2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Who's going to win?

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Salt Water Taffy
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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by Salt Water Taffy »

Hey Captain,

Mark my words...

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by freakintheseat »

Go Vinton County!!! I would like to see Ethan Allen get more time during the press, he seems to be more comfortable with playing, and with his speed, he will be able to contribute to breaking the press. I am sure that Coach Combs will have the boys ready.
I have been absent from posting, but SWT has brought me out of hybernation. VC coaches do a great job! And "Larry" does a great job, too! And that's all I have to say about that!
Go Vikes!! :twisted:

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County


VC 54-52

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I will guarantee everyone who will listen two things; the "new little guy" will not make big changes in the coaching staff, boys or girls. From football to tennis and golf to baseball and especially boys' and girls' basketball, it will not happen. And if there is ever a chance, the hiring of a non-teacher is remote. I will agree that the "new little guy" is a no nonsense kind of guy, but he also happens to be one of the smartest and most logical, practical person I have ever met. I am sure that the new hire would have to be a person of the highest quality, because the "new little guy" will ensure it.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County


Here are 2 quotes from the other site
"Give the Viking fans time ... they have to get back from Athens yet. Them horse and buggies dont make very good time. Plus the ones that did make it back have to wait to go to work to post on here ... no electric run to most of the houses down that way."

"come on HALF of Vinton County? You have way more than 6 people there. The chickens out in the yard doesnt count toward figuring up the population."

Again I was reading some posts on "the other site", and I know VC is no metropolis, but come on Greenfield fans is your place a huge area? I live in Louisville, KY and I saw Greenfield on TV once so maybe thats why they hate on Vinton Co or "Big City" them. The bad thing was the TV program was "To Catch a Predator", and lets just say the cops were very busy the weekend NBC was in the Metropolis of Greenfield. LOL

Go Vikes!!!!! ! more for a district title.
Last edited by BLUEGRASSVIKE on Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by throwitdown »

Go Vinton County!!

Represent the TVC!!

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by danicalifornia »

BlueGrass- That was Greenville, Ohio. It's by Dayton. As an avid viewer for the unintentional comedy, I know that, LOL.

I think VC will win this game, but it will be very close. I'm very excited to see the Guthrie/Zollo matchup in the post.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by thevalkyrie »

I'm excited to see my first post-season game -- can finally make it on Friday!

I hope we all see the offense rejuvenated and the defense ready for a hard fought win. Good luck to Combs and the boys.
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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by trojandave »

Bluegrassvike: I am not one of those people who even made a prediction on JJHuddle about the VC-WCH game. I wait until the district finals to make any statements about any matchups. I just feel after watching McClain and Vinton County last Friday that the Tigers will win for the reason I have stated above.

And as I stated above, Vinton County can WIN this game. But they must take care of the ball. If they make, for example, 20 turnovers, they won't win. Possessions against a McClain team are going to be very important, because this Tiger team will try and limit the Vikings' number of possessions. Fewer possessions and 20 turnovers on top of that will most likely send the Vikings home for the season.

I have watched McClain for almost 25 years now, and there are 2 consistent things that Coach Van Matre's teams have.......they will get in your face on defense, and they will make the other team beat them. They will not beat themselves.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by OneHitWonder »

Back to the game. After watching both teams play it will come down to V.C. guard play. They must be able to handle the pressure that McClain will throw at them. If so then VC inside game should give them the edge. If VC guards struggle with the pressure then look for McClain to come away with the win.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by GoBlue22 »

IMO Mcclain will win b/c of defense. I watched VC blow a 16 point lead in the 4th qtr. b/c they could not handle WCH defense. VC had a ton of turnovers due to pressure. But VC does have an offense that can put points on the board so it will be interesting. Unfortunately I cannot attend the game b/c I am leaving to go on a cruise Fri. night.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by Tyler_Durden »

hey buddy, that's the kind of ignorance that probably causes some to speak about VC the way they have been. READ the very post you quoted. the guy said that VC DOES have the kind of offense that can score points.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by GoBlue22 »

Tyler_Durden wrote:hey buddy, that's the kind of ignorance that probably causes some to speak about VC the way they have been. READ the very post you quoted. the guy said that VC DOES have the kind of offense that can score points.

Thank you!

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by mister b »


from a Belpre fan.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by slamjam »

Two good teams, should be a great game. I like McClain in a defensive battle by seven.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by Purple Cobras »

BLUEGRASSVIKE wrote:Here are 2 quotes from the other site
"Give the Viking fans time ... they have to get back from Athens yet. Them horse and buggies dont make very good time. Plus the ones that did make it back have to wait to go to work to post on here ... no electric run to most of the houses down that way."

"come on HALF of Vinton County? You have way more than 6 people there. The chickens out in the yard doesnt count toward figuring up the population."

Again I was reading some posts on "the other site", and I know VC is no metropolis, but come on Greenfield fans is your place a huge area? I live in Louisville, KY and I saw Greenfield on TV once so maybe thats why they hate on Vinton Co or "Big City" them. The bad thing was the TV program was "To Catch a Predator", and lets just say the cops were very busy the weekend NBC was in the Metropolis of Greenfield. LOL

Go Vikes!!!!! ! more for a district title.

Dude, that poster from Greenfield was good-naturedly ribbing the VC faithful. That stuff between GM & VC goes back a few years because we used to get the same back in the day. Whatever else you went on to babble incoherantly about is totally beyond me. You need to get out more, bubba. Louisville has a lot to offer...obviously more than McArthur.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by Purple Cobras »

freakintheseat wrote:Go Vinton County!!! I would like to see Ethan Allen get more time during the press, he seems to be more comfortable with playing, and with his speed, he will be able to contribute to breaking the press. I am sure that Coach Combs will have the boys ready.

Right on. Work on those press-breakers all week boys. In fact don't put Allen in until McClain presses. Speed kills, & all that...stuff.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by vc chica 02 »

BLUEGRASSVIKE wrote:Here are 2 quotes from the other site
"Give the Viking fans time ... they have to get back from Athens yet. Them horse and buggies dont make very good time. Plus the ones that did make it back have to wait to go to work to post on here ... no electric run to most of the houses down that way."

"come on HALF of Vinton County? You have way more than 6 people there. The chickens out in the yard doesnt count toward figuring up the population."

I apologize for being the cause of one of those quotes on the other site. Though, it would be nice if we could bring the chickens for a half time entertainment.

Should be a great game between two good teams. I'm pulling for the Vikes to make it to regionals for the first time, to make up for the last district final matchup v GM.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by Ty Webb »

Chica......Welcome aboard and congratulations for finally making it over to "the good site." The Puddle gets no respect from most of the VC faithful.

This game should be a great one. Two great coaches, two great programs.

Vinton County being able to handle pressure, not making silly turnovers, and forcing Greenfield into a track meet will probably be some keys to Friday's game.

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Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Post by BBallDUMB »

Thank goodness I found this site!!! I hate the "puddle" as someone put it!
I am a Greenfield fan, but I never agree with the same 3 or 4 "no it alls" from GF on the other the other site, they are running people off there!

With that being said, this game is going to be a great one! I look for it to go down in history of VC vs GF matchups!
I've kept an eye on VC for a few years (lots of respect for Combs) I really hate when people say......well they've only lost 1 game but look what league their in! Sorry GF faithful but our league isn't much better! And the SVC teams are way down this year, so it seems.

Zollo, won't guard your big man as many have said, Webster and or Detty will get that challenge, I think this game will come down to both teams guards, Ralph will pressure like you haven't seen, this will be the key for us. JMHO

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