tigers2010onhuddle wrote:While the gym at the new school is nice there's just something about it that's cold. Maybe it's because we haven't had any big crowds in it to see what it would be like. I love the 4 locker rooms and the cafeterium. Waverly's awesome pep band could be utilized by sitting in the bleachers at the end under the basket. If the band didn't use those bleachers I'm not sure who would be allowed to sit there since they are behind the basket. Without those seats being used for fans there's no way it seats as much as downtown. Another draw back is the seating not being equal on both sides.
There is a reason the OHSAA chooses the DOWNTOWN ARENA over the new school gym for tournanments.
The OHSAA doesn't choose the Downtown it is chosen by the SE district and one Dan Bice.