D4 Sectional South Webster vs. Whiteoak 2-12

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

I've heard that even after our most humiliating loss to Clay that the players (starters) after the game acted as if they didn't care. Laughing and carry on in the locker room as if nothing were wrong. If I were the coach, I'm not sure I would want to be in that atmosphere for fear of what I would say!!! He is trying to keep his faith. And after this season, I could understand if he lost it.

My comment to those I was with in the stands was there was no way we were winning that game. They came out as if they didn't care. It was if they just showed up to get it over with. From the introduction until about 4 mins left in the 4th quarter. If you don't play the whole game to win.... how do you expect to do it?

I don't blame coach for putting some of the players on the bench. Foul trouble isn't the only reason to be on the bench. Attitudes!!!! When you and your parents think you are too good to be coached then you are basically no good to the team or the coach. If they aren't shooting then you have to put in someone who might! We have no offense! And others just weren't playing defense.

If you can get the boys to pay attention to the coach instead of looking for mommy or daddy in the stands, maybe they won't turn the ball over or be where they need to be to get the rebound! It's hard to coach from the sidelines when the parents are basically ruining the team.

I feel sorry for the coach. He has stepped into an atmosphere where the parents feel that all their players are state calibur material. Well... that team graduated. And I'm pretty sure those parents left the coach alone and let him do what he needed to do to attain those goals. Not gonna happen until the coach gets the team back.

Good Luck Coach Reese and Cole..... you're gonna need it!

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Post by Ironman92 »

^^^^good post

SW has been spoiled with success the past 5 seasons....remember all the years before with no trips to the districts.

ON the other side Coach Wessner pulled kids from the game after doing nothing wrong...and did it all game as he was rotating early and often and the kids were fresh all game long....so it worked for Whiteoak. There were no superstars on either squad.

How can any coach not care? How can a guy take over a recent state champion program and everyone knows the talent had graduated and not care? Why would he even apply?

As a fan I believe the two people in the Valley gymnasium from 8:00-9:20 that wanted to win the most were the two head coaches....they have the most invested for the least.

Now if the guy was emotionless during the game I could agree more with some of you.....but I made several comments on how upset he was with the play that was going on.

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Post by sparky »

many of the best coaches stay seated during most of the game. john wooden very seldom got up and mike kryzewski and roy williams stay seated most of the game. standing up does not make you a good coach it is what you do with what you've got that makes a good coach. how many of these kids currently playing for south webster would have been in the rotation for the past 5 years? none of them would have been in the top eight on any of those teams. following a very successful coach is very hard to do, expectations are still high and many times the talent level is not.

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

Well, since we are not winning, mostly the parents feel he doesn't care. He has a very different coaching style. Kreisher was a very "in your face" type of coach. Coach Reese is not that way. It doesn't make him a bad coach, just different style.

He was very aware of what he was accepting when he took this job. The Athletic Department wouldn't lie to the man to get him to take his position. Predictions for this team was they might win 3-4 games this season. Exactly where we fell. 3 wins. (hopefully 4 with tomorrows game) I'm not sure if the one remark in one of the above posts was a relative or someone who applied and didn't get the coaching job?????)

We've got some good kids coming up. Our entire JV team is mostly freshman. And they have played some good ball this year. We have some really good freshmen coming up. There is some talent in that 8th grade team.

We will be competitive in a year or two.

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Post by art_vandelay »

Come on people...everyone that knows anything about basketball knew Webster was in for a rough year. With not much height and young players at key positions, this team was a 5-6 win team at best. But regardless, I'm proud of these kids for sticking it out through a rough season like this.

For people saying coaching is the problem, how many games were they in where coaching would've made that much of a difference? All the losses where it might have factored in that I can recall is Clay, Northwest and Minford. Most games were out of reach by halftime. I think the problem is one of perception. Where Coach Kreisher was very animated and had no trouble raising his voice, Coach Reese apparently has a different style. That doesn't mean he doesn't know the game. Give him and these young players some time before passing judgment.

Remember that there is some good talent coming up from junior high and jv. I predict that Webster will be around .500 next year and the year after, around 12-14 wins. Key is for these young players to work their behinds off in the weightroom (I wish Webster had football where it wouldn't be an option to lift weights or not) and on the courts this offseason. That state championship team had a heck of alot of talent, but most people don't realize the work they put in during the offseason. Also wouldn't hurt if a couple of kids would sprout up to about 6'5" or so either!*

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

thanks for the backup ironman92, sparky, and Mr. Vandalay. I know that there is talk of what is going to happen during the off season. Weight lifting is part of that program. It takes a lot of hard work. I feel confident that coach will work with these boys. He wasn't around for most of the summer. He is here now. He is aware of what is expected of him and the team. He has goals just a we do. And I'm sure that being a winning team is a goal we all share.

