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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Regulator »

I agree. No young coach will or should take this job. Why :?: :?: Young coaches are building a resume not killing a resume! Going 2-44 (that's a stretch) will make a young guy unhirable!

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by sportsjunkie »

I92, as far as being out of the district that doesn't exempt me from having an opinion. I stay up on all the SE schools especially during basketball season. I have friends in the Jackson area, and a friend that teaches at Jackson. This isn't an attack on Phil Howard or his ability to coach or his resume. This is just merely a question because of this very unique situation. I have never heard of a school district basically hiring an interim coach to hold a job for 2 years.

IMO I do not think it is fair to the kids in the program now. I do think there are a couple of kids that did not come out to play due to the decision that was made. If I was a Jr or Sr, and a couple of kids did not play, which could help us go from Bad to Mediocre and possibly win some games, because the administration made no attempt to better our basketball situation, it would be very troubling for me. We all go through high school once. 99% of us have zero chance of playing on the next level. If you are not a football player or baseball player and basketball no matter what your talent level is, is your primary sport. You would want that to be the best and most memorable experience possible. And while education is the schools primary responsibility to the kids. If you are going to have these programs, then support them to the best of the schools ability and be fair. I don't believe they have done this.

And I don't care what anyone says on here, there is NO way the community would stand for this if it was football!

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by r1master »


I am from the "northern" part of the Southeast, so I really don't know any specifics about the Jackson situation, but I do work at a high school and coach high school boys basketball, and my only comment is, there MIGHT have been unavoidable reasons for WHY the administration didn't interview outside applicants. I can name 3 schools within 15 miles of me who recently had coaching vacancies, but didn't interview a single person. Faced with a multitude of financial concerns, they were forced to find a coach within the district, simply because they had no jobs to offer at the time. I'm not saying that your points aren't 100% valid, and that some students may or may not suffer some as a result, I'm just saying that the Jackson administrators might have felt that this was the overall best decision at the TIME for the district, from a financial perspective.

Or I could be completely off base, lol. Just making the point that its not as unusual as many might think that jobs aren't opened to the outside anymore.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Pol pot »

The people of Jackson should have thought about the kids for the last 20 years when they've been running off coaches like it was their job. The community has been absolutely been horrible on coaches and administrators in that time period. If people really had an "interest" in the kids (besides the egocentric, self-promoting) they would support the programs. In my opinion they community is reaping what they have been sowing for quite sometime. Bob Kight is a good man, and is a tried and true Jackson person, he's taking one for the team and will work at the job.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by sportsjunkie »

Both r1master and Pol Pot make great points.

Financial issues may have played a part in this. I couldn't say. I don't believe so, but I don't know for sure. The parents and business owners, some who shouldn't have had any say or influences what soever, have pressured the administration and forced this revolving door of coaches on the kids for they're own selfish gain. And the kids all way down to the bitty programs have suffered for it.

This is truly a sad time in Jackson Roundball.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman88 »

This is just the way it is Jackson has had hard time finding a coach that will stay or could stay. Kids need to have basketball skills and knowledge of the game by the time they hit jr high or they are already to far behind kids need parents who will help them travel or build a league in town blaming the coach is just easy way out if your kids haven't put the time in to the sport. Bob kight will do as good as job as anybody could at this time hiring a young coach would have ruined his career the next three year he would have been no better than 10-50 so this was a necessary move and when Phil retires he will get his chance. What Jackson needs is someone to take the reins like Jim Humphreys did with football and like Mike Moore has done with little league. Get involve it takes more that a month or two it takes all year and kids will eventually have to choose one or two sports. Finding a kid the can compete at top level in three sports and his school work is a thing of the past if you hear of one go watch them he or she will be a rare sight.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

Yeah....we had a coach that was concerned about the biddy program that the super and board were going to have back. Can't blame the school district on that one.

As for juniors or seniors not coming out that could make this team mediocre...? We have one senior roaming the halls not playing that played last year and could provide a presence underneath on both sides of the court.....but I'm not sure the coaching situation is the reason. He's working out with a speed, strength and conditioning coach 4 days a week in hope of farming a full ride somewhere in football....the others didn't play last year. Juniors? No

With the big guy and a proven successful coach....maybe, maybe 3 wins this year....no more than 1 right now. There are 3 athletes from other sports in the junior and senior classes that came out this year but not in the past. I would guess way more kids on the team are happy Bob is their coach...than he not be.

Programs can be built without a good biddy program...even though it's far easier. Jackson hadn't won a league title in softball since 1979 and hadn't won a sectional championship since 1995. The current coach and myself left the unacceptable city league when the current varsity players were in 3rd-5th grades. We took that group of girls and worked with them in the summer, played in a weak league of another city and a few travel tournaments.....the city, nor the varsity coach had anything to do with it. Six years later and Jackson softball is pretty darn respectable and the only current Jackson sport to be the reigning league champions.

