons step down??? They wanted him to coach the team but Coach Triplett to discipline the team, come on!!! Tell me anywhere that that happens in high school ball-The head coach responsible for coaching and your assistant-head football coach responsible for discipline!!!!! What a joke!!!!

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Most of the time I would agree but with Coach Triplett could have worked. 8)

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Post by ManitouDan »

basernner wrote:But what does all this say about the person that walked out on his TEAM?
Don't forget his assitant lasted less than a week ---maybe there is some sort of larger issue at hand when 2 coaches with literally decades of coaching behind them step down in quick fashion. MD

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Post by Black Panther »

ClevelandBrowns#1 wrote:Coach Gibson took all he could. He tried very hard to run a strict/disciplined program but didn't have much backing from the school board or Superintendent. If you don't have that support you have nothing. Why did Coach Sammons step down??? They wanted him to coach the team but Coach Triplett to discipline the team, come on!!! Tell me anywhere that that happens in high school ball-The head coach responsible for coaching and your assistant-head football coach responsible for discipline!!!!! What a joke!!!!
Just looking at it as an outsider, if you think about it, how many kids are going to really listen to a coach that is about thier same age?So bringing in Tripplett for the father figure makes some sense.On a whole it still sounds like a train wreck in the making.They have only delayed the crash for now...

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Post by Cameron34Crazie34 »


all the players get along with Dunham.

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Post by Black Panther »

Cameron34Crazie34 wrote:no

all the players get along with Dunham.
Listening too.. and getting along with are two different things... Being too friendly can work as a negative as well.It may all work out but it just dosent sound like a real good situation.

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Post by black76 »

Whatever the reasoning for "walking out" mid season, if Coach Gibson had "all he could take" (heard he is a nice guy, don't know him)...irregardless, someone had to step in and quick (he left with only several days to compete again) and so far it's working out to have Triplett there for discipline and whatever else basketball wise he can contribute. So Cleveland Browns #1, you obviously haven't put yourself in the shoes of the people left holding the can of worms. What kind of backing are you referring to from administration? Usually admistrators WANT coaches that discipline kids, are you saying that this administration wanted the kids out of control? I seriously doubt it. There are rules to follow regarding discipline at each school, set in stone. West will be fine and they will finish the season strong, given the circumstance. As far as the rest of it goes with Sammons, you obviously don't understand the way it has played out, but coaches need to pull together and help the kids, whoever they are, whatever the role, not walk out on unusual circumstances. Hats off to whoever hangs in there and HELPS!

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Post by knowledge »

From what I hear all the kids respect and are behind Dunham. When are you vets.. gonna realize that us young guns.. are coming, and were on the rise, and gaining knowledge more and more. Hiring veteran coaches as new head coaches is the dying breed of hiring. When I say veteran coaches, I say coaches who a 10-15 plus commitment possibility would be unlikely. No disrepsect intended, Im just saying new hires is all about the youth movement now a days. 8)

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Post by ManitouDan »

being neither a vet or a rising young gun I found that post hilarious. We young guns are a risin ' Watch out ! Like every young person since the beginning of time has not said the exact same thing. As I've said twice already ---good luck to the young fella but it will take a huge support net under and around him to make it work . Guess it was kinda nice playing two out manned teams in NB and SW after the coaching switch instead of someone who might have hung 2 loses on them . Maybe the mood would be different ? Lets set back and see how it works out and offer the kids the support they need. MD

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Post by falconflyer »

3 years out of high school has problems associated with it that no reasonable administration should take on.

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Post by farmer »

One problem is that he is just a coach not on the school staff then having parents come down to complain before or after games. He maybe the best option as a coach but needs support. His age and knowledge of the game may not be a factor to his players right now but after some losses will it. The same goes for parents. Having someone with experience can help also to deal with some refs who do not want to listen to someone still in college. They still would need an assistant no matter who the coach is.

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Post by black76 »

Another point to consider, if the two vet coaches that left did so because, as Cleveland Browns put it, they weren't supported in disciplining the kids, how is a 21 yr old going to handle that same group? Sorry, but he may be eaten alive, don't you think?

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Post by Cameron34Crazie34 »

no i dont think he will get ate up, they are behind him and they wanna win

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Post by DEmaniac »

You know, a coach is a COACH. Kids dont matter in that equation. They are PLAYING basketball, not COACHING it. I dont give a darn about their feelings, they are to do what the coach says and thats it! This class of kids are the most posted about for something or other for the past 3 years and someone at West needs to step up and take the bull by the horns! I think the parents of these kids have alot to do with it and look what it has brought them, 3 years of NOTHING!

The kids have TONS of talent but they and everyone else keep getting in the way of their possibilities! Let the Coach COACH and the parents CHEER.

West is down for 1 more year then I expect them to rear their UGLY heads again and be competitive!

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Post by black76 »

DEmaniac wrote:You know, a coach is a COACH. Kids dont matter in that equation. They are PLAYING basketball, not COACHING it. I dont give a darn about their feelings, they are to do what the coach says and thats it! This class of kids are the most posted about for something or other for the past 3 years and someone at West needs to step up and take the bull by the horns! I think the parents of these kids have alot to do with it and look what it has brought them, 3 years of NOTHING!

The kids have TONS of talent but they and everyone else keep getting in the way of their possibilities! Let the Coach COACH and the parents CHEER.

West is down for 1 more year then I expect them to rear their UGLY heads again and be competitive!
WHAT? :shock: Who made you the expert on West? Go back to Wheelersburg threads and put down your football coach like you did all last year, despite a great year, then see how it looks to come on here and lecture West folks....!!!!!!!!! GEEZ!

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Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

Demaniac, very well said-If they would have let the coach (Gibson) coach and the family cheer then they wouldn't be in this problem!!!! Too many parents in MANY school districts want and do stick there nose into the coaching of athletic programs. When this happens, what is the result??? LOSING-The school itself loses, the programs loses and the student athlete loses.

The school board needs to step up and stop all this parental involvement or ALL your programs will decline. Ask yourselves West backers, how many programs are successful at your school??? What is the problem??? Answer these honestly and you might see that it is not the athletes, nor the coaches, but a parental and board problem!!!!!!! Just telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!

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