Good luck against West!

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Post by jeep80 »

WOW! I don't know what to add to this.

I love the new coach as a person. I met him and he is an asset to the community.
As a coach, the verdict is still out. I think we should all give him a couple of years to see what happens. I have heard alot of things about him not being much of a coach from some and others think he has a good system.
I also heard that there was a time when they were only practicing 3 time week. And the person who told me was shocked.

I know he doesn't get crazy like coach K. does, but niether does Jim Tressel and I don't need to post his credentials.

I do know that, as a fan, there is some talent coming up. And I want to see the success from the previous 4 years continue. It was great to have a top program and I don't want to see the talent we have coming up wasted.

My question is: where was the defense this year? The coach said he would keep the same defensive scheme. But I didn't see it when I was there. maybe others did so correct me if I'm wrong.

Hang in there guys. take it upon yourselves to work hard. Remember where you are from and lets get Jeep pride back full force!!

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Post by webstertown »

I dont see it from the coach either. Ive heard and been told many times that Coach Reese is losing a Coach after this season and i honestly dont blame him for leaving. I have been to 10 or 11 games this season and not once have I seen a player come off the court after making a mistake and the Coach letting him what he did and how he could fix it. I remember when the state teams and regional teams made mistakes it wasnt even Kreischer who told them but he did also. It was the asst.Coaches and from what i have heard our asst. Coaches dont have much imput on what goes on. If that is the case thats pathetic. Im dissapointed in how the season went.

jeepgirl_4life - I have a neighbor that is on the Varsity team and what he tells me makes me have knots in my stomach. It is true that the boys have had weeks of 3 practices or more so the Coach could go see his younger sons ball games, and the practices are 45 mintues long. Accourding to my resources the boys respect Coach Reese but dont think hes good for them as a basketball coach. He told me that after loses in the locker room players get nothing told to them on how they could have done better or what they can correct for the next game. He also mentioned that no player is aloud to get onto another . My neighbor is an upperclassman and he told me that hes seen some players get onto each other about picking it up and how you can do better type of things and coach reese tells them that he dont want to her that type of stuff. I have yet to see attitudes from the players during the games maybe a couple bad faces after calls but not bad attitudes. I think webster and the entire soc is a place where the kids need a strict coach for the boys.

I agree with saying if Kreischer had this team he would have 3 or more wins with this team and had a better chance at beating Whiteoak. If you have watched teams in the past with him his tournament teams are a toatally different team when tourny time rolls around..

Good luck to the boys tonight

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Post by lovevball8 »

Some people are unbelievable. I have sat in the stands and heard parents bad-mouth the coach. You know those same people are telling their kids the same things. Lets give Coach Reese a few years and then you all can hang him if he doesn't live up to your expectations. As one of you posted earlier, it is all a matter of perception. I CANNOT stand to read someone posting that he doesn't care. You aren't him, you can't possibly know that.

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thanks! good post

I've been trying to think of something positive to say to those who keep bashing this coach. I think he has only the best at heart for these players. And I too have heard the yelling and bashing from the parents.

The yelling begins at home and then they feel it should continue on the court!

I'm sure there are parents who respect the fact that he's not acting like some sort of madman. Respect and dignity can go a long way. I appreciate it.

And, I can't believe that anyone would have an issue with a coach watching his own son play basketball. His son deserves to have a dad who is there to support him just as any of our children. We should all have respect for him as a father and a teacher.

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Post by lovevball8 »

JeepGirl, I couldn't agree more. Athletics is about character building, he is leading by example. And, at the same time, trying to maintain the tradition that began a few years back. Let's not forget there were other rough years for the Jeeps.

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

To Whom It May Concern:

Discipline, respect, desire, integrity, sportmanship, and a multitude of other winning characteristics begin at home. They are to be reinforced by the coach and other team members. This coach promised to make men out of our boys. That's the only promise he made to any of us.

Bad-mouthing the coach is not the making of a winning team. Parents who can't put forth a positive attitude toward the program can't expect that their children (athletes) to have a positive attitude. These young men have handled this season much better than the parents.

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Post by sparky »

coaching can be a no win situation. a lot of times when a coach is animated and gets in the player's face one faction gets upset and wants to get rid of him. on the other hand a coach sits calmly and very seldom gets on his players another faction gets upset and wants to get rid of him.
there is really only one way to solve this and that is winning. winning coaches get a lot more latitude than losing coaches do. if south webster was still winning i bet most of the complainers would be silent. but, what do i know.

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Post by art_vandelay »

Just playing devil's advocate, but how many nights a week can a team practice when they are having Tuesday and Friday games? Unless they come in on the weekend....3 times. How many coaches are going to run long and intense practices the night before a game? Not too many...so basically most weeks during the season, Wednesday night is the only night left to have an intense practice.

