TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Blue_nd_Gray »

BigShooter wrote:Alot of coaching changings this year in the Hocking. Hows the league look? Federal Hocking is got to be odds on favorite? Whats everyones previews and predictions?

fh has a long ways to go and Howie has his work cut out for him this year,these kids have been taught no defense the last 3 years! They might be good by tourney time,prob finish 4th or so in the league.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by CoachBrittonFL »

Southern might just be one of the best small school team in southeastern ohio. Also talking with ppl from Eastern they are having some kids come out this year who didn't want to play for Howie. Maybe they can get into the middle of the pack. I think its a long shot not sure if any of those kids can help.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by freethrow »

With a 23 year old coach Belpre is in trouble.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by eaglefan1 »

greatone wrote:With a 23 year old coach Belpre is in trouble.
why is that? I think a younger coach could really help these kids from Belpre, he can relate to the kids a lot more than what an older coach can. He was in there position a short time ago, I think Belpre will surprise a lot of people this year. Only time will tell though.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by bhseaglex12 »

Butler has a young coach and look what theyve done the past two years at the COLLEGE level. Age has nothing to do with coaching ability.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Pointing Falcon »

Miller does not finish last this year.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Futurebkstar »

1 Southern Roseberry is a beast
2 South Gallia is SR. loaded with Haner, the Matneys, Ellis, Phillips, Johnson
3. Federal Hocking has Howie now and a transfer.
4. Wahama has Lee.
5. Waterford lost a bunch but still has good coaching.
6. Trimble lost their big man but will be in middle.
7. Miller will suprise a few teams.
8. Belpre- young team but athletic
9. Eastern lost HOWIE!!! Thats big enough in itself.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by cool cucumber »

futurebkstar wrote:1 Southern Roseberry is a beast
2 South Gallia is SR. loaded with Haner, the Matneys, Ellis, Phillips, Johnson
3. Federal Hocking has Howie now and a transfer.
4. Wahama has Lee.
5. Waterford lost a bunch but still has good coaching.
6. Trimble lost their big man but will be in middle.
7. Miller will suprise a few teams.
8. Belpre- young team but athletic
9. Eastern lost HOWIE!!! Thats big enough in itself.
I like this list, Roseberry is a BEAST. Can't wait to see him Throw one down in a game lol.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by The Enforcer »

Where did Fed get a transfer from?

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by John Wooden »

The Enforcer wrote:Where did Fed get a transfer from?

I heard he was the tall kid on Meigs jv team last year.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Super trooper »

Hes not very good

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by EasternDspy »

Waterford will get 6-8 Tate Lang back.He got his grades up and is a beast.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by teach123 »


How do you think they will suprise people? I saw my neice play for him at Warren Junior High girls last year and he didn't impress me. In fact, they had a losing season and he was ejected from a game. It's interesting how Belpre keeps hiring coaches with NO or only peewee/junior high experience. What's happened to this once proud program?

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Fan-o-Southern »

OK, where and when is the preview?

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by eaglefan1 »

teach123 wrote:Eagelfan,

How do you think they will suprise people? I saw my neice play for him at Warren Junior High girls last year and he didn't impress me. In fact, they had a losing season and he was ejected from a game. It's interesting how Belpre keeps hiring coaches with NO or only peewee/junior high experience. What's happened to this once proud program?
I heard there was only 2 people that applied, Joe Garrett took the job, but then saw the situation he was in, and didn't want it anymore. So that left only Jordan and one other person left, and the other person is completely clueless. Jordan knows his stuff, coaching junior high girls is different than coaching high school boys. Jordan was in those kids shoes a very short time ago, and he can relate to the kids. I think Jordan will be fine, and by surprise people I am not meaning 20-0 and a state tourmament run. I'm saying a winning season and a convo trip, that would be surprising people.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Mercer Villain »

1. SG
2. Southern
3. Hama
4. FH
5. Waterford
6. Trimble
7. Belpre
8. Eastern
9. Miller

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by lightsout1 »

1. Southern
2 Federal Hocking
3. Wahama
4. South Gallia
5. Waterford
6. Trimble
7. Eastern
8. Belpre- young team but athletic
9. Miller will suprise a few teams.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Lightle04 »

Not sure if Trimble had all there players there today but there is no way they finish anywhere near middle of the pack they got hammered today at the Vinton County scrimmage with Eastern Megs, Western Pike,Adena,and Vinton County.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by gymrat88 »

1-4: Federal Hocking, South Gallia, Southern, Wahama (in no particular order). These teams will compete for the league title. Federal Hocking and South Gallia both possess great size and the other teams in the division will struggle with scoring inside and rebounding against them. Southern will beat teams with shooting, passing, and smart guard play. If this team had more height they would be my odds on favorite to win the league. Wahama has lots of athleticism, and will be a tough team to contain especially in transition.

5-6 Belpre, Waterford: These two teams can beat anyone in the division on any given night. Belpre is a young bunch, but a talented team. I look for them to play a lot of close games. Waterford is always a fundamental team, and Tate Lang will present problems for the other teams with his length and quickness.

7-9: Eastern, Miller, Trimble: The Eagles and Tomcats both lost a lot to graduation. Miller will be improved but not enough to go any higher than 7th.

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Re: TVC Hocking Preview and Predictions

Post by Golfer101 »

I have Miller a head of Fed on my list, Miller didn't get beat up and down the floor like Fed.

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