What time will the Feb 9. Zanesville-Chillicothe rematch tip

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Post by ZvilleBlueDevil »

Hitch u can call it what ever u want.

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Post by maninthemiddle »

thefan- nice posts, but this just goes to show you how society has changed. If a kid does something wrong anymore, especially in sports it is accepted as, "He is just a competitor" which is a bunch of BS. You can be competitor but have some class about you. I think i can speak on this matter. I have been coaching sports for many years now, and if one of my players ever gets out of line, it's bench time. I also officiate high school sports, and it seems like bad sportsmanship is ever increasing. i.e diving into the endzone on a touchdown. But the class programs will always rise to the top and i am not talking about winning a game. So posters say what you will but if you condone bad sportsmanship you are what is worng with High School sports.

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Post by O.R.prep »

The Fan- correct me if I am wrong. Did Coach Cuppet get his team just 7 points from the final four in his third year at the helm. And in high school B-ball there is not much differnce between D-1 and D-2. For example Lebron's ASVSM team The Dunbar teams of the past five years, Roger Bacon teams were all the best teams in the state .And they were all D-2. Also don't forget the N-college Hill teams- they were D-3 and they beat Canton Mckinnly who was D-1. And don't give me the(back in the day) stuff . Because Dayton Roth, Youngstown Rayen, Oberlin, Col- Wherlie and many other's were all AA and lower. and they were all the best in the state in those days.

Maninthemiddle- If you are a long time coach and now and official.-WOW All I can say is Where have you been. The things you don't like about the High School sports have been going on for a good while now. You have the Lebron days and AAU and ESPN to thank.

This whole thing boils down to this. Some people just can't accept the fact that Anthony (humpty)Hitchens is one of the Top 3 B-ball players to ever play at Chillicothe. And Gary Kellough (if he gets to the state)will become the best prep coach Chillicothe has ever had.

Also Chilly now #2 in the state D-2. Here comes more jealosy.

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Post by maninthemiddle »

O.Rprep. I agree with you that this has been going on for a long time. But as adults if we continue to sponsor this kind of behavior, then it will just keep going. I am not pointing it at any one player. Yes Hitchens is a good player, no doubt about that. There is no jealousy here. Someone posted on this topic that he saw Tim Duncan talking trash. SO what. Does that make it right for a high school kid. That is the problem where kids want to emulate Pro players. SO if it is ok to talk trash and be disrespectful because the pros do it, i guess it would be ok to take steroids, get in knife and gun fights, do drugs, beat up woman and show up late for work. It must be OK because the PROs do it. I have a son that is playing college sports and he knows the do's and don'ts. I for one know his college coach would grab anyone on that team for tallking trash and give them a life lesson. I know of one young man that now plays in the pros and is the poster child for how you should act as an athlete and person regardless of your level. Maybe you have heard of him. His name is Kevin Martin

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Post by thefan »

First off I have never said Anthony "Humpty" Hitchens was a bad kid. I have not and never will single out or critasize a kid on any internet site. I guess our differences in opinion probably are related to the amount of time we both have been on this here earth. The older you are the more you remember the way it was and can only wish that things were still that way. High school sports and Jr High sports have all changed greatly through the years. is it for the best? I guess that's a matter of opinion. I just know that for the most part(there are a few exceptions)that for as long as I remember and have been attending High School basketball games the teams which generally have the most success are the ones that not only are run with class off the court but on the court as well. I remember the "good old days" and can only hope that sometime in the future that coaches and players alike will find a way to get back to that way of playing the game and representing their school.

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Post by maninthemiddle »

TheFan, Well said my friend, well said!!

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Post by ZvilleBlueDevil »

O.R why when ur 1 of the best pg in the state do u need to trash talk that's the question people ask from not just ZVille but state wide why not let ur play do that it's that simple c'mon say what u want that's what it boil's down too it;s just not Zville and when u can post STATE CHAMPIONSHIP BANNERS IN UR GYM MAYBE U CAN TALK......

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Post by Army »


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Post by 2old »


See what I live with. Seems to me some posters are suffering from "Cavalier Envy" and that remark about state champion banner reminded me of some other posters. Oh well let them take their pot shots. I would say the Cavs are getting it done.

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Post by Army »

2old wrote:Army,

See what I live with. Seems to me some posters are suffering from "Cavalier Envy" and that remark about state champion banner reminded me of some other posters. Oh well let them take their pot shots. I would say the Cavs are getting it done.


You know we don't agree very much on here, but I think you hit the nail on the head with that post.

