trojandave, thanks for checking in on this old man! as I posted "doing fine" "feeling good" I AM READY to see some hoops ! got a whole menu of games on the card for the opening week of play starting with the Athens Preview running thru the Coach Young Classic at North Adams - there's about 15 games there! I'm lovin' it LOL ...
hitchbone64 ! so good to see your post my friend ... I was talking to a colleague awhile back when things weren't going so well, trying to stay positive, my colleague said he had run into a retired cook from here at the high school ... the cook asked about me and commented that she always liked me and watching me work with my kids , she stated "Mr. K always did a great job with his kids" ... I told my colleague that's all I want it to say on my head stone "he always did a great job with his kids" ... as far as an impact goes - I see the results of my work all around Logan with the kids I have taught - puts a smile on my face ... the kids I teach now know I have cancer, know and see that it hasn't/doesn't keep me from doing my job and doing it well ... I hope they learn that life is not a given, something that should never be taken for granted ... when you are up against an opponent that seemingly has the upper hand - you lean on others for support not as a crutch but as true support to get you thru the lows , to allow you time to realize ALL of those things that make life worth living in the first place - it's the people around you, some you know, some you don't but it is ALL about the people ... I am confident that I HAVE and WILL CONTINUE to leave my mark - in some way I will live on long after I am gone ... for NOW I am living life to the fullest every single day , enjoying the people - those around me and all of YOU as well ... as I had the basketball game analogy from the beginning of this battle - I may lose the game but cancer will know that I was not an easy out ... I WILL keep putting minutes back on that game clock for as long as I can ...
hitchbone64 - we will run into each other over the course of the season I'm sure ... take care of you my friend ...