Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Oak Hill or Valley??

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by jacksonoaks »

I've heard of cheap labor.
im just wondering how much Valley had to pay the ref with the green game to screw Oak Hill.
that was horrible.
taing nothing away from Valley they played a great game tonight and held Oak Hill
but i do not believe the same turn out would have happened if the was called fair..

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

jacksonoaks wrote:I've heard of cheap labor.
im just wondering how much Valley had to pay the ref with the green game to screw Oak Hill.
that was horrible.
taing nothing away from Valley they played a great game tonight and held Oak Hill
but i do not believe the same turn out would have happened if the was called fair..

..... and here we go boys and girls. :mrgreen:

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by jacksonoaks »

im not from oak hill so im not going to cry about it,
i was there i know what i saw.
valley worked hard and wanted it more,but the rrefs more of the one ref was on the Valley side
TheMalteseFalcon wrote:
jacksonoaks wrote:I've heard of cheap labor.
im just wondering how much Valley had to pay the ref with the green game to screw Oak Hill.
that was horrible.
taing nothing away from Valley they played a great game tonight and held Oak Hill
but i do not believe the same turn out would have happened if the was called fair..

..... and here we go boys and girls. :mrgreen:

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by crab_apple4 »

There were a ton of questionable calls and non-calls in the game tonight. Both teams benefitted and both teams were hurt by some calls. There were only 2 truely bad calls all night. They were the intentional foul on Oak Hill at the end of the game, the ref anticipated a much harder fould and was ready to make the intentional call. But Valley was already up 9 with 20 seconds left so it was hardly a game changer. The other was on the loose ball at half court in the 4th quarter. Arbaugh and W. Hale dove after the ball, once a foul was called on Arbaugh, Hale hit Arbaugh with an elbow across the face MMA style. The officials didn't see it as they were sorting out the confussion from the coaches. Very dirty play, but it also didn't affect the game.

To put the blame on the officials is really classless and it takes away from Valley's performance. I really believed that after Oak Hill fought back to take the lead at the end of the 1st that the Indians might not get any closer. But they continued to hit big shots and create turnovers. It was a very nice win for the Injuns.

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by Ironman92 »

^^^^^^^Have we met?

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by crab_apple4 »

^^^^ Well, I am married to an Oak and I did live in Jackson county for a little while. But my avatar reminds people of other places and other times. :lol:

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by Guru »

You can't say that Valley won the game because of the officials, you just cant! Oak Hill got their fair share of calls. Valley simply outplayed the Oaks. plain and simple, Valley was the better team tonight, and they worked theirs butts off on the Defensive end, Valley really locked down on post defense even though they were severely outsized.

Good Win Indians!

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by art_vandelay »

jacksonoaks: how are you not "taking nothing away from Valley" by saing the refs handed them the game?? LOL...interesting. Since you earlier predicted a 18 point win for the Oaks, the refs probably shouldn't have been a factor anyways.

Congrats to Valley on the big win...puts them right there in the SOC II race. Oak Hill will be fine as a loss might be a good thing in the long run.*

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by WTIGER 80 »

Come on JOaks if your good enough the officials don`t matter. The Oaks were out played and out hustled and didn`t deserve to win last night they were flat and played right into Valley`s running game. Stop being a baby you lost ,your team will be fine maybe even final four this year they are that good, just not last night.

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Re: Oak Hill @ Valley- Tuesday, January 6th

Post by pmow3 »

That was a great game by Valley. Great team effort. Oak Hill is a tough team and I'm sure they will be tough the rest of the way. Kind of cool to see my nephew get a win against Stormin' Norm. Great coach. Should be fun to watch the rest of the year. Go Indians.

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