Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by athens78 »

Both Students section stood for the game. How about you put the students in the corner sections if they want to stand because it was blocking a lot of people from seeing the game. I'm all for student sections but put them some where they won't block the rest of the paying customers view.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by g w mclintock »

sports mom 09 wrote:Just wanted to make a suggestion to the Athens High School AD or whomever. At the game on Saturday, up until the varsity game, people sat wherever they wanted but once the varsity game was to start, a large group of people were moved because the (so called) Athens student section was there. If this is the student section then it should clearly be marked as reserved for student section. I even watched as they made Mr. McAfee move from the seat he had been sitting in for 2 games.

Is this Mr. McAfee the same Coach McAfee that the gym is named for? If so that has to be embarassing for Athens High School...

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Solomon »

Wow, if that is the case, that is sad... :oops:

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by sports mom 09 »

Yes, it is the same one. I was shocked that he was moved. Maybe he went willingly but just the idea of watching 2 games and then having to move seats. It was crazy and should have never happened. The situation can be fixed with a little paint or signs. I know that I was not the only person in the gym that was upset about people having to move from their seats. I love students section....don't get me wrong. That is what keeps the atheletes pumped up most of the time. I just feel that those students who came over to the opposite side of the gym to sit where others were at should have picked that seat to start with. Then there would not have been a problem. Alex's students section had to find another spot to sit, which lead to Mr. McAfee lossing his seat with the guidence of Mr M. Its over with now but I sure hope this problem will be taken care of soon.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by interception »

As far as the hurt Alexander boys not having a seat, I am not sure the whole blame needs to be layed at Athens. Where were the Alexander coaches? There were certainly enough seats for ALL of them and for people that are not even on the team. One of the coaches should have taken care of these boys. They are still on this team!! If they are hurt I'm not sure they should have been standing all night. This had to be embarrasing for these guys and they deserve an apology from the Athens AD and from their own coaches.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Steely Dan »

G W McLintock wrote:
sports mom 09 wrote:Just wanted to make a suggestion to the Athens High School AD or whomever. At the game on Saturday, up until the varsity game, people sat wherever they wanted but once the varsity game was to start, a large group of people were moved because the (so called) Athens student section was there. If this is the student section then it should clearly be marked as reserved for student section. I even watched as they made Mr. McAfee move from the seat he had been sitting in for 2 games.

Is this Mr. McAfee the same Coach McAfee that the gym is named for? If so that has to be embarassing for Athens High School...

If this is truly the case, I'm very surprised that the AD let this occur. This is a shame, if this is what happened..........

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Spartan »

OMG Bitch
Bitch Bitch, give it a rest and move on, you are embarrassing me making us look like a bunch of crybabies.

I can tell you that Coach McAfee would never be disrespected by anybody, i was there and witnessed the whole thing. He moved to accomodate the Alexander cheering section was all. And the chair thing, we dress lots of kids, ask for more chairs, the custodians probably set the gym up in advance to the same standard every game.
We should be thinking about how we are going to beat Trimble on the road.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by The Gloaming »

kcarth305 wrote:This was a close one, as I expected.....

Didnt someone say Alex was up 17 late in the 3rd and took out the starters...the score is misleading...Alex rolled.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by spartacat »


OMG witch
witch witch, give it a rest and move on, you are embarrassing me making us look like a bunch of crybabies.

I can tell you that Coach McAfee would never be disrespected by anybody, i was there and witnessed the whole thing. He moved to accomodate the Alexander cheering section was all. And the chair thing, we dress lots of kids, ask for more chairs, the custodians probably set the gym up in advance to the same standard every game.
We should be thinking about how we are going to beat Trimble on the road.

Hold up now Spartan, you are starting to sound more like a Bulldog than a Spartan. :122248

I wasn't being a "crybaby" all I was posting was facts, just as I'm sure that Sports Mom was doing. Don't know about you but I am getting tired of the Athens people knocking the Alexander community down every chance they get.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Hayman »

After the freshman and jv games the students from Alex were told to move by Mike Meek for the varsity game. They chose to move behind the Athens bench. Which I thought was a great idea. But nope, that wasnt well received so Mikey moved Alex students a second time and this is when Mr. Mcafee was moved. The entire thing was disgusting. As sportsmom said mark the section as students or first come first serve. We all paid the same amount to get in and being told to move TWICE was a real classless act by the AD.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by FLASH-G »

Hayman wrote:After the freshman and jv games the students from Alex were told to move by Mike Meek for the varsity game. They chose to move behind the Athens bench. Which I thought was a great idea. But nope, that wasnt well received so Mikey moved Alex students a second time and this is when Mr. Mcafee was moved. The entire thing was disgusting. As sportsmom said mark the section as students or first come first serve. We all paid the same amount to get in and being told to move TWICE was a real classless act by the AD.