Gotta have the athletes! You could take the all-star team of all the boys in 9-12 and probably wouldn't win 5 or 6 games. The biddy program is not good in numbers and we face schools we really should beat. Down the road if my son is still playing basketball (I bet he will) and we are in this type of predicament...I honestly don't think it would bother me or my kid. He knows to do his best no matter what and I know a high level Jackson basketball team is once a generation...but for now I'm going to do my part to make sure that generation might be the one team he ends up on. If it doesn't work out...ok, as long as the coach puts in the time, cares, teaches the kids the proper way to represent themselves and their school and be a good role model...and quite honestly we have the ultimate of those things.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

And IMO....having the elite athletes of the school participate in your sport is more important than playing all year around.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by doubleplay643 »

sportsjunkie wrote:I just want to ask a couple of questions:

If your son or daughter was a freshman or sophomore and you had invested time and money into camps, AAU, practice and equipment. Wouldn't you feel cheated that the school decided not to interview any coaches that might be available, to hold a job for someone that hasn't coached in the past 5 years? Wouldn't you want them to at least interview? Wouldn't you want them to put some effort into possibly finding a young, energetic coach that might have some long term goals? If you are a Jr/Sr, are these just considered throw away years? Would a younger coach have been able to get a few of the kids that didn’t come out, maybe to play? The problem would be, if the young coach does a good job, then it would be hard to get rid of him. So… they hire Mr. Kight to bite the bullet for two years, knowing he has no desire to coach past that point. I believe this decision is based more on an administrator wanting to coach and using his power to get his way, than for the kids. And let me be clear. I am no way criticizing Mr. Kight. He works his butt off on any job or project JHS has given him for years, and whoever coached the team this ear wasn’t going to win much if any.

And one last question: Would this happen in FOOTBALL?

Would you feel cheated & Wouldn't you want interview? No, new coach makes no impact and I think every (player/parent) realized how difficult the next 2-3 years were going to be. Bobby Knight doesn't help - Coach Kight best interim option.

Would a younger coach have been able to get kids out? Doubt it, and even so, no change in results. The stage has been set in a couple years for the next coach (wink) to move into what actually will be a good group of players. He gets the benefit of timing and will look like a rock star lol.

Would this happen in football? Are you serious...never.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by blazing speed »

Don't forget one thing, IMO and I believe others share the same, Bob Kight has done a very good job.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Pol pot »

Yes, Bob has done a good job, and considering the circumstances he's done a great job. He conducts himself in a professional manner, he's cordial and will teach the kids.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Paul Crewe »

In Jackson kids have the opportunity to play at the YMCA or for the Upward program and CUMC. There are 4 travel teams that play in a Portsmouth league. The teams are second grade, a third grade, a fourth grade, and a fifth grade team. Some of these teams play in tournaments also. I know the fourth and fifth grade teams played about a 20-25 game schedule last year and are on pace to do it again this year. These teams were all started by parents who wanted to give their kids an opportunity to play more competitive basketball. In my opinion this needs to continue for all grade levels every year.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by popeyes »

Plain and simple, if Mr Howard wants to coach the team in Jackson then he should have done so this year and not wait until the better players become available. Yes Bob has taken one for the team, but the Jackson school district had a good young coach that wanted to be at jackson and the administration would not support him.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Ironman92 »

I thought the administration and board were for him but the folks in Columbus recommended he not coach.

Again, if Howard does it this year or before he retires...every problem would fall into a "well, he cares more about basketball than being superintendent. Plus the state report cards are changing and many excellent and excellent with distinction will be receiving B's or C's on the report card and will be achieving the same as the previous years....but people will see the "C" plastered on the front page and it won't look good.

7th grade undefeated?

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Solomon »

the current state of jax basketball is because of meddling parents and people with grudges. the community of jax has to look no further than the hairdresser and her brother. they ran off a great coach and it didnt bother him, he is coachin at rio. shame on you jax and what you done to your kids.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by doubleplay643 »

All of above are some valid questions and points including the original posters statement. But in the end I think it boils down to given it is a fact that this year and next are going to be "difficult" basketball years, what was the best choice for the program long term.

If you hire a younger coach and in two years accumulate a 4-38 record and break that coach and have him looking to escape or if you hire an older coach (i.e. Larry Jordan type) that will stomp up and down and then have him leave. As I said above even a Bobby Knight would not help the next couple years, you need a Bobby Kight who is as solid, and professional, and matter of fact to just get through and keep the program stable. Howard it would seem would probably be good for a 4-5 year run and have the time to devote to it after he "retires" from Supt. in 2014.

Does Howard get the benefit of a good group of players...yes, he will get to be the hero or as I said above look like the rock star, but Coach Kight should be given the credit for going into this knowing he would not have a great program. Takes a special type of person to do something knowing the record is likely to contain a few wins, but he gets the benefit of coaching and teaching some great kids.

Am I biased, probably, although I have no kids in the roundball program, Kight was my 7th grade coach and yes I enjoyed his ways. Never forget him screaming at John Hale playing Swartzel at Athens not to take a jumper (it was NBA today 3-point distance), until it swished through the net, and he sat down and screamed just as loud good shot John. Yes he was a little more vocal in the late 70's than he is now, but nonetheless a solid teacher of the game.

