Cap'n Scoop wrote:warrior2012 wrote:Cap'n Scoop wrote:The JV game was a preview of the varsity....slow paced. Warren won by 2 or 3.
When is someone from Warren's Administration going to step up and either have the Warriors enter the court from the other end or have the visiting team come onto the floor AFTER the cheerleaders are off the court. Someone IS going to get hurt, last night it was a FF player that took a leg kick from a WHS cheerleader. FF's players should not have done what they did by running through the cheerleaders and doing their tip drill but then kids will be kids. That's why the administration needs to put a stop to it.
As for the game, FF played the game they wanted to as they always do. Warren plays with no passion in that slow moving methodical offense...BORING! Always has been. Mismatches all over the court but rarely took advantage.
That was not warrens fault. Fort Frye would not get out of the way and our cheerleaders did what they were told to do. Tell the fort to get manners buddy. The forts cheerleaders were in the way a lot too. WARREN WON, a win is a win, smart one.
If your going to judge go both ways.
2012: I realize you are only water boy status and don't see things clearly yet. My daughter cheers for Warren. I think it is great that our cheerleaders stand their ground and can't blame FF players for standing their's also. Warren's powers that be need to correct this before someone gets hurt.
As for Marietta: Evan Brockmeier showed some class last year and held his team up until the cheerleaders moved.
only a waterboy?
wow sorry for having an opinion.