Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by oldmo31 »

First you have to be able to get the ball inside.The BOYS IN GREEN can play the D.If they RELAX and have some FUN,it could be a long night for the hounds.They played so tight against SV the last game I think they were even puckered up when they walked.They are eight deep and bring 32 minutes of HELL for the other teams offense.Jake,Kyle,the wild child (Tyler) and Bambi can all light it up from the three and Titus,Mikey,Braden and the Baumer will get theirs around the basket and beyond.Can,t wait for Tuesday to get here!!!!!!! AS ALWAYS GO EAGLES!!!!

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by cool cucumber »

eastern by 4

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by gh123 »

gobucks31 wrote:First you have to be able to get the ball inside.The BOYS IN GREEN can play the D.If they RELAX and have some FUN,it could be a long night for the hounds.They played so tight against SV the last game I think they were even puckered up when they walked.They are eight deep and bring 32 minutes of HELL for the other teams offense.Jake,Kyle,the wild child (Tyler) and Bambi can all light it up from the three and Titus,Mikey,Braden and the Baumer will get theirs around the basket and beyond.Can,t wait for Tuesday to get here!!!!!!! AS ALWAYS GO EAGLES!!!!

You bring about a very good point. These boys did seem very uptight last game. I think that being back in the convo will give them a little more comfort. Because its true: when they are having a good time, they are virtually unbeatable.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Heavy D »

Howzee is hard to beat in the Convo. He will have the green team ready to play. So I say Howzee's Eagles by a bunch. Go TVC!

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Farmer Yoder »

I have Easterns games the rest of the way through the tournament. Easterns boosters have made it hard for me to let anyone beat the eagles. Howie can leave the stomp and stare at home because he wont be needin it........

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by old bird »

I see Eastern winning a low scoring game, there D can make it very tough to get it to those big men.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Larry Bird »

I have seen Eastern play and wasnt impressed with their offense. The do play really good defense. They could definitely beat Manchester. I just think the greyhounds offense will be too much in this one. Good luck to both teams.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by cobweb »

Eastern fan, so go Eagles for another victory against Manchester. Are they from England :) ?

Just wanted to say this since Tuesday night; the kind of defensive pressure the Eagles can exert could not be observed at Wellston High School. The condition of the gym floor was deplorable (dirty unwaxed), there was such poor traction that I feared injury to the players. The "nest" is small and a terrible place to watch a game, but it always has a nice clean and ready playing surface.

OHSAA should take note and do something about the floor at Wellston, get it playable or move the sectionals.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Ironman92 »

How did Manchester do against the Stae Champion Oak Hill Oaks at the Convo last year?

Blevins HAS to do nothing to get into foul trouble or it's game over. I won't be surprised if Blevins has 2 in the 1st qtr, 3 before half and out of the game early in the 4th.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by d-5 »

Ironman92 wrote:How did Manchester do against the Stae Champion Oak Hill Oaks at the Convo last year?

Blevins HAS to do nothing to get into foul trouble or it's game over. I won't be surprised if Blevins has 2 in the 1st qtr, 3 before half and out of the game early in the 4th.

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=43778 ;-)

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by gh123 »

Oak Hill was last season. Who cares? Point is: You dont lose 8 games in a season if you are the AWESOME team that everyone keeps posting about. If that were the case, they'd be a undefeated or a 1 or 2 loss team. They obviously have some sort of Achilles heal. I have seen that out of their 8 losses, 6 have either come on the road or on a neutral court. So that must be noted. I Also keep reading about how Eastern cant contend with height. This team(they lost no starters) contained waterfords 7 footer last year and contained Trimble's 6'8 kid twice this year. So, I honestly dont know why this is seen as such a huge factor. Maxpreps has their tallest player listed at 6'6". Which, sometimes coaches have the problem of not giving the full measurement on players, but still.. Eastern is NOT weak in the paint.

I'm in no way saying that Eastern is going to have an easy win because I've never seen Manchester play. All I'm saying is that some of these posters have NO IDEA what they are talking about. I can tell you that from what I've seen, read, and heard: if either of these teams do not bring their "A" game, they will get beat. But then again, thats tournaments as a whole.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Screaming Eagle »

Eagles have so much speed! Play patient, and keep playing great D! GO EAGLES!

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Heavy D »

Ironman92 wrote:How did Manchester do against the Stae Champion Oak Hill Oaks at the Convo last year?

Blevins HAS to do nothing to get into foul trouble or it's game over. I won't be surprised if Blevins has 2 in the 1st qtr, 3 before half and out of the game early in the 4th.

I will say this is probably about accurate. The charges will be aplenty against him when they play the Eagles. Howzee has a way of teaching it, and it gets called. Too much D for the Eagles to lose this one. Go TVC!

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by classof86 »

I have to agree with Gh123..and the charges is an excellent point Heavy D. Come into the paint and you can guarantee an Eagle willl be hitting the floor.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by gohounds#24 »

from what i can reedsville has way to much confidence no team is unbeatable dont let manchesters record decieve you they had a tough schedule and they brought down 2 d III state ranked teams and guys are writing us off hounds by 3

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by gohounds#24 »

gh123 you guys would lose 5+ in our leauge when it comes to highschool sports you never judge a team by its record

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by gh123 »

okay n00b. you havent even seen eastern play and you have no idea what you're talking about. no one said eastern was unbeatable--so learn how to read.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by d-5 »

Manchester by 15 ;-)

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Fan-o-Southern »

Let's go Eagles!! Make Meigs Co. and TVC Hock proud.

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Re: Manchester vs Reedsville Eastern 3-9 @ OU

Post by Chained Eagle »

I expect this game to be in the 40's.
Can't wait for Tuesday.

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