As for the defense, it's alot easier to coach what you preach when you have the horses to do it. Waginger, Campbell, Lower and Aldridge would make any coach's defensive scheme look great, let alone Kreischer. Well, there was not too many players on this year's team with the athletic capabilites of those guys.

I understand people voicing their concerns, but I just hope people give Coach Reese more than one rebuilding season to prove himself before calling for his head. If Webster only wins 3-5 games next year, then yeah, I'll probably be somewhat concerned myself. But John Wooden could've showed up to coach this year and not gotten more than 6 wins given the circumstances.

With all that being said, what's everyone's thought on next year? I hear the younger Loop kid is going to be a player off the 8th grade squad. Any others from the jv or 8th grade team that might contribute?*

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Post by Sports_Tracker »

I am an outsider looking in at the situation and I know so many fans have different views on this situation. My son does not play on either the JV or Varsity squad. He would have liked to but due to certain circumstances, he was not able to be a part of the program. One of the problems I have noticed after sitting at so many ball games this year is the lack of AAU Players South Webster has compared to many of the opponents that we have played. Most teams now have atleast 1 or 2 players that play AAU and it shows on the floor. I know for a fact that South Webster did not put in the time that some of these schools did over the summer and learn to work together as a team. You have your 1 or 2 AAU players, then you have your ROLE players that contribute as needed. I believe this is what we had when we won so many titles a few years ago.

Today, so many players are focusing on one sport and playing that sport year around. I know many of the larger schools can do this but it is very difficult at a small school and still have enough atheletes to compete. To be a winner and have a successful program, it takes hard work from both the coach and the players. It also takes a team to be winners.

Look at our girls program right now. Two of our players have played Bball for so many years. No one probably even knows how many hours they have traveling to and from practices and out of state for games. They have worked very hard for the success they are enjoying. The other girls work hard and show this team concept by being the great role players they need to be to do their part on the team. It don't happen over night no matter what the situation is. Coaching is very important and without a demanding, dedicated coach, how dedicated is the youth going to be?

I know as a parent, I have taking an active role in my sons desires and give it all I can give to get him back and forth to practices, games, and do all that is needed to allow him the opportunity to be competitive in the sport he loves. It is no different no matter what sport we are talking about. Yes, SW does have a new coach and has lost many experienced Varsity players this year but that makes for a tough situation here with our program. Maybe it can be a learning experience for all that is involved. The one thing I have learned from experience with watching my son play on a travel team is that he does not learn the game during the game but during practices. His coach very seldom stands up and shouts at games but look out at practices. This is when he has the time to train and teach kids what they are doing wrong or right and correct it. Every coach has their own way of coaching and I guess we will just have to wait and see what the future is for SW. Meanwhile, take an active role in your childs desires and help them be, 1st, a team player and 2nd, the best that he or she can be by putting in the time. It will pay off!

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

sports tracker: nice post.

And, now the season is officially over. We need to start to work on next years program. Lots of hard work over the summer will help his team.

Good Luck to each athlete in their spring sport.

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Post by waydowntown »

art_vandelay wrote:
With all that being said, what's everyone's thought on next year? I hear the younger Loop kid is going to be a player off the 8th grade squad. Any others from the jv or 8th grade team that might contribute?*

The whole 8th grade team this year was loaded with talent. They went to the championship in the tournament at South Webster, but lost to a very good Valley team. They have some good size, and I think Loop will be good, as well as Pearson and Wiseman. The 7th grade team will also be very good in the future, they just have no size right now. The JV team this year pretty much ended up being a freshman team, with only one sophomore on the roster. These boys are going to be good. Look for their starters to step up big next year. In my eyes their is nothing but success in the future for our Jeep program. :-D

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Post by my-right3 »

They have some good size, and I think Loop will be good, as well as Pearson and Wiseman. The 7th grade team will also be very good in the future, they just have no size right now.

The 8th grade is something to watch in the future, and the 7th grade could come along way if they have a coach in the future to develop them. The 7th grade is a group that has played together for awhile now, and should become good as they mature.

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Post by SENDEM »

The one that I would consider to watch out for is the Sutton boy, good size an got a pretty cool head on his shoulder from what i've seen. This is one thing that SW is missing HEIGHT, an a inside game. Good luck next year!

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Post by mantoman »

i was able to make it to a few of websters games this year and from what i saw they played hard its just they didnt have enough talent..they also lack size...not every coaching style is the same..obviously....coach reese and coach kreischer are too very different coaches...from what i saw coach reese had those kids playing hard and to the best of their abilities....what more can you ask for?

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