Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by 3morethan2 »

definitely didn't think they would start out 0-6 on the season....haven't seen them play yet so can't really put my opinion on whats wrong with them but there is still a lot of games left to be played maybe they can turn it around for the rest of the season and get a winning record

The Jackal
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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by The Jackal »

Im confused! If the 2 gentlemen mentioned in the above post are such good coaches, why are they not on the coaching staff today?

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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by eaglesrock »

Come on Jackal! Are you serious? If you know anything about the Logan situation you know why Rutter is not there. As far as Dunigan goes.......I guess facebook is a bad thing

The Jackal
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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by The Jackal »

OK, OK. No more loaded questions.

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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by moonshine »

Logangrad wrote:Using curse words is frowned upon on the court as well as off in these two cases apparently........ :? For me, to answer your question, my private conversations were made public and my colorful language was not supported. Funny, now any time I say the F word out with friends, I look over my shoulder.........
GRAD, Do not use George Cardlin's 7 bad word's

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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by noreply66 »

Logangrad wrote:Using curse words is frowned upon on the court as well as off in these two cases apparently........ :? For me, to answer your question, my private conversations were made public and my colorful language was not supported. Funny, now any time I say the F word out with friends, I look over my shoulder.........
I lot of the youth today use the F word. It doesn't matter where I'm at and they don't try to hide it either. And it just not boys. I have to look over my shoulder too but it is to see the person or persons saying it. Don't know you personally Logangrad but I know who you are and everyone seems to say good things about you. A lot of people throw stones and say the F word when they miss.

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Re: Warren Local @ Logan 12/20

Post by moonshine »

Logangrad wrote:I have taken the high road on this whole thing since the jump, but imo it had absolutely NOTHING to do with whether I can coach the game of basketball, nor was it directed anyone affiliated with Logan or Logan basketball. It was a private conversation that was made public by a someone that wasnt shared with me. So I have no idea who took the time to print off a conversation online and send it to the board office. I have dedicated three years to just the basketball program, three years to the baseball program and countless hours doing other things for the school district with no issues. Not even a flare up. I have nothing to hide nothing I am ashamed of, which is why I have no issues with talking about it here or anywhere else. It is what it is, I miss the kids, and hope they succeed, but its easy to do the math on all this and I dont like how it adds up.

Grad one of these day's I will explain my "IT" Theory to you!

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