who will win?

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rosemount rebel
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Post by rosemount rebel »

i think mr. warnock or mr. piquet can be a better A.D.than the other guy. they support the programs. and the kids really like them. mr. warnock is from clay he played ball for clay and is a true panther. mr.piquet has coached at many levels and supports
the school and all the programs. i think the current A.D. is very non- supportive of the programs and kids. i saw him at the game too and he never cheered one time during the game. if you where at the game ever body was standing and cheering.
it was sad to see him . don't do it for the money, have some heart about it . don't beat the kids up over this you made the whole team suffer....... you send your kid to the burg to be part of a team and WIN. that is fine he is a good kid. but you do not know anything about being a TEAM PLAYER!!!!! IT'S TIME TO BUILD A PROGRAM NOT TEAR ONE DOWN. :evil: :evil:

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Post by beaverlover »

Where will Clay's new school be located?And when is it scheduled to be finished?

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Post by beaverlover »

Thanks,I was wondering where it was.I thought they had already started on it.

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Post by cbaseball33 »

Ignert1 this correct of will be zthis saturday against east

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Post by callingtheshots »

ignert1 wrote:It would be nice if there was more support for the sports at Clay. The student turn out is low and from what I heard they couldn't get the kids to participate at school in some fun activities before the homecoming game. I know I am going to beat this dead horse, but it starts with getting the kids to the games. $5.00 tickets for students just prices most families out of going, and I have heard this from many parents. I have heard it all about cheap pre-sale tickets (most kids forget) and free passes for high grade and good attendance (few kids make this requirement). I usually hear this from people whose kids get in free. I'll suggest again for next season.

1. Set student tickets at $2.00. You make the money from them on concessions. Parents will give them money to eat, because they have to eat somewhere anyway.

2. Give free passes to students who play other sports (Piketon does this) It will encourage more kids to participate and they will support each other.

3. Hold pep rallys during school on big game days, throw out some donated freebies and give free passes to the loudest class. Thats what we did when I was in school ( and yes, basketball had been invented by then)

4. Make the games fun by getting the students involved. Making signs, a hoop to bust thru, throw out freebies. (play up to date music! instead of 70's and 80's rock)

Your going to have some winning programs over the next several years, it would be a great time to build the student support back up at Clay. Clay should pick up in enrollment when the new schools are built. Hopefully the sports programs will be back on top along with the academic programs. Then people will look at Clay and say, that is where I want my kid to attend.

I also saw Valley do something last year on their senior night. It was called last shot. After the game each senior got to take a last shot, if they missed it they would just put in a lay-up. The crowd stayed around and cheered. I thought it was a nice way for the boys to finish.

I agree totally. Clay is just about the only team I have seen that doesn't run thru a hoop at gametime, (except for homecoming night). Why is that. who makes those at other schools, is it the cheerleaders or parents. I think the boys like that. I also remember when my son was in high school, he said coach Ward had a pep rally every Friday and encouraged the kids to come to the games. And remember when the gym was so full that if you got there at 7:00 you couldn't find a seat. that has only been a couple of years ago. What happened? It's like nobody supports Clay school anymore. Wake up people, keep the kids interested and involved or they will be on the streets buying and selling drugs for past time.

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Post by cbaseball33 »

Students at clay dog the boys basketball team every time a game is mentioned that the boys are playing some students always say "there gonna lose" that jus puts the spirit right out of you. you dont even wanna go play after herein that you just want to never play because your school doesnt have a confidence in you. Clay is just falling apart slowly someone needs to step up and bring back wat we had a couple years ago in the sports.. :?:

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Post by claypantherfan »

cbaseball33 wrote:Students at clay dog the boys basketball team every time a game is mentioned that the boys are playing some students always say "there gonna lose" that jus puts the spirit right out of you. you dont even wanna go play after herein that you just want to never play because your school doesnt have a confidence in you. Clay is just falling apart slowly someone needs to step up and bring back wat we had a couple years ago in the sports.. :?:

I say the best way to get them to shut up is to win and not care what they say

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Post by beaverlover »

There is more Clay fans on this site than what show up for there games :lol:

Seriously though,3 or 4 years ago that gym was always packed,whether you liked Coach Ward or not he had s alot of support in the area.I'm sure having Cam Thourghaman didnt hurt either.

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