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Post by Hitchbone64 »

thefan wrote:This is all I will say about all of this, I have watched just about all of the great Chillicothe basketball players from about 1968 through the present and none of them have felt the need to have a swagger about them like some of this bunch of Cavs. Bayless, Glasgow, Veris, Fairrow(Mike & Fred)Harris, Gause and the Beverly's. The one thing all of them had in common was a strict diciplinarian as a coach. Kellough has rebuilt and reborn Cavs basketball and I give him alot of credit for doing what alot of other coaches were unable to do in that regard. But there are many many Cavs fans past and present who are not big fans of the so called swagger and the way it presents itself. And believe me after this group of Cavs have played out there careers it's quite likely that the program may slip quite a ways and then let's see have entertaining the swagger is then. And it would not surprise me one bit to see Coach Kellough call it a career. Until then let's all hope that the swagger doesn't interfere with the quest of a state title which I believe has never been accomplished at CHS.


George Mikan, Bob Cousy, or Bill Bradley never had swagger either. Get into the 21st century. These kids watch it all over TV, the internet and in person. All the great ones have extreme confidence, but now days it is expressed outwardly more. I played in the era's you are talking about, and yes we did not have long shorts, slam dunks all the time, and much trash talking, but we were a confident bunch and on the court, you can best believe there was talking going on. Teams always tried to get in our heads.

Last edited by Hitchbone64 on Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by O.R.prep »

ZvilleBluedevil- I totaly do not know were you are comming from. It just happen's. great players tend to have alot of swagger in there game . And most will trash talk to back it up. Why don't you just ask former Blue Devil Seth Martin(one of the biggest trash talkers this state has seen) Lebron, Greg Simpson, Damon Flint< OJ Mayo, Bill Walker, Ican go on. In fact Theo Dixin and the boys trash talked you guys right out of a state title the last time you where there. Yes thats right Cleve Hights put it to you .

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Post by gymratt »

I think the things you guys are talking about with Hitchens are Confidence and "SWAG".
If can honestly say that you have ever played a sport and not talked a little trash then I can see only a few cicumstances as too why.

A. You are EXTREMELY OLD, the game has passed you by, and you reminisce on the days in which Beaver Cleaver's mom baked cakes for the entire team...AND the other team. If you don't know what "swag" is you probably fit this category.

B. You were a horrible player, or on a horrible team. You could't talk trash because if you did it would come back in your face and you'd feel dumb.

C. Someone talked a little trash to you one day while totally destroying you. You were too timid, they got in your head and you shriveled under
the pressure of a challenge.

If you don't think that "gamesmanship" gives you a competitive advantage than you are very ignorant, and if you're not trying to gain a competitive advantage any way you can(short of cheating) than you are not trying your best to win. Watch any Championship game for any sport and I guarantee the winner will play with a "swag"...sorta like the Patriots.

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Post by thefan »

Hitch if you did indeed play in the era I think you did and played for who I think you did , you know as well as I do that if you acted the way some of the kids nowadays act(for all teams) your butt would have been sitting on the bench(clear on the end). I admit it has all changed greatly, do I like it or have to accept it? No I don't. But I still do enjoy the game of basketball and will continue to wach it and usually cheer for the team that in my mind is the team that best represents the way I feel a team should act. I really do wish nothing but the best for all Cavalier teams and hope they can win it all. But that doesn't mean I have to like the way they sometimes act on the court. With that said I think I've expressed several times my opinion on this matter and will leave it to all of the so called "experts" to tell me how wrong I am and how it should be.

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Post by Hitchbone64 »

thefan wrote:Hitch if you did indeed play in the era I think you did and played for who I think you did , you know as well as I do that if you acted the way some of the kids nowadays act(for all teams) your butt would have been sitting on the bench(clear on the end). I admit it has all changed greatly, do I like it or have to accept it? No I don't. But I still do enjoy the game of basketball and will continue to wach it and usually cheer for the team that in my mind is the team that best represents the way I feel a team should act. I really do wish nothing but the best for all Cavalier teams and hope they can win it all. But that doesn't mean I have to like the way they sometimes act on the court. With that said I think I've expressed several times my opinion on this matter and will leave it to all of the so called "experts" to tell me how wrong I am and how it should be.


Let me give you a better example...True story.

Kid #1 is asked to play up on Varsity on a Friday night (due to some illness on the varsity). Kid #1 is asked by the Head Coach and is told no, he has something else to do. In my era, he is gone from the team. In this era, he went and did what he had to do.