Vinton County came to Alexander only to find the first two rows of seats were reserved for just Alexander fans and now they want to cry about something cry when you pick up your third or fourth place TVC trophy.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by JJ Hale »

Flash G, you are right about the reserved seats at Alex. However, Coach Gabriel did reserve at least 5-10 seats for Viking fans that he knew were front row fans. Not a big deal.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by sports mom 09 »

FLASH-G wrote:
Hayman wrote:After the freshman and jv games the students from Alex were told to move by Mike Meek for the varsity game. They chose to move behind the Athens bench. Which I thought was a great idea. But nope, that wasnt well received so Mikey moved Alex students a second time and this is when Mr. Mcafee was moved. The entire thing was disgusting. As sportsmom said mark the section as students or first come first serve. We all paid the same amount to get in and being told to move TWICE was a real classless act by the AD.

Vinton County came to Alexander only to find the first two rows of seats were reserved for just Alexander fans and now they want to cry about something cry when you pick up your third or fourth place TVC trophy.

There is a difference between having seats marked reserved and being removed from the seat you sat in for 2 games already...There are a few Alex people who have ALWAYS sat on the opposite side of the gym, which some call the visitors side. If you notice, there are probably as many spartan fans on the opposite side of the gym as there are on the team side. Again, this is a different situation then what took place at Athens. The AD at Athens or someone listened and had their student section marked last. night at the girls game.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Hayman »

I got no problem with a school marking seats reserved or marking their student section. Thats not what occurred here. Folks sat thru 2 games and then the AD made a big production out of them having to move. Then he didnt like where they chose to move to, so he made another big deal out of them moving again. Im sure though that Flash and his VC buddies would gladly get up after 2 games and move twice just to keep the Athens AD happy.

Glad to hear Athens AD marked the section.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Brutus8907 »

#1 it wasn't the AD, it was the principal. #2 the reason he had them move a second time is because the Alexander students decided to stand right behind the Athens bench...that's just asking for trouble therefore it was smart move by Mike Meek IMO. as for the student section being marked off...there used to be an enormous sign on the wall behind it, not sure why they took it down but i guess they better put it back up if people are going to cry about having to move 10 feet :roll:

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Jake Roberts »

Hayman wrote:I got no problem with a school marking seats reserved or marking their student section. Thats not what occurred here. Folks sat thru 2 games and then the AD made a big production out of them having to move. Then he didnt like where they chose to move to, so he made another big deal out of them moving again. Im sure though that Flash and his VC buddies would gladly get up after 2 games and move twice just to keep the Athens AD happy.

Glad to hear Athens AD marked the section.


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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Hayman »

Number 1 thanks for the correction. Meek is the one that made them move, not the AD. And number 2 he didnt ask folks to move just 10 feet. But I guess a couple of you think this is how you treat a visiting team and their fans.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by freakintheseat »

Has Alexander played AT Wellston yet? Because you will be pleased to know that they mark their reserved seats, the ENTIRE floor level is reserved, well, I am exaggerating a little, they left 1/4 th of the visiting side UN-reserved for VC fans.

But, they did put up big signs, so that should make Alex people happy, even if they get nose bleeds in the upper-level seating. :)

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by Brutus8907 »

Hayman wrote:Number 1 thanks for the correction. Meek is the one that made them move, not the AD. And number 2 he didnt ask folks to move just 10 feet. But I guess a couple of you think this is how you treat a visiting team and their fans.

he had them move out of the student section which means if they so chose, they could have moved across the stairs and squatted there which would have really only been about 5 feet but if they moved across the floor (as the Alex students did) that's because they chose to do so. it's pretty good sized gym, it's not hard to find a seat that's not in the very corner where the student section is and has been for years.

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Re: Alexander @ Athens will they play tonight?

Post by athens78 »

The student section is not in the corner, and it should be.

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