Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by d-5 »

Foxworthy wrote: I remember watching Andrew Burleson play in 2001 at Athens and then in subsequent years at the convo. Great outside shooter, did he end up at Wright State? Not sure on that but knew he went on somewhere. Just wondering as he was a fine player to watch move on the floor with his size and agility.

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Last edited by d-5 on Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by g w mclintock »


I just agreed with CatchOne.

If I struck a nerve then I apologize... but it is kind of getting old.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by sneake-pete »

foxworthy---I would have to agree with G.W. and catch one its about time to give it a rest .......not in any post that ive seen have you congratulated coach Thompson the J.v. coach is that because his brother plays and you dont think he should coach either...

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by JayKay »

Fox - Maybe it was coaching decision to push it at the end? To me, it looked to be some desperation showing at the end of the game. But we're not privy to what's going on on the bench. I believe at the 2 minute mark FH was behind something like 8 points. If play the last couple of minutes wasn't Coach E's plan, then Coach E can address it in the locker room.

I will agree with you Fox that I heard some folks in the stands yelling at players to shoot the ball towards the end. Not sure who was yelling it.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by Steely Dan »

I've never been one to "pile-on", and I'm not going to be one now. That being said, this entire blame the parents in the stands crap has ran its course, and it is simply, unfounded, and in my humble opinion, a pathetic cry on "someones" part. Don't know who you are, and really don't care.

Give it a friggin' rest. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Oh, and for the criticism of how things played out in the last 7 minutes, Coach E will definitely address how things were executed. The game was taped, and guess what, the boys are going to have to sit down and watch the tape of the game, and take what comes along with watching the game played out on tape.

For those of you who have never had to sit down and watch a tape with your coach and teammates, well, you have no idea what these boys are about to go through............

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by JayKay »

SteelyDan - If this was directed at me, there was no blaming of parents here unless they were yelling and I have no idea. I'm simply giving my perspective. This is an opinion forum. I'm old and have no children playing or grandkids for that matter. I'm getting tired of the "your child must not be playing" - so lets give that a rest as well.

I enjoy FH basketball. I follow it because I have a love for the game. I've truly enjoyed watch Coach E shape this group of young men. No matter who is yelling to shoot the ball, I personally don't like that. I think it shows a lack of respect for the coaching staff. And while that's not worth spit, it is my humble opinion.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by athens78 »

you will always have kids watching dad in the crowd and listening for him to yell instructions. Every team has one or two nothing you can do about it. If the coach catches it he can sit the kid and then have him explain to his parents why he set the rest of the game(for listening to dad instead of running what the coach wants)

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by Steely Dan »

JK - No, my comments were not directed at you, at all.

Coach Butcher had very good control of this, parents were not allowed to coach from the stands, period. I was one of those parents, who knew to kept their mouth's shut.

athens78, no, that is not the issue at all. And, every H.S. coach does not want this, despite what you say. If the kid is listening to Dad, Mom, Grandma/Grandpa, or his Aunt, they are going to sit, especially if they are playing for a decent coach. Those "one or two" that you mention, will never see the floor with Coach E. coaching, so your theory doesn't hold water...........

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by drrabbit »

Foxworthy wrote:I remember watching Andrew Burleson play in 2001 at Athens and then in subsequent years at the convo. Great outside shooter, did he end up at Wright State? Not sure on that but knew he went on somewhere. Just wondering as he was a fine player to watch move on the floor with his size and agility.

Yes, he redshirted his freshman year at Wright state due to injury and then played four years. They went through something like 3 or 4 coaches during that period and that hurt their consistency but they did make the NCAA tournament his senior year. They changed him to a forward and had him gain about 50 pounds which inhibited his leaping ability and was hard on the feet and ankles but he was able to take more of the pounding in the paint. He had more than 1000 points and more than 500 rebounds in his career.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by RedBaron »

i actually wasnt impressed by the number 10 team in the state. If thats the case then fed should be 12 or 13

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by Foxworthy »

Sneak Peate wrote.....................foxworthy---I would have to agree with G.W. and catch one its about time to give it a rest .......not in any post that ive seen have you congratulated coach Thompson the J.v. coach is that because his brother plays and you dont think he should coach either...

Please reference a post I made after the Southern/FH JV Victory in which I mention Coach Thompson in a very positive light, referencing his good decision making skills from the bench. If I've left him out in recent posts it was not intentional. When I mention "coaches" or "kids" 'enmasse it's all inclusive of the program which includes Coach Thompson as well as Coach Cottrill and Coach Ellcessor.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by Foxworthy »

Thanks drrabbit and D-5 on the Burleson info. He's one of my all time favorite HS basketball players in recent years.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by RiverRat »

RedBaron wrote:i actually wasnt impressed by the number 10 team in the state. If thats the case then fed should be 12 or 13


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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by athens78 »

SD got you on that but you do have what I mentioned on teams and that also happens.

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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by J-co »

sportsfan43 wrote:not sure if you all heard yet or not, but all of burgs JV team plays Varsity.


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Re: Wheelersburg @ Federal Hocking 1/3/09

Post by drrabbit »

J-co wrote:
sportsfan43 wrote:not sure if you all heard yet or not, but all of burgs JV team plays Varsity.


First off, Sportsfan43 is not from Wheelersburg and that same post was put on several different Wheelersburg threads to harass Wheelersburg posters.

While the intent was to harass, of course, there is a grain of truth to it in that Wheelersburg does start three sophomores on their varsity squad, although they don't actually play any JV this year. Those three sophomores that is inferred in that post WON their game last Saturday night.

BTW-Wheelersburg's JV is now 3-4 on the season. They lost again last night to Minford. Hopefully things will go better on Friday.

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