Thrown out of a game.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

i guess i should back off a little now as it seems i have roused up quite a few of our fellow posters. some chains are easier to yank than others. i guess i am going to have to go out and buy me one of them rule books so i can keep up with the game a little better.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Ironman92 »

yeah...sparky learn some of them there rules in case you ever get a chance to coach jr high or something

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

i think i will stick with my 5th grade girls team. we are undefeated as no one can stop our 6'0 center. and she is still growing so obviously i will be coaching 6th grade girls next season. and our 1-2-2-1 zone press is really effective with her guarding the basket. at this level it sometimes takes almost a full quarter for our opponents to figure out what is going on.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by Ironman92 »

Seems like "back in the day" you used to rely pretty much on the 3-2-1 zone press....but you barely had any 6'0ers that was probably just good adjustment by you....though keeping it on in the 4th qtr up by 45 was a poor choice.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by bash »

1-2-2-1, in my days we only were allowed to play wonder your undefeated

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by sparky »

the funny thing is the other team nor the refs usually catch it until about mid way through the first quarter. of course it always helps that one of them steps off the court when we have the ball.
sometimes we dress one of them up like a cheerleader and that really confuses the refs.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by HoopsRef »

Well I think we as refs should write to ol' Ted Strickland and see if he can pass a law that if you do get thrown out... you go to jail. I remember a game @ Ironton, and some goon came down the steps from the visiting team (South Point), screamed at an official and then "Bumped" him on the way up the sideline. The official hit the whistle, summonsed thr Law enforcement and the fan was arrested for assault! He was tried and convicted of that! Also he was barred from ALL sporting events while he was on his 5 yrs. probation! I commend the judge for his ruling!

One final note: Why piss one off when you can piss the whole crowd off? I was born for this stuff blockcharge!!!!!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

hoopsref and block charge-idiots need to be escorted from the gym, oops we are officiating the games!!! The other idiots, the ones who are watching us and letting us know how bad we are!!!!!!! LOL

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

CB1 somehow i knew you would post on here today. i guess i got espn or something mental. are we together on 2/16/10 for some reason i took that night of from the regular crew and can't remember why?

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

oh by the way I normally ignore the yelling unless it gets real personal and/or profane. But if they charge the floor, see ya, what some fans may or may not realize is the game can get real emotional, sometimes the kids out of frustration or otherwise will take on the energy that the fans generate. If that energy is negative they will show it on the floor then we have no option but to penalize their acts or reactions. Also, and this is very rare, you get a complete idiot on each side and then trouble (fight) can spill onto to the floor. Ask some of the schools in Columbus and Cinci. whose teams have to play in the afternoon with no adult fans able to attend. So cheer your team yell at us if you think we screwed up then let it go and cheer for your team.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by 91blue14 »

Junior high girls has been some of my worst nightmares!!!

You get smarter in which games to take.

A very entertaining thread.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

91blue - jh is tough either boys or girls. they want to go full speed and do the things they see on tv but just aren't far enough along. plus there still momy and daddy's little boy or girls so they seem to be more vocal. all that being said work as much as you can and remember that the most important and biggest game that night is the one you are working.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by 91blue14 »

I know I'm no elite upper echelon in my point of the referee game. Some of these fans are tooooo much. No problems out of coaches. We all are learning everynight!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by theassassin »

HoopsRef wrote:Well I think we as refs should write to ol' Ted Strickland and see if he can pass a law that if you do get thrown out... you go to jail. I remember a game @ Ironton, and some goon came down the steps from the visiting team (South Point), screamed at an official and then "Bumped" him on the way up the sideline. The official hit the whistle, summonsed thr Law enforcement and the fan was arrested for assault! He was tried and convicted of that! Also he was barred from ALL sporting events while he was on his 5 yrs. probation! I commend the judge for his ruling!

One final note: Why piss one off when you can piss the whole crowd off? I was born for this stuff blockcharge!!!!!

the game at ironton you are talking about..... was that bout 5 yrs or so ago? if so i was there that night.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

91blue - It doesn't matter where you are or what point your at in your referee career. The games you do are important to all involved. You provide an important service, not everyone will go out and do what you do. Don't ever question yourself because of what coaches or fans say, but do go over the game in your mind and know your own weakness, If you can get a copy of a film, but use it objectivley, again admit to yourself if you made a mistake. Don't let it eat at you but figure out why you missed it and how you can be ready for it next time. I've been a ref for a long time at alot of different levels, i learn everynight.

By the way after the game we can leave and don't have to deal with the fans until next time, Coach has to stay and deal with them everyday.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

blockcharge-No, we are not together that night. I wish we were!!!! I also got moved on 3/6 from 7:00 to 9:00 game @ Convo. Another official had to be moved to work with you @ 7:00!!! Oh well!!!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

We are together on 2/15!!!!!!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by 91blue14 »

block charge, i dont disagree. its gets hard sometimes letting stuff just roll off the ol back!!!

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by blockcharge »

CB1 - I hope u didn't have to give up your entire check to get moved off our game. I'm not sure what i did on the 16th and get your saddlede ready for the 15th I'm flying back in town on the 14th the boy fights in vegas on the 13th.

91blue - I'm with ya man. But you got to admit we do meet some interesting people.

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Re: Thrown out of a game.

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

blockcharge-good luck in Vegas-don't spend all that refereeing $$$$-see you Monday!!!!!! I'll carry you again!!!!!!

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