Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by newburgfan »

this year will be his 15th year at the burg and has never had a losin record. i remember durin a game this past season he ripped drew because he wasn't playin like he should and the year before that i believe he took cam off and ripped into him at the convo. he has to be one of the toughest coaches in se ohio

Speaking of taking good players out and ripping them new ones. I remember a couple of years ago when Burg played Nelsonville York. Wheelersburg was playing very sloppy in the first period. They were missing shots, turning the ball over, not rebounding, just playing absolutely horrible. Coach Barrick benched the entire starting 5 players for the remainder of the first period. It got their attention.

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by all-time athlete »

I know barrick and scarberry are pretty close and northwest was scrimmaging at portsmouth and scar couldn't show up and he told barrick to coach us..our entire team was to say the least a little worried a burger was going to be our coach...but coach spears showed up and coached...although i will say i kinda wish he would have coached us just to see what it was like...probably more or less the same as scarberry, speech before the game expecting only the best, yell yell yell, halftime with motivating speech, yell yell yell and then either a ripping after the game or a good job depending on how you played!

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by The Riepo Man »

Tom Barrick...aka "T-Bizzle"...aka "Tommy B"...aka "The Legend"..........That man was even hard during gym class and our weight lifting program. He would yell at you for some of the most random things and it would always be followed by a joke and a little smile on his face...and dont let his funny side fool you...he can have tons of fun but if you do something stupid he will rip you a new one without hesitation.

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by WitnessProtection »

Hands down ... Howie Caldwell.
The Master of the Stomp and Whistle.
Also the best postgame interview in the region. No bull. He tells it like it is.

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by madpolecat »

News Reporter to Coach Caldwell: "You seem to have a pretty talented group this year."
Coach Caldwell: "I would rather have kids that work hard."

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by therepublican »

Tom Barrick is only mentioned on here once?!!!! Let's face it...Norm might be a little more wild on the players, but no one gets under the refs skin like Tom Barrick!!! Plus, I have attended a few practices of his in my time, he is no Mr. Nice guy....but his record says it all.

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by Redsfan »

I can't believe Mike Hughes hasn't been mentioned. He was not an easy coach to play for. You either loved him or hated him. But, his record speaks for itself also. He has coached at 4 different schools (South Point, Wheelersburg, Green, and South Webster Girls), and he led each team to an undefeated season. I doubt there has been very many coaches do that.

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Re: Who is the toughest basketball coach in SE Ohio?

Post by Mr_player »

Randy Ward always gets mad, no matter what happens
He's kinda like an angry penguin :lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :razz:

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