Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by beaverlover »

art_vandelay wrote:WOW...Oak Hill is really starting to hit stride. If they keep playing like this, Norm will be getting his first Regional title (Worthington Chrisitian is not as strong this year).

As for Minford fans complaining about their coach, what else is new? Doesn't matter the sport, it's usually the coach's fault out there.*

Don't know where you got your Worthington Christian info but they are just as strong if not stronger than last year. but Oak Hill is better as well,COULD be a good game if they do indeed meet in March!!!

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by bushmaster24 »

art , WC is strong this year... but the oaks can still make a run . they are playing very good ball . good luck to all SOC teams in the post season... and i would like to see the falcons at the convo.... sombody needs to step up and be a leader..

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by falconater »

Oak Hill is really tough at home. Good luck to Minford in the tournament. The Falcons have a really tough road.

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by live4sport »

CCC-- I suggest if you can take reading criticisms and score predictions that you read only what you write. As for my Saturday morning what in the world would make you think that I would be give a crap enough to be wasting it at your school? I wish your team only the best but honestly I could care less if you win or lose. I see what I see and I hear what I hear and if that upsets you too bad. Get over it. I have my own team to worry about.

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by MightyOaksFan »

bb: yeah I was at the game, I posted at halftime.

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by Scout45 »

Keep your heads up boys! Oak Hill is a very good team!-(Congrats)
Falcons-Play Hard and play as a team, and you will make a great
tournament run, you are also a very good team, now its
time to show it and get the job done! As for Minford people
complaining about there coaches that's simply not true, you
have a few that "constantly" do that on this forum. Its truly
sad and embarrassing but most falcon fans aren't that way.
Hopefully the coaches and players ignore these few people.
Coach Copley is a very good coach, very compassionate with
his players and tries to get the best out of them.
Best of luck rest of the season, and in tournaments.
Bring home the W's. You can do it boys, play hard!
Smith-Brisker-Price step up and lead this team and will the wins!
Refuse to Lose!

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by trojandave »

Went to the game, and the Oaks looked like a machine.......the Falcons turned the ball over too many times early on, and Oak Hill took full advantage of it.......JD Hale had a big game for the Oaks, as did Kyle Ondera...........

I think Oak Hill is a cinch to make it to the regionals, with perhaps a meeting once again with Worthington Christian.........I'm looking way ahead, but if that game happens........guard the 3 pointer Oaks!!!

Minford is better than what they showed last night........they gave my Trojans all they could handle at Portsmouth.......and I expect the same type of game at Waverly.

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by Flock_92 »

I watched the game. Whoa...Oak Hill was doing whatever they wanted. Good game Oaks!! My Falcons...you need to find a leader and price, brisker and smith do need to pull the team together. Oesch and McKnight are playing their guts out and nobody recognizes them. McKnight can absolutely jump out of the gym. In my opinion Oesch handled Hale better. Maybe it was his speed but he seemed to shut him down somewhat. Brisker did bang with him. Cowgill needs to quit walking back on defense after he throws the ball away. Forget the play and play on. Got to make some changes to make it in tourney Falcons. Good Luck!!!

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Re: Minford @ Oak Hill Feb 13th

Post by marshallman »

bushmaster24 wrote:nobody , is running him off he is leaving after this year on his own.. as far as the program thats why we care about the peewee up to the varsity. you my friend "operater" have no clue what you are talking about... if it were up to me all varsity coaches would be invovled in the peewee and jr .. programs...like most winning programs do..our baseball coach is our football staff is and you can tell with the numbers .. as far as the kids reading this i believe they are mature enough to understand...you are talking about young adults...

My feelings exactly! We run the plays watered down by the HS football coaches to the pee-wee football program. We have set plays to run and are not aloud to make up our own plays. In basketball pee-wee we do whatever plays we want because no one instructs the coaches with a play book or rules to go by.

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