Finally, to Solomon I echo yes parents need to keep off of the "hill" and leave the school business to school people. I was flat out amazed that a recent board vote for a football coach that went 35-8 or something like that in the last 4 years barely passes a board vote by 3-2. That is because some parents need to just stay the ^%$& out of things...never heard so much whining about everything from playing time to play calling to fundraising to whatever petty a$$ thing you can think of just to grind an axe.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I am bored, so if the Jackson community doesn't mind, I could weigh in on this subject.

First, I appreciate the parent's enthusiasm for their young all-star; however, the danger is becoming myopic and selfish. Which I believe in Jackson may be the case, after all it is a football town. Therefore, you don't necessarily have all or some of the athletes playing basketball. The parents must not only think of goals for their young all-star but seriously asked themselves what is it that they hope for their child's athletic success. It may seem silly on the surface, but I have seen it several times now spanning over two generations. I have seen parents live vicariously through their children to the detriment of the child, I have seen parents demand so much that the young athlete become disenfranchised and never play in high school, and I have seen the other end of spectrum in that athletic prowess is never nurtured. It takes a special parent to walk that fine line to nurture their young athlete in the competitive world of sports.

As it relates to high school victories, a parent must consider everyone. In high school, you can have a "Superstar Sammy" but if those around him are not as athletically accomplished, then it does not correlates to victories or community success. It should be your hope that a young "Superstar Sammy" and his or her parents includes his or her teammates, they get them in the gym, the weight room, on the track, on the course, or on the field.

Especially in basketball; it is a game of speed, skill, accuracy, mental and physical toughness, and being prepared. Basketball much like baseball has certain skills that must be honed and practiced to achieve any kind of success. In basketball an individual needs to be accomplished in one of the following skill sets; 1. dribbling, 2. shooting, 3. passing, 4. defending, and I will argue a fifth, seeing and being the abstracts of the game, i.e. scoring mindset, moving without the ball, rebounding, understanding roles, and being a good teammate, in order to have a modicum amount of individual and team success. For example; perfecting shooting skills makes an average athlete a scoring machine, dedication to work and tenacity will make one a great defender or re-bounder, and so on. Therefore, this takes time and devotion, maybe something the football-crazed youth of Jackson are NOT willing to commit.

Also, I deal with a lot of youth basketball and I still hear parents say; "I'm taking Sammy to play on this travel team. It will make him better." My response is always the same; "Not necessarily. The individual skill development will make them better. Playing travel does more for their socialization skills and their confidence and that could go either way." Meaning, I am not oppose to travel basketball, but, it does not make one better at the game of basketball, it only gives them experience and exposure to different skill levels which could bolster confidence or could be overwhelming.

Just a side note; I used to coach against some of Jackson fine youth teams. Teams that were coached by Tim Dobbins, Tim Dill, or John Ondera and in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade those teams would crush our teams, I mean by 30 or 40 points. However, for whatever reasons, in high school, Vinton County was always victorious against them same classes.

Bottom line, parents must NURTURE their young "superstar" in their athletic abilities, but encourage them to share experiences, and although playing is fun, practice, drill work, and skill development is extremely important.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Out of Bounds »

Solomon wrote:the current state of jax basketball is because of meddling parents and people with grudges. the community of jax has to look no further than the hairdresser and her brother. they ran off a great coach and it didnt bother him, he is coachin at rio. shame on you jax and what you done to your kids.
I completely agree Solomon and the administration let them do it twice to the same coach. Unfortunately, it was two different Superintendants. I know I92 said it was the state that made the final call on the last decision, but we would be very naive if we believe, that if he would have gotten full support from the administration from the beginning, it could have been handled and the state would have lived with the schools decision to keep him on.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by doubleplay643 »

Out of Bounds wrote:
Solomon wrote:the current state of jax basketball is because of meddling parents and people with grudges. the community of jax has to look no further than the hairdresser and her brother. they ran off a great coach and it didnt bother him, he is coachin at rio. shame on you jax and what you done to your kids.
I completely agree Solomon and the administration let them do it twice to the same coach. Unfortunately, it was two different Superintendants. I know I92 said it was the state that made the final call on the last decision, but we would be very naive if we believe, that if he would have gotten full support from the administration from the beginning, it could have been handled and the state would have lived with the schools decision to keep him on.
Administration supported the coach to which we are referring to and issued letter to State indicating that they had taken appropriate local action and the matter (which all the fuss was about) had been handled...nonetheless the State intervened do to some continued local parental involvement and thus we are where we are now with respect to the coaching situation.

And if we don't be careful that same situation will be repeated in other sports...just saying. Everyone needs to turn down the meddling and the chatter a couple clicks and just let it be.

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Re: Jackson Basketball

Post by Pol pot »

Hawkeye: Excellent post! And very true on all accounts!

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