Green Bobcats

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by BuckeyeFan66 »

I didn't think you needed a lot of ability to make a JV Roster, that's why you have JV teams, to develop talent. If players get injured or quit or grades etc. I could see Green not putting a JV team on the court. Ability or no ability that would be bad. Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by hoot »

Green will have a JV team. Our varsity bench is usually made up of JV players anyway.{in the last few years }

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by catscoachmac »

Can any of the Franklin Furnace natives pinpoint the time period when the parents of players began thinking they can dictate what goes on in the respective sports programs? Better yet, when did the board begin entertaining seemingly every complaint about coaches that have come up? I'm a former Bobcat, but had been away from the area for 12 years. In the 2 years that I have been back, this is the 3rd different coach (that I know of) that has been brought to "the table" over decisions they make regarding coaching.
The current situation seems so simple. The board hires a person to build a team. He does this. Why make a hire at all, if somehow his roster is determined by others. Seems like we're undermining a coach's authority in Bobcat Land.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by slimpickens »

You are exactly right catscoachmac.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by BOBBY »


You may want to talk to Hoot about that. He is one of the constant natives that knows what is going on in the Furnace. I think unfortunately this has begun in some respects to happen every where. The biggest problem is the boards allow the parents to dictate to them what IS important. The board of education can only lawfully act on the issues the Superintendent brings before them. But many boards have begun to be the sounding boards for parents. Then they dictate to the administration that this is what is important. I have been away from Green for awhile also, but I have seen it played out many times in the places I now live and work.

Pretty sure I know who you are but not 100%, I will try to find out another way.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by catscoachmac »

Hey BOBBY. If you're from the area, probably not too hard to guess. My handle isn't very disguising...HA! I agree with what you're saying. It's almost as if 1 group can't make any progress without another group hamstringing them. Board members have to keep "the public" happy since that's where they get their votes; and the superintendent has to keep the Board happy because they decide if he'll stay around. With all that could be accomplished in the community (and any other community) it's amazing the upheaval that athletics can cause. From pee wee leagues thru varsity. I love sports and loved playing them at Green. I just don't remember there being so much drama surrounding it all. Maybe I was just ignorant to it all.

Good luck Cats.

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Re: Green Bobcats


Any word on the board meeting from monday?

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by BOBBY »


I believe there has always been struggles and parents complaining even when you and I were at Green, but the board hired people they backed. They did not get involved in the day to day running of the buildings. Imagine that, a board hired administrators to run things and then let them do it! When you're in the moment you don't notice all the complaining from parents.

How did the board meeting go?

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by catscoachmac »

I haven't heard how the meeting went. Hopefully it'll all blow over and the team and coach can get down to it. The season will be here before we know it.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by hoot »

Hey Jumper, don't bail on us. We need all the Bobcat posters we can get,regardless of where you attended high school. :12223

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by Sawdust »

Glad you cleared that up, jumper. I heard what the deal was and thought nothing would come of it. In a school this small though, I would never cut a freshman. We need all the bodies we can get.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by BuckeyeFan66 »

The other 4 couldn't play on the high school level as far as coach was concerned.They didn't have the basketball ability to do it.

Watch this video.

God Bless coaches like Dave Franz at Northwest. If anyone remembers this play won an ESPY that year, and had a lot of adults with wet eyes as the story unfolded. I guess using Green Township standards jake would have been cut from the team, right. No doubt he would have been.

Unfortunately, some kids are dealt tough hands they have to live with everyday. Diabetes is one of them, being hearing impaired is another, and being born without perfect feet could be another one. Hopefully by the grace of god this won't happen to you, or your children, or your grandchildren. I would hope if it happened to someone close to me a Dave Franz would be there for them.

All these kids wanted was to be on the team, to be part of a team, but, according to mini-me jumper, they did not have the ability.

Thats fine I guess, thats what the coach wants anyway, so just win baby win, right?

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by flash »

Jumper, your talking about a few people who will raise a stink.
If their Green faithful they wouldn't be telling him that he would be sorry.
I could probably guess who the people were who told him that he would be sorry for getting involved coaching basketball at Green people who back last years coach.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by Winchell »

jumper wrote:Buckeyefan66,Two of the three kids you mentioned to my knowledge and from what I heard don't have a disability that enables them or henders them from playing.The problem is is that they just can't play.They should work at it and maybe get better in the summer.The other kid possibly does have a problem that henders him and thats a shame, but evidently that is coaches decision if he can help the team or not.The piece on the Jason Porter kid is amazing and I've seen it before.I'm sure that kid would be welcomed at a lot of places when a kid can shoot like that.I for one along with many other people including many Green faithful told coach he would be sorry for getting involved in coaching basketball at Green.People that work in the school system actually told him that.I'm sure he sees that now but I know he could care less what they think that just makes him want it more.Green will back themselves into a corner one day and no one will touch that job with a ten foot poll.

Jake Porter. Oh, no, excuse me. ESPY winner Jake Porter.

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Re: Green Bobcats

Post by Sawdust »

Obviously jumper never ACTUALLY saw the Jake clip. You can't shoot when you are running a football. Still, you don't cut a 6'5" Freshman when you only got 20 to choose from, JV AND Varsity combined!!! Keep 'em all, If you can coach you can work with the less talented and make them better as the years go by. I saw Mike Hughes do it several times.

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