"To be a great coach you have to be able to motivate your athletes to play to the best of their ability. If you can motivate your kids they will give you 100%. The successful coach is a motivator with a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the game and the players. The ability to motivate and inspire is part of the formula for success. Getting athletes to believe in themselves and achieve come far easier from some coaches than others. The coach who can motivate is able to generate the desire to excel in their athletes. Motivation may mean keeping the practice fun, fresh and challenging.There are also several more aspects of being a good coach, your kids have to believe in what you are doing, (buy into the game plan). There are many coaches that have a good plan and have a good way of going about their plan but can not get their players to conform into their way of playing the game. As a coach as well as a teacher you must give respect to get respect, to many times adults seem to think that they are superior just because of age. These kids are a a stage in their lives where if you give them some respect and treat them like they are people too they are more than willing to try to please. Coaches have to know that all kids are not the same, different kids need different kinds of instruction. There are some kids that you can simply give a look and they will understand what you are trying to convey, some may need to be talked to one on one , and some need to have you get right in their face. As a coach it is your job to be able to "read" your team and know what works for each. Being aware of individual differences in athletes is also an important ingredient in coaching excellence. Yelling, screaming, and other emotional displays may work for some athletes but could have a devastating effect on others. Paying attention to the player’s emotions, strengths and weaknesses are the responsibility of a great coach.
The coaching aspect doesn't end when you step outside the game, you must wear many faces, coach, teacher,diciplinarian,friend, and maybe even butt chewer every once in a while. This is not an easy job and is definitely not for everyone, many people can coach but it takes a special person to be a great coach."
"If you whoop and holler all the time, the players just get used to it." - Paul "Bear" Bryant
And all parents and fans who have never sat in that first seat at the end of the bench, you should stop staying at a Holiday Inn Express, it is just a commercial, it isn't true. 

... Spartan! it isn't true???? ... don't tell the guy I did an emergency appendectomy on yesterday ... hmmmmmm ... so life really isn't a commercial ...

That all sounds warm and fuzzy but unfortunately these days there are more jobs for a coach...such as learning how to play/try not to play politics, dealing with parents who think their kids are the greatest and never make mistakes, trying to make decisions that you think are the best for the team/program and maybe not having an administration that will back you up. There's a lot more to it than meets the eye.
I thought I was the only one. Surgery was always fascinating to me but didn't have the grades, so I started reading articles and staying at the HI Express, and all of a sudden, my life's dreams were acquired.
It is a good article though
I thought I was the only one. Surgery was always fascinating to me but didn't have the grades, so I started reading articles and staying at the HI Express, and all of a sudden, my life's dreams were acquired.

It is a good article though
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 118
- Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:56 am
amen shl junkie. there is a lot more to it with too many people calling the shots. i couldnt agree with you more.
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 164
- Joined: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:02 am
Your article is good, however the promblem is their are too many coaches these days in the stands the Coaches on the court can't give the respect if it is not returned. You are right the great ones get through this but they are also highly respected because they demand it and sometimes that comes out as singling out a single player in this day and age. Coaching greats break them down then build them up, but respect them while doing it that is the key!!
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 162
- Joined: Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:13 pm
All coaches from Little League to High School Coaches NEED to read this. Little League is just as bad as High School Coaches screaming and acting like fools. They are just living their lives through their kids!!!!!! and they do coach their own little SUPERSTARS!!!!! or they think