Kid #2 after the game is over (a loss) he takes his jersey off and throws it in the midst of the fans and stomps off. In my day, if you left your jersey somewhere you would still be running.

Kid #3 Varsity player during the JV game. Dressed and ready to play, but ends up in the balcony with his girlfriend or somebody else's (lol). In my day, he would have stayed up in the balcony. In this case he was the starting pg that night.

All three of these occurred under prior regimes here at Chillicothe and that crap had to stop. Coach K. himself had to clean up some crap in his first year. What these kids are doing today is symbolic of society. Do I like it (some of it yes and most of it no). Would Coach C. had kicked our rearends..Yes indeed. However, I will repeat there was trash talking on the floor (though much quieter and not as demonstative). In my Senior year, playing at Whitehall, I was called some pretty derogatory names by a excellent ball player who later played college ball. He was trying to get in my head. The difference is we did not go toe-to-toe because the refs for one would have teed us up and Coach C. would have kicked the crap out of me. Kick a kid now and hope the Basketball Club can bail the Coach out.

The game is also much more physical. We played more of a finese game (with the exceptions of some of the bigs). Guards really did not venture to far in the paint back then. Now days, they are everwhere.

On other notable difference that has changed the other way. While we played more of a finese game, no one, I repeat no one came through the lane without getting checked our chucked. That rarely happens today. The physicallity is more on the ball-on-ball and hard fouls going to the hoop.

Yes, I would love for some of the stuff to stop, but my goodness, we would have to turn off cable, get rid of PlayStations, WII's and everything else.


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Post by Hitchbone64 »

gymratt wrote:I think the things you guys are talking about with Hitchens are Confidence and "SWAG".
If can honestly say that you have ever played a sport and not talked a little trash then I can see only a few cicumstances as too why.

A. You are EXTREMELY OLD, the game has passed you by, and you reminisce on the days in which Beaver Cleaver's mom baked cakes for the entire team...AND the other team. If you don't know what "swag" is you probably fit this category.

B. You were a horrible player, or on a horrible team. You could't talk trash because if you did it would come back in your face and you'd feel dumb.

C. Someone talked a little trash to you one day while totally destroying you. You were too timid, they got in your head and you shriveled under
the pressure of a challenge.

If you don't think that "gamesmanship" gives you a competitive advantage than you are very ignorant, and if you're not trying to gain a competitive advantage any way you can(short of cheating) than you are not trying your best to win. Watch any Championship game for any sport and I guarantee the winner will play with a "swag"...sorta like the Patriots.

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great multiple choice questions. Maybe all of us should have to answer to keep our ability to post.


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Post by ZvilleBlueDevil »

Hitch __Army This is why ZV will remain silent give it up and let the kid's play He's tired of of this BS.........Chilly has there opinion and no body else is right .So with that said i wish the Cav's good luck in the the tourney and mean no disrespect to army and hitch and any of the Cav's...

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Post by biggdowgg »

Hitchens lit us up for 33 points tonight, he had some things to say to our kids,,,but our kids have done the same thing,,,,

he talked his smack, but at the breaks, I would see him go to our kids that was gaurding him, and shake their hand, and pat them on the head ......

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Post by Hitchbone64 »

ZvilleBlueDevil wrote:Hitch __Army This is why ZV will remain silent give it up and let the kid's play He's tired of of this BS.........Chilly has there opinion and no body else is right .So with that said i wish the Cav's good luck in the the tourney and mean no disrespect to army and hitch and any of the Cav's...


I am tired of it as well. And to say nobody is right but Chilly is far from the truth. I have posted on this site and the other for quite a while and have gave nothing but the utmost respect for other posters (unless they get out of hand. This is nothing right now butgood natured banter, as I discuss old school versus new school with some of the Chilly old heads and try to keep the kids out of it.

On both sites, people start mentioning names from the past, in state champioship games, etc. etec. That is bullcrap as well. However, I personally am extremly appalled by what appeared in the Zanesville Times Recorder the other day and trust me, I will not back off that until someone I won't mention follows up on my private request of him.

Again, many of my points over the past few days have been with Chilly fans. I am not getting into Z-Ville stuff, just because I fear the impact that will happen in Chilly.

I unfortunately did not see or could get in a decent post about the game itself. How about the X and O's and the intensity in which the kids play. Taking pot shots at kids and calling schools classless is overboard. If that is the feeling by others, I cannot help what they think or don't want to say.


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Post by biggdowgg »

Im guessing this game will be a sell out befor its game day??

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