Chillicothe has had more success in the last 7 years than aruably any team south of columbus Dr.Basektball. going for their 5th district title this year in the KEllough era I believe. I will agree with you that overall we might not be a powerhouse but no one is seeing the success that my Cavs are having as of late. I dont know how 4 disctrict titles in 5 years is not a powerhouse.[/quoRabeanos12 wrote:Drbasketball2000 wrote:BVMv4life Chillicothe is far from a powerhouse in basketball. Few years yes but over the long haul NO. You could make that statement for a program say like Portsmouth OH. I would estimate that only people from Chillicothe View them as a Powerehouse over the past 20 years. The have good athletes but their program isnt strong. Fudamentals are weak and they dont utilize their strengths to their potential. They should be beating people (most) by 20 every game.
Chillicothe will not enjoy the next 6 years of Basketball. 5 district titles are you serious? i see that is the problem a powerhouse is 5 state titles or even let it go with 5 regional titles. But just 5 district titles means you cant finish. To continue to do the same thing and expect a different result is defined as insanity.