Release date of SE All-District teams?

Freshman Team
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Re: Release date of SE All-District teams?

Post by slug »

I have known of several coaches over the past to make phone calls to the press (or certain reporters) trying to sway their vote a certain way.

Also, I have never heard of a coach giving up a player for a better seed. I know it's true they help each other out with the seeding and that leagues stick together (IMO is the politics of it) but I only hope that coaches have better ethics than to trade a player for a better seed. Give me a break!!!

Chained Eagle
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Re: Release date of SE All-District teams?

Post by Chained Eagle »

peeblesportsfan1391 wrote:
ticklethetwine wrote:
slug wrote:
This is a really sad attempt to try and put a negative light on the SE All-District 14 Team.
The "real" awards as you put it are given by the AP?? I think that an award that is voted on by the coaches is also something to be proud of. I am hopeful that we will see Justice and Seaman on this team, but if it's true the paperwork was not turned in on time and they did not receive the proper recognition then you have to put the blame where it belongs. Shame on you for trying to put a damper on this for players (boys and girls) that are fortunate enough to be a part of the All-District Team. Congratulations to anyone that makes this team.
PHSfan14 wrote:Good post slug.....Get the paperwork in on time and this doesn't happen. It's really a shame to see 2 kids get put on a 2nd and 3rd team where they do not belong. Not saying 2nd and 3rd isn't an honor but both get placed on the 1st and 2nd (and maybe POY)if the stuff gets turned in on time.
YC08 wrote:They would've probably both been voted onto the first team. Their stats are strong. And you are right either one would've had a chance at POY--but there were a lot of good individual players in the district this year. But according to several sources on here the paperwork wasn't in, so it's unfortunate, but it's also the rules. Too bad for the kids.

And any post-season team is an honor to a high school kid. The down-playing is not cool.

I agree with all the above. It looks like you might be over ruled. :) peeblessportsfan1391

Many of the players who were named to the Coach's All Distric Teams have had some amazing seasons, and I would like to congratulate each and everyone of them. However, if there were no polotics or BS involved in the process of this selection, I would agree with you all on the validity of these Awards. However, Coaches try to wheel and deal, and get their players these awards in order to get other votes for things such as a better seed selection in the tournament. The AP can strictly look at the players with a little less bias (not to say that there isn't some bias still involved, but there is much less) and make in my opinion a more true All Distric Team... no Politics involved....Purely Stats and the Player's over-all Performance on the year.

Are you trying to tell me that a voter from Athens, Gallia, Jackson, Meigs, Ross, Adams Counties and such are not going to be swayed by a player from their area when voting? You can bet your a$$ they will.

As for the coaches all district team there are actually 16 districts in the state. To have a vote you must belong to both your district and the state associations. If you are not a member you have no vote and CAN NOT nominate a player for the all district team. No other coach may nominate one of your players either. If Peebles coaches did not join and their players were selected there must have been allowances made. That is the rules from 10 years ago when my daughter played her senior year anyway. I guess the rules could have changed since then.

The North/South game is sponsored by the OHSBCA. Players are selected for this game by the district coaches associations. Again, the coach must be a member for their player to be considered. Many scholarships are given out by the district and state associations. To say one is more important than another is obviously very foolish and/or uninformed.

Indian man
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Re: Release date of SE All-District teams?

Post by Indian man »

It seems wrong to me to punish a kid for someone elses mistake..I dont know the circumstances,dont know whos fault it is,, dont really care, just dont think that the kids are the ones that should get punished...

Freshman Team
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Re: Release date of SE All-District teams?

Post by slug »

It's unfortunate for the kids but quit blaming the other coaches and put the blame where it belongs. Peebles High School DID NOT get their papers in on time. It's to bad... but it is what it is.

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