South Point 66 over Portsmouth 54

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Post by purpleblood1 »

Way to go Pointers!!!

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Post by PointerFan02 »

way to go Pointers!! 6-0 now, I believe.

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Post by Raiderball »

Congrats SP.

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Post by Bryant4219 »

Im not trying to cut down South Point basketball, but I feel like those refs lost the game for Portsmouth! Portsmouth played hard and deserved the win and the refs took it away from them! Way to play hard in a well deserved win!

I believe that the foul ratio was about 12-3 against portsmouth at the end of the fourth quarter! That is terrible! Good luck against Gallia Ac. Portsmouth put this one behind you and look forward to upcoming games!! :-D :-D

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Post by local superstar »

Way to go South Point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by OVClocal »

they were riding mayo like he was a freakin horse all night and he only got one blocking foul, the fouls were 10-5 by the way, and a technical foul never helps any situation, mayo also took about four charges that were no brainers and only one was called

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Post by osumufan »

Portsmouth didn't bring the fans like I thought they had in the good old days. I was shocked by the low turn out but the Pointers had a good crowd.

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Post by theassassin »

What does SP new gym seat?

another good win for sp.

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Post by wemufans »

I think there is a sign that says 1500 or 1700. I don't think we ever need to worry about space until maybe graduation. The last time I saw it packed was a few years ago when SP beat Chessy twice in one season. I would say about 5 years ago.

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Post by trojandave »

Congratulations to the Pointers on the win and staying undefeated.

I will take up for our kids and say that the officiating was below average, and I am not talking just about foul calls.....with that said, I felt that the Trojans lost the game in the 3rd quarter, scoring only 4 points. South Point took full advantage of our drought, and it made the officiating seem worse. The officials DID NOT LOSE this game, South Point won it.

It was disappointing to lose this one, considering we were holding a 34-29 lead at the half. But our Trojans did make a nice run in the 4th quarter, cutting a double digit lead down to 54-47. But it was just too much to overcome.

I hope people realize that Anthony Williams, our leading scorer and rebounder(19ppg, 15rpg), was sitting on the bench in street clothes due to a foot injury which will keep him out for a few more weeks. This was the type of game where we REALLY MISSED HIM!!

To put it in a South Point perspective, take Todd Mayo or Beau Weed out of the Pointers lineup, and you get some idea of how different the team would be. Both those kids are nice players.

I will keep the faith in my Trojans....ALWAYS.....but it was a L...O...N...G ride back to Columbus.

I really liked the new gym, and it is great to watch a game from the visitors side. Nice PA system, too.

Good luck to the Pointers in OVC play.


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Post by TrojanFan_#1 »

"they were riding mayo like he was a freakin horse all night and he only got one blocking foul, the fouls were 10-5 by the way, and a technical foul never helps any situation, mayo also took about four charges that were no brainers and only one was called"

Actually no the fouls weren't 10-5 but they were 14-4!! Remember they don't put more than 10 fouls on the scoreboard because they don't count past ten. riding mayo all night...what about all the times SP fouled Portsmouth and nothing was called (not to mention one of our guards gets undercut on a lay up and the ref calls a charge???)? I wish more people could have seen the 3 clowns on the floor that ref'd this game.

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Post by biggdowgg »

I could not make this game, but have been told all about it, and I was told the same thing trojandave posted, the refs was below average....also heard the smae refs was to do a game later on in Portsmouth, "and theyw as told not to come" :shock:

heard Mayo was pretty good also, but was told Portsmouths freshman Bendolph, left him standing a couple of times :shock:

good luck to the pointers,and I will see the Trojans friday night against Gallia.

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Post by OVClocal »

yes south point had 5 fouls, and the fouls at the end of the game to stop the clock cannot be counted toward the refs bad calls, which they had more than several, if the freshman was 3 or 23 then portsmouth will be set for a few years, i think holding the big guy out the whole third quarter was questionable even if he had 3 fouls, trust me i know sp got a few more calls, but i have been to every home game so far and i believe that was that crew's first and last games for sp, but mayo did step up for a few charges that could have been called

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Post by biggdowgg »

the freshman is 23...and 3 is only a sophmore.

as trojandave said, you cant win games against good teams , when you only score 2 or 3 points in one period...and you cant blame that on the refs.

I would have loved to have seen the Mayo kid play, but couldnt make the game .

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Post by TheClassic »

I made it to the game and was impressed with the new gym and school. Wow, wish they had that facility when I was in school. I will say I think the refs were below average and made bad calls and no calls against both teams. I think Portsmouth will be a much better team when Williams gets back. I was very impressed with Portsmouth, they are very athletic. I think they are going to be very hard to handle when tournament time gets here.

Congrats to the Point on a well played game and keep it up.

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