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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by moonshine »

moonshine wrote:Question, how weakl is the TVC this year?
All this is was about a simple question! all of you experts have blown this out of the water! And logangrad chill out!

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by Super trooper »

Dude it's just a friendly debate

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by moonshine »

Logangrad wrote:
moonshine wrote:
moonshine wrote:Question, how weakl is the TVC this year?
All this is was about a simple question! all of you experts have blown this out of the water! And logangrad chill out!

Ahhhh the standard response. You start a pointless dumb thread and then get called on it and try and claim it was not what everyone is thinking it is. Typical. As long as you post this nonsense I wont chill out, ever.

Relax! being too sensitive for a coach is not good!

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by johnny ringo »

93Bulldog wrote:Glad your proud to be the TVC champ ... Now go try and win the SEOAL.

Also - put TVC-OHIO in your topic ... I don't think Logan would beat either Southern or Belpre - so your topic title is a little mis-leading.

Is the TVC-Ohio down? Perhaps a little.
Is the TVC-Hocking down? Not really - maybe some of the middle and lower tier teams - but it always has a couple of that will compete for a district title and its no different this year.
Bulldog, the only TVC Hocking team that has a shot at a district title is Southern. Dont see anyone else who has even a remotely legitimate chance.

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by 2-Gun »

93Bulldog wrote:If the 250 boys are 5-foot-6 chess players ... I'll take the 100.

Look, Logan has an entire county to choose from - they have 400+ boys in the school ... Why is Portsmouth (by far the smallest school in the SEOAL arguably the best team?)

Its been repeated season after season latley ... Portsmouth, the smallest in the SEOAL, has been dominating on the court ... Fed Hock is the biggest in the Hocking, where have they finished? Logan is the biggest school in football, yet they finished LAST in the SEOAL ... Nelsonville-York is the smallest in the Ohio Division, yet they dominate the league year after year in football ... Eastern and Waterford girls teams are tiny in comparison to area schools - yet they totally rule the volleyball and girls basketball landscape ... And how does Fed Hock, the biggest Hocking school do in football? Dead last usually. I can go on and on.
It's called transfer or some people call it recruiting.

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by noreply66 »

The Bulletin is Logan TVC Champs and the Question is how weak is the TVC champs

Now which one is it

Didn't tell us about the Bulletin and the question doesn't fit the topic.

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by 93Bulldog »

I think what gets me is that I spent my entire athletic career hating Logan (sorry noreply & Logangrad) ... They were our rival, we played them in week 10 in football, last in basketball, etc...etc... And not once did I think "Oh, Logan is bigger than us, we have no chance at winning." ... Nor did I even think about enrollment figures ... EVER!

We just wanted to beat the purple and that's all that was talked about or thought of ... The difference in enrollment between Logan and Athens is greater than Athens and Nelsonville-York. Logan has 478 boys, Athens has 297 (-181 boys) ... Athens has 297, Nelsonville-York has 151 (-146 boys).

I didn't care when Athens was the 'little fish' - and I don't see the big deal being the 'big fish.'

- So the remarks about me being bias cause Athens is the 'big school' is completely unfound ... I know exactly what it feels like to be the small school - from 7th grade to 12th - our season was a success if we went 1-9 in football and beat Logan! lol ... And it wasn't because they were 'bigger' - it was because they were our rival - plain and simple.

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by 3morethan2 »

bman wrote:Wow, I'm impressed a D1 school can beat a bunch of schools half to a third of Logan's size, most of which are also struggling this season. Would you like a participation medal?

Now, on to the real subjects. It's nice for a program like Logan, which got off to a hard start, to win some games and show improvement. Be happy with the improvement and don't spike on your opponents. As for basketball in southeast Ohio, it is down at the D2 level. Talent goes up and down at most schools. I still believe a D2 team from our district - Chillicothe - could go to the Final Four. Not too horrible for a down year.
In reference to what you first said find about D1 Schools beating schools to half their size....find some new content, that excuse has been used for a lot of years about logan playing "smaller" schools

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by bman »

When a minority of the Logan folks stop being pompus about beating the smaller schools then it'll stop.

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by OneHitWonder »

HORSES!!! Why The Hell are we Talking About HORSES!!!! I mean Really HORSES!!! I thought this was a Basketball thread.. Now All of A sudden we are talking about HORSES!!!!!! If I have 10 HORSES take away 9 HORSES and You have 1 HORSE that Plays Chess.... Oh hell now I'm really Confused..... Really its just HORSES!!!! :lol: :lol:

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Re: BULLETIN Logan TVC Champs

Post by moonshine »

OneHitWonder wrote:HORSES!!! Why The Hell are we Talking About HORSES!!!! I mean Really HORSES!!! I thought this was a Basketball thread.. Now All of A sudden we are talking about HORSES!!!!!! If I have 10 HORSES take away 9 HORSES and You have 1 HORSE that Plays Chess.... Oh hell now I'm really Confused..... Really its just HORSES!!!! :lol: :lol:
I love it! yes Logan has alot of horses, but we do not have any thoroughbred's and also you need some outstanding trainers!

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