formerfcfan wrote:hawkeyepierce wrote:To those on the outside of the Logan-Hocking School District wonder who are the offending culprits? Since Mr. Dunn was so gracious as not to identify the school board by name, I will. After a quick check of their website... you can find all the information you may need or want including the agenda to the June 22nd meeting here...
Also, I will say this...if Kathy Krumlauf, Scott Anzalone, Lance Bell, Corby Leach, and Ed Penrod conduct business in this manner, maybe they should not be "renewed" in their respective coming Novembers. Just sayin'
Here's my issue: I don't think you'll find a collective of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people, especially Penrod. The much easier solution is to re-write your own intra-district by-laws or constitution so that the B.O.E. doesn't have that heavy of a hand in who is hired or re-hired. Does that take away some accountability? Perhaps, but I suppose it also would keep people from voting against candidates/incumbents simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach (which is exactly what you are suggesting).
First of all, I will not dignify your off the cuff remark that "...simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach..." It is much more than that. It is a person who was professional in every way and gave of himself tirelessly to his community.
No...what I am, strongly, vehemently...encouraging that the voters take a deeper look into their "elected" officials. If an "elected" official can be swayed by the few, a minority, then it loses sight of the whole. In that regard, I take issue with your statement, "...collecti[on] of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people..." Why did they not take the recommendation of the superintendent? After all, that is his profession. Do you think that a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walks into Dr. Anzalone's office and tells him how to doctor? Does anyone, especially a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walk into Mr. Leach's office and tell him how to sell insurance policies. The answer is "no." Because that is their professions.
Then the matter becomes a little more transparent. They (the board) ignored the superintendent's recommendation because A). they know his profession better than him, or B). they are politically motivated. After all, they are "elected" officials. My educated guess is the latter, especially if what Mr. Dunn has stated to be true and I have no reason to doubt him, after all, that is his profession. A great person, an outstanding member of the Logan community, a tireless supporter of Logan athletics, and a great role model, was unceremoniously dismissed as if they were swatting flies for the sake of one or two individuals for high school sports. My goodness, let that sink in for a minute... high school sports. A mere moment in time in what I hope will be a long and productive life for those young individuals.
Therefore, when the respective Novembers roll around, I hope that the voters of the Logan-Hocking School District take time to reflect. Ask themselves these questions: Are their morals and values conducive with mine? Are they self-serving or fulfilling their agendas? Are they willing to sacrifice the community for the sake of the few? Although I am not a Star Trek geek, I am reminded of the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. As a dying Spock tells the Captain Kirk, his sacrifice is logical. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." The Logan-Hocking School Board did NOT consider the needs of many, or the community, but rather the needs of a few. And that my friend is shameful, no matter how hard you tried to spin it.