Burg @ Minford 1/10

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by bballin »

4th n Goal wrote:
whiteshadow wrote:mcbee
Eddie Miller had the same number of points and McBee had several travelling turnovers early in the game and also threw several passes away late in the game which allowed Burg to stay in the game. Miller was the better point guard in this head to head match up.
Lol... Miller did have a good game and had wide open looks all night long . Mcbee was face guarded all night long and burg ran a box on and 1 on him and still came away with 19 Pts when burgs whole game plan was to shut him down and pressure him all night. A little easier to get points when your open alot more ...

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by KVDW »

bballin wrote: Lol... Miller did have a good game and had wide open looks all night long .
wow ! and he had 19 points? you'd think coach shoemaker would have eventually put somebody on him.
i read where minford's ace only had 9 from the floor.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by Eaglesnest »

Interesting thought...since this game was so close. Would Burg have beaten Minford if McBee was still at the Burg....YES. McBee has totally changed this years Falcons. Without McBee, I think they would not be very good. But, since this was close, would Burg be a better team with McBee than Minford is with McBee?

Interesting :-D

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by 91Grad »

Not surprised by the some of Burgs fans comments toward McBee. Minford won the game and if Mcbee had dropped 40 on them it wld be bc the refs let him travel all night or our defense was focused on someone else we let him score yada yada yada .. Anyone who follows high school ball knows what kind of ball player McBee is . One of if not the best point guard in southern Ohio and his teams win games . Minford has a solid team this year with talent in every position . McCray just keeps getting better. And the Falcons just keep on winning !

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by 91Grad »

^^^ Eddie is a very nice player I agree.. But a better PG than McBee one day..... C'mon Man ...

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by NewEra »

People in the Burg need to dry the eyes and get over it! First off he LIVES in MINFORD..! Second he STARTED at MINFORD. He belongs at MINFORD. Just be happy with the three other implants you have just from Minford alone and get over it, oh and btw thank MINFORD for your to back to back final four appearances, TALENT WINS BABY, and where did you get that talent from? Heck year before last a transfer carried you all to the convo and that same transfer goes back home and beats the Burg there. Life isn't always puppy dogs, flowers, hearts and rainbows when you don't get a recruiting class(figure of speech) every year. END OF DISCUSSION.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by CCC »

don't even go there about who would be better with McBee. I can start down a list of players from other districts that barrick has benefited from. he still has one player cowgill who lives in the Minford district. no one is going to feel sorry for barrick. he now has to learn how to win without transfers getting wins for him. the roles aren't even reversed in this situation. McBee lives in the district. I get tired of hearing how good these coaches are when they have talent but when they have good players they can't win. players win games period. coaches can make an impact on one game or two but players win games. if coach Copley had cam miller and Seth cowgill when they transferred that Minford team would have been right where burg was that year. barrick needs to prove how good of a coach he is this year, instead of whining and crying around. just stand up coach the players he has like everyone else has over the past years. if and buts bottom line is prove yourself

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by rxburgfan »

who really cares who mcbee plays for. he went back to minford to play the style ball he wanted to play. that's it. its his choice and he played a pretty good ball game. i think he only had 4 in the first half. a good second half. no pirate could stay in front of him. quickest style of play i have seen out of pirates in several years. burg even took a shot with 30 seconds left on the clock. generally that type of move nearly causes the coach to dislocate his shoulders.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by alabama mike »

Congratulations to Minford on the victory last Tuesday night. I am not going to get into arguing over could of, should of and would of. I was very impressed with the play of McCray and Gullion. McCray has good feet for a big man and Gullion looks really nice for a freshman.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by bluedude62 »

NewEra and CCC hit the nail on the head.
Most of the transfers are gone from the burg and this year it shows.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by FalconFan99 »

Let's just face it. McBee is one great ball player. He went to Burg and then transferred. I can only think of one reason he transfered. He didn't like it! Good job to both teams for a well played battle! Go Falcons!

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by lrn4lf »

Congrats to minford on the win! Still believe that going open enrollment for 7,8,9,&10 and then coming back to home school is wrong! Minford wasn't good enough for four years until burgs talent is low and then he transfers back. No I don't believe he carried burg to the regionals last year! STegman, shank, and Ballard carried the team. McBee helped. Let's hope he can carry us to the regionals this year and coach shoe can coach us there ! Big things in Minfords future! Sectional champs, district champs, regional champs. With McBee back and McCray at the post I see us going far on the tourney trail.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

lrn4lf wrote:Congrats to minford on the win! Still believe that going open enrollment for 7,8,9,&10 and then coming back to home school is wrong! Minford wasn't good enough for four years until burgs talent is low and then he transfers back. No I don't believe he carried burg to the regionals last year! STegman, shank, and Ballard carried the team. McBee helped. Let's hope he can carry us to the regionals this year and coach shoe can coach us there ! Big things in Minfords future! Sectional champs, district champs, regional champs. With McBee back and McCray at the post I see us going far on the tourney trail.

I don't see them getting out of the Jackson sectional when you have Portsmouth, Ironton, Chesapeake and Valley all up there. Those 4 will more than likely be the top 4 seeds and I see those 4 moving on to the convo. You also have Oak Hill and Coal Grove up there as well. That sectional will be one of the best in the state. Lot of nice teams going to be knocked out of the tourney up there.

As far as McBee leaving the Burg. Had nothing to do with Barrick. Decision was made by someone in his family over another matter. Huge loss for Burg and it has shown so far. Burg might take there lumps this year, but they are young and they will bounce back.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by NewEra »

lrn4lf wrote:Congrats to minford on the win! Still believe that going open enrollment for 7,8,9,&10 and then coming back to home school is wrong! Minford wasn't good enough for four years until burgs talent is low and then he transfers back. No I don't believe he carried burg to the regionals last year! STegman, shank, and Ballard carried the team. McBee helped. Let's hope he can carry us to the regionals this year and coach shoe can coach us there ! Big things in Minfords future! Sectional champs, district champs, regional champs. With McBee back and McCray at the post I see us going far on the tourney trail.
I was talking about Bendolph the year before actually and yes he did carry them. 33 vs Oak Hill.

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by rxburgfan »

burg needs some transfers in. the "home grown" product is going to take quite a while to mature. burg needs more players from ironton, portsmouth, minford. coaching and outcomes sure came easier then. Hmmmmmm......

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Re: Burg @ Minford 1/10

Post by Runner00 »

RxBurgFan wrote:burg needs some transfers in. the "home grown" product is going to take quite a while to mature. burg needs more players from ironton, portsmouth, minford. coaching and outcomes sure came easier then. Hmmmmmm......
I would say that is about right.

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