Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by beaverlover »

GAMEDAY!!! Go Eagles!!!

The Brown Ones ;-)

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by jimmy chipwood »

Didnt Symmes Valley play Reedsville Eastern this year?

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by beaverlover »

jimmy chipwood wrote:Didnt Symmes Valley play Reedsville Eastern this year?

Yep, Reedsville won by 10 I think.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by VIKED_MAN »

beaverlover wrote:GAMEDAY!!! Go Eagles!!!

The Brown Ones ;-)

DITTO :aaaaa111

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by J-Bird »

Since it's game day I'll go ahead and throw my prediction out there. I say that the inside game will be to much for the green eagles, so i'll take Eastern Pike by 7. 61-54

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by Super Fresh »

Look for Titus Peirce to have a great game

Reedsville- 56
Pike- 51

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by deweese3 »

i dont think im going tonight so good luck eastern pike

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by fasteach »

how exactly can you be the "golden" eagles if you don't wear any color even close to gold? i have never understood that :lol:

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by Bassmaster »

57-52 Reedsville final.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by Steely Dan »

Congrats to the eagles. And, frankly, I think some newbie is short-lived, based on their 8th post............That is totally uncalled for, let's see how long you last, there homey...........

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by VIKED_MAN »

Good game.
Howie's boys had no answer for big # 44 underneath. I think he led all scorers with 19, and for some reason did not play much of the 4th quarter, if any. He only had 3 fouls? He occupied 3 bodies most of the time when he played.
Even when triangle and one if he got the ball down low he scored. If he got it too high he couldn't move to the hole very well. Needs to work on his drop step. He has a huge first step, but needs to work on moving himself closer to the basket. He finished as well as any player out there, I mean from both sides. He will improve by next year: I'm sure.
Nice season Eagles; brown ones.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by OneBunter »

I must give credit to Eastern Beaver boys they played their hearts out and should be going to the CONVO, but the Coach lost this one!!!!
Anyone who knows basketball and looked at Miegs Eastern scoring, which was all from inside the paint or layups, you would have thought Coach Fitch would have gone to a zone. It may have given our boys a few minute rest in which they needed. Eastern Meigs maybe only took three attempts from the outside and maybe hit one. Also do not understand how you leave your leading scorer on the bench for the whole 4th quarter. They could not stop Mr. Montgomery. Also do not understand why he cannot play Wheeler and Montgomery at the same time. Eastern Meigs could not stop either one underneath. If there would have been Coaching, Eastern Beaver by continuing to pound the ball down low eventually would have gotten Meigs into foul trouble. Eastern Beaver should have won this one by a landslide.

It was evident the Eastern fans had more basketball sense tonight than the Head Coach. Maybe he should listen to them every once in a while!!!!!

Keep your heads up boys you did not lose this one!!!! You boys should be at the CONVO on the 10th!!! It was not any of you players fault, and do not let anyone tell you it was!!!!

Coach for what you did tonight ( regarding coaching) maybe you need to run some suicides for this one or do some Community Service!!
Last edited by OneBunter on Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by jimmy chipwood »

Did the big kid play most of the first 3 quarters? If so, what was the scores at the end of each quarter? Maybe, he was not able to defend against the smaller Reedsville players and he was giving up as many points as he was scoring and he just didnt fit into the team defense towards the end? I dont know, just asking.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by Fan-o-Southern »

Congrats "green" Eagles from the "purple" tornadoes!!
Last edited by Fan-o-Southern on Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by fasteach »

congrats eastern hey meigs BOE look at what a great coach can do for a TEAM. it takes talent but it takes coaching also. eastern has it and we're still lookin' but tonight the world belongs to howie. anyone knows all eagles should be green :lol:
jimmy, our coach would tell you that big men can't play basketball. which is why we're watchin' and the eagles are playin' :122246

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by hook em horns »

OneBunter wrote:I must give credit to Eastern Beaver boys they played their hearts out and should be going to the CONVO, but the Coach lost this one!!!!
Anyone who knows basketball and looked at Miegs Eastern scoring, which was all from inside the paint or layups, you would have thought Coach Fitch would have gone to a zone. It may have given our boys a few minute rest in which they needed. Eastern Meigs maybe only took three attempts from the outside and maybe hit one. Also do not understand how you leave your leading scorer on the bench for the whole 4th quarter. They could not stop Mr. Montgomery. Also do not understand why he cannot play Wheeler and Montgomery at the same time. Eastern Meigs could not stop either one underneath. If there would have been Coaching, Eastern Beaver by continuing to pound the ball down low eventually would have gotten Meigs into foul trouble. Eastern Beaver should have won this one by a landslide.

It was evident the Eastern fans had more basketball sense tonight than the Head Coach. Maybe he should listen to them every once in a while!!!!!

Keep your heads up boys you did not lose this one!!!! You boys should be at the CONVO on the 10th!!! It was not any of you players fault, and do not let anyone tell you it was!!!!

Coach for what you did tonight ( regarding coaching) maybe you need to run some suicides for this one or do some Community Service!!

If you think you can do better then apply for the job. Everyone wants to tell you how to do the job but nobody wants to do the job.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by classof86 »

I dont think you can put this one on Pikes coaching because if you look at Eastern;s stats, they can shoot the ball with the best of them. They didnt have any 3's tonight but if they werent scoring inside then you can guarantee they would have shot the lights out from outside

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by EaglePride »

OneBunter, if you had actually been paying attention you would know that Mr. Montgomery got his 3rd & 4th foul with 6 min left in the 4th quarter. Also if you had noticed that Wheeler I believe had one of the trainers look at him for some reason. So being a fan it's kinda hard to know exactly what's going on behind the scenes.

So unless you know the coaches or on the staff how would any of us know what really went on tonight.

Both teams played hard and it just wasn't the Eagles night. So if you can do a better job maybe you should apply for it next season.

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by middlechild »

Reedsville is normally excellant at the three point line. Didnt shoot many. Great job tonight boys! to the convo we go!!

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Re: Eastern Pike vs. Eastern Meigs 3/2 @ Wellston

Post by hardfowl »

R. Eastern 16 10 13 18 57
B. Eastern 10 14 14 14 52

R. Eastern

Jake Lynch 17
Titus Pierce 13
Kelly Winebrenner 11
Mike Johnson 10
Tyler Hendrix 4
?????? 2

FT 9-18

TO 12

B. Eastern

Kevin Montgomery 19
Kole Wheeler 12
Bryan Osborne 10
Jordan Thornberry 6
Derek Lawhorn 3
Jacob Helton 2

FT 5-10

TO 14

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