Dr Lou wrote:CCC wrote:I think he got lost for a moment and realized where he was. with a bunch of stuck up, think their better than everyone else and coach who wouldn't let him thrive as a player situation AND THEN CAME BACK! Coach shoe has allowed him to become a great player in a system that runs more than just a 7th and 8th grade FLEX OFFENSE. give me A BREAK! you better get use to Minford beating up on you. They have swept the burg this year 7-12 grades. The tide has shifted. You better get out there and start recruiting again.

times have changed.. BLACK AND WHITE TV...COLOR TV... used to be Burg, now it's going to be Minford.
yes, times have changed.... but change isn't always for the better. today it's all about "ME" !!
the "team" concept is fast becoming a thing of the past and i certainly don't consider that a change for the better.
i'll still take loyalty to his school and the community from a player over a chance to get to the regionals.... any day !
how much have some of these boys mentioned (mcBee, bendolph. whitley, and others) "advanced" themselves by bouncing around all over the place from one school to another?
as someone said, they'll still just be footnotes to a few mediocre local teams down the road a few years after all is said and done anyway. although they are all better than average "local" talent, none will be Lew Alcinder type "game changers" on the big college scene.
in the long run, as a whole, the schools and communities they left will think much less of them than the schools/communities they went to think good of them.
very few (if any) of these "ME" boys today at ANY school will end up legends at Duke University or the like anyway, so what's the point.
EVERYBODY in the general population has heard of the world famous WATERLOO WONDERS
TEAM, but how many can name a single individual "star" on that team ?
and as far as them liking or not liking one coach better than another......
"I make my practices real hard because if a player is a quitter, I want him to quit in practice, not in a game."
Bear Bryant / Alabama