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Post by Army »

ZvilleBlueDevil wrote:Shane Centers is the one Hitch was talking about he's no bomber that's Brandon Mill's are top sub Shane is our muscle guy who played a great game at Logan Shane was one of the best football players Zville had.

This game will have some great match up's basically it will be speed vs speed both teams play great 'd' it might come down to who has last shot.Can't wait 4 friday and have a safe trip to Zanesville.

GO BLUE DEVIL"S :) :) :) :!: :!:


Good Luck to you guys too. By the way, where is Zane Vegas :?: :-D


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Post by Out of Bounds »

I would say if Z-ville's post players can handle the ball on the perimeter, I would try to bring the bigs outside to try to get Dawes and Chambers away from the basket. If Humpty is guarding Arnolt I beleive he could do some damage in the paint posting him up. JMO. Chilli is more athletic and just pressures the heck out of the ball. If they can get some to's and shoot free throws they will win. Should be a great game.

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Post by ZvilleBlueDevil »

Army don't know where ZV is must be resting..........

OutOfBound's you won't see a Aronhalt -Humpty match up i see a C Harris -Humpty match up and probably a Prati - Chamber's matchup . The key match up will be Zvill's Andre Harris -?????? he's Zville ace in the hole and throw in Aronhalt that's why this darn game will be so good....

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Post by Army »

Can't wait to see these two in action again. :-D

Good Luck Zville.


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Post by tropicalbreeze »

Match ups will be interesting. Hitch mentioned Chillicothe may try to use Chamber to guard Aronhalt, but if they do that, they have no one big enough to guard Pratti, plus who will guard Andre? But Zanes will have to be able to get into their offensive sets and be able to make good entry passes to the post to exploit some match ups. Plus, if the double team comes to the post, hopefully the open man can be found. The entry passes sound easy, but Chillicothe's strenght has been the "on ball" pressure...I'm sure both coaches are fully prepared, so it'll come down to execution, and foul trouble! Go Devils!

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Re: Zanes/Chilli

Post by Army »

tropicalbreeze wrote:Match ups will be interesting. Hitch mentioned Chillicothe may try to use Chamber to guard Aronhalt, but if they do that, they have no one big enough to guard Pratti, plus who will guard Andre? But Zanes will have to be able to get into their offensive sets and be able to make good entry passes to the post to exploit some match ups. Plus, if the double team comes to the post, hopefully the open man can be found. The entry passes sound easy, but Chillicothe's strenght has been the "on ball" pressure...I'm sure both coaches are fully prepared, so it'll come down to execution, and foul trouble! Go Devils!


I agree...but I think the opposite if we can get enough pressure we will be able to get the ball and make the plays. Hopefully Ray and Seth and Smith will take control of the boards and Humpty well...humpty just expodes as he did in the Dayton Dunbar game. :-D

Whoever made a joke above about Dunbar being over-rated and defeating a low key team by 9 the night before there game with us, must of forgot they defeated Brookhaven who beat our CAVS in OT.

The Chillicothe and Zville game will be a good one.


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Post by baller3 »

Good Luck Chillicothe. The two games last year were great and I'm sure this year will be the same.

Go Cavs!!

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Post by gymratt »

I think we will see Chambers stay down low with Prati.

IMO we will most likely see
Dawes-A. Harris
Knights+Stu Bev-Aronhalt
Stu Bev+Humpty-Ced Harris

Sorry I cant remember who your 5th starter is
but depending on his skill set I see Stu and/or Humpty on Him. Idealy I would see Humpty taking the "easiest" perimeter defensive job so that he is saving energy for the offensive end(Many NBA superstars do this and they have done it with Hump all year. Stu and Caleb are two of the best perimeter defenders around and stu's quickness on defense would equalize Cedric's on offense IMO. I would like Calebs chances on Aronhalt better than Stu's because he is a little bigger and will be able to push Aronhalt to the outside...Hopfully :?: If Aronhalt cant be kept outside I would look for Ron Smith to see significant playing time and Dawes on Aronhalt with Smith on A. Harris. The key matchup in this game will be whether The Ville can stop Hump on ofeense so it only makes sense to save him for that end of the court. I also Like Chambers staying inside...NO WAY do you pull a shot blocker and rebounder like him outside...NO WAY.

Does anyone know the Status of Mike Newman. If he is Able to go he could easily bang with Prati and Chambers could guard the more Athletic A. Harris. Just s thought though.

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Re: Zanes/Chilli

Post by Hitchbone64 »

tropicalbreeze wrote:Match ups will be interesting. Hitch mentioned Chillicothe may try to use Chamber to guard Aronhalt, but if they do that, they have no one big enough to guard Pratti, plus who will guard Andre? But Zanes will have to be able to get into their offensive sets and be able to make good entry passes to the post to exploit some match ups. Plus, if the double team comes to the post, hopefully the open man can be found. The entry passes sound easy, but Chillicothe's strenght has been the "on ball" pressure...I'm sure both coaches are fully prepared, so it'll come down to execution, and foul trouble! Go Devils!


