Wellston @ Meigs

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Wellston @ Meigs

Post by hardfowl »


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Post by bucknut2335 »

Meigs wins by 15

Clay Bolin 20
Jacob Well 13

Welston had one player in with 11 all others in single figures.

Meigs Welston
1st 10 10
Half 31 20
3rd 38 32
final 55 40

Not sure about the final but something close to that.

JV Meigs 60 - Welston 30

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Post by Marauder_2010 »

good game marauders...great win for the seniors last home game

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Post by fasteach »

it was great to see austin go out like that. he has been a pretty good teammate this year. the student section keeps getting better and better at meigs by the way.
lousy ref's where did meigs get these guys?

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Post by fasteach »

yeh, there was some hard fouls that somehow escaped the ref's attention. that seemed to happen to both sides all night.i do not ref but it would seem to me when several kids hit the floor some one should see something. coach ewing asked for an explanation from 1 ref an was told he was not responsible talk to the other guy. i think if you are out there and you see a foul you call it.

if it will help though the ref's where terrible to both sides.

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Post by whsfan »

i agree officiating was pretty bad on both sides....there was an obvious kick ball right in front of us that wasnt called and constant grabbing and smacking....the jv game was ten times worse....how are some of these guys allowed to officiate?

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Post by fasteach »

yes i saw that. when coach derrow asked for an explaination he was almost "T"ed. the ref basically told him that the other ref had to call it because he was nearer the play! i am glad to see fans can be on both sides and agree the ref ing was bad!

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Post by son_ofthe_south »

Fasteach said that the student section is getting bigger. I think that may be attributable to the fact that people now have something to cheer about. Meigs is now competitive, which they have not been. With Meigs' win over Wellston the Marauders move to 8-10 on the season. In his first season Coach Ewing's team has attained more victories than both Abbott and Wolfe in two seasons. In his two seasons Abbott only won 6 games and Wolfe only won 7 in his first two years at the helm. Teams don't come in assuming an easy "W" in the win column when they play the Maruders.

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Post by vikefan »

One word cure......"Assigner".

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Post by Steely Dan »

This sounds like the same crew that worked the Fed Hock - Trimble girl's game on Thursday night..... :?

Doing someone else's Dirty Work....
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Post by vikefan »

Year after year, example after example, situations as this one give good refs and the TVC a bad rap. ASSIGNER NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Ironman92 »

what goes around comes around?

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Post by vikefan »

No excuse for not matching the efforts of the student athletes who deserve better. No respect for the TVC until we do all we can to rid ourselves of games where refs ( who couldn't/won't) work in quality leagues.

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Post by Ironman92 »

Good post vikefan......I couldn't fathom cheating out kids becasue they aren't from a community.

As an outsider..it just SEEMS the TVC is the biggest homer league.

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Post by fasteach »

no one got cheated. or more clearly everyone got cheated. they where equally terrible to both teams. i do not think anyone thinks meigs gained by having 2 "T"s thrown on them. nor did wellston gain by ref's who refused to call clear violations. no one gained an advantage. it is just it takes away from the kids playing. this was not home cookin' if anything the outcome was what was expected. it just could have been done right.

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Post by vikefan »

The officials are there to ensure the safety of the athletes and maintain the integrity of the game by impartially enforcing the rules to the best of their ability. Yet every year we hear complaints( which if you discount 95% of due to poor losers) that demean the TVC and thus the efforts of the athletes..both boys and girls. We also hear that a majority of the AD's in the league are opposed to the Assigner concept as well. If so, it adds a dark dimension to why AD's would be opposed to a concept that a majority of leagues have successfully adopted. You will never, ever have a game where 100% of the calls are consentually agreed as good calls. We just have to eliminate the "homer" rep that we have cultivated over the years. I, for one, think we have nothing to lose and quite a bit to gain.
Which is exactly my point Fasteach....do it right because the players deserve our best when they are expected to put forth theirs.

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Post by fasteach »

i would like to see the coaches grade both team and individual officials. that would be available to a.d.'s before ref's are hired. you could then identify bad ones, blind ones and homers. they cost meigs a share of the football title huh nelsonville!

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Post by stillballin »

Ironman 92 - If you really believe that Jackson got cheated at Wellston than you are cheating the Wellston kids who won that game with heart and determination. The officials didnt quit scoring or playing defense for Jackson. The Wellston kids or coaches never said they got got cheated at Meigs. Thats exactly what I would expect from someone from Jackson. A greater than thou attitude. Not give Wellstons kids any credit. Wellston is allowed to beat Jackson. I know you find that hard to believe but Wellston has beaten them as much or not more than the other way. They probably have cheated everytime in Jacksons eyes. Your greater than thou attitude stinks 92. Stay out of our conversation please. Go support your staff. They need it. I feel sorry for the players who have to listen to their staff tell them of how cruel Wellstons athletic department is. How they cheated Jacksons 7th grade - JV and Varsity team. They will never get any better until they quit making excuses. I dont believe the officials missed one Jackson shot, had one Jackson turnover, missed one Jackson free throw or designed the strategy down the stretch. And I dont believe they stole one ball for Wellston, made one shot for Wellston, or designed the winning strategy that Wellston used to get the win.Give Meigs credit like Wellston did, and give wellston credit like they deserve. Live with it! Go TVC - Jackson wouldn't win anymore games in this league than they would the one they are in. The proof is in the teams they have lost to. Athens who lost twice to Nelsonville, they beat Athens twice, Wellston, who beat Nelsonville once, Jackson drilled by Vinton Co,

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Post by whsfan »

oh snap its gettin vicious in here....stillballin just laid it out for ironman...i went to the freshmen game at jackson and i would say it was pretty one sided as the jackson boys were pretty physical with the wellston guards resulting in the wellston players being on the floor a lot...not an excuse for their loss but lets not get into an officiating debate between wellston and jackson or the seoal and tvc bc regardless the players play and win the game

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