I only think Chambers will match with Aronhalt if Logan goes down low and stays there. At that point, Dawes and Chambers will do battle. If he plays outside, like I have seen him, he will see several different looks. I think he creates an advantage size wise if Knights/Beverly get out on him, but they have the quickness. If he takes Chambers/Dawes out, then he has a quickness (nice first step) advantage.

IMO I have Dawes on Prati and Chambers on Harris (tough glass matchup). Knights would start on Logan with Beverly on Harris (freeing up Humpty from defending the pg the whole game). However, I am sure Coach K. will have a few tricks up his sleeve.

Do you see Z-Ville playing any zone at all on the Cavs. I still think our strength is on the boards (Chambers is a stud), but if Z-Ville matches up one on one, I am not sure which will handle him. Also, Hump and Knights penetration (dumps, kicks or shots) will create some headaches.

It is countdown and in 24 hours we will see who wins round #1.


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Post by Hitchbone64 »

maninthemiddle wrote:i see where a lot of Chilly fans refer to the game agianst Dunbar a lot on this and other posts. I don't think Dunbar was good as we are supposed to believe. They did only beat a small D4 school Berlin Highlan by 9 points earlier. My opinion is that they were truely overated at #1 in the state before the game agianst Chilly. I think there schedule is the true indicator of that. The way Zanesville and Warren Harding played leaves me to believe Zanesville will get this one in a close one.


As a stepson of the Gem City Dayton, I will agree with you that Dunbar is not #1 in the state. However, they are not overrated and are a top 5 team. Any high school team with a kid like Josh Benson is the real deal. I am sure you reviewed their schedule to date, before making such a comment. I am sure you saw where they had Northland (undefeated D1 #2) on the ropes and lost in overtime. I am sure you saw where they beat Columbus Brookhaven, whose 3 losses were to Dunbar and two to Northland (and in fact did beat the Cavs in OT in game 1).

I will say that Z-Ville and Harding are in fact legit Top 10 D1, but if the Cavs were playing D1, I would say the same thing. The Cavs and the Ville are two very good teams striving to get better. And yes as most pre-season polls ranked them, they are top 20 teams in the whole state.


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Post by chillout »


Z-ville just can't match up with Chilli's talent!


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Post by tropicalbreeze »

Shane Centers is the 5 th starter, I think he's about 6'1 or 6'2", but very big very strong. He was the star Linebacker for Zanes FB. He plays mostly in the block position, but comes out to set picks, has athletic talent and some BB skills. Andre Harris (6'5") will bring Chambers outside if Chambers checks him offensively. Has a very, very underrated outside shot...Watch in in warm ups shoot from 5 feet beyond the 3 line, he play a round of round the world with out missing. The problem Chambers may have is whom ever he guards can pull him outside to defend, because all three bigs can handle the ball and shoot. Harris is much quicker than Chambers. I agree, Hitchens is a match up proble from He##....How well Z-ville defends him may be the key...Chilli has so many guys who can flat out shot the ball, it really makes it difficult to defend everyone! What a great match up! One thing all comers please remember, It's only a BB game...As passonite as I am about high school BB, It's just a game...Hope everyone has a great time and a safe trip!

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Post by maninthemiddle »

as fans of this awesome game we are about to witness in less than twelve hours, regardless of who you want to win remember that these are 2 great basketball programs and give them the respect they deserve while at the game and after the game. Once the game is over i hope there are not a buch of posts about one team got homered more than the other. Being an official myself no matter what call is made, somone is not going to like it. This is going to be the premiere game in the state tonight and how many times as a fan can we say we were there to witness one of the best. Both of these teams have the ability to be state champs. SO good luck to both teams, play hard, play with class and leave it all on the floor. In closing GO BLUE DEVILS!!!!!!

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I think Z-ville will jump out to an early lead. There are just some matchup problems that I dont think Chilly will be able to handle. But as the game goes on Chilly's bench will shine. If Z-ville has a weakness it is their bench. This game could go either way, but Ill take Z-ville at home. Look for Chilly to win @ the TOC for a split on the year. Good Luck to both teams win or lose this game will help prepare both teams for the 2nd season.

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Post by SendItHome24 »

This will be a great game. The only things I see making a big difference is Zanesville imposing matchup problems they will create, and Chillis' depth. That being said...
Ville 71
Chilly 68

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Post by iwearblacknikes »

Zanesville by 2

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Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Does anyone know if this game will be broadcast on the internet tonight????

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Post by ZvilleBlueDevil »

Getting close now and can't wait WOW is right what a atmosphere this will be tonite with these two GREAT team's and i can't wait too see Zvill's student section they also come up big in these games too ;-) Like ZV said earlier don't dress to warm i imagine temp's will be very hottttt!!! in gym...


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Post by cat1606 »

Cavs by 7

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Post by Dshanton3 »

Cavs by 6 as i walk out the door

and thats just how it is...Dshanton3
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