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Post by pfloyd »

93dog, wipala, pole vault 1 ... thank you all for your concern and motivation ... Fraun both you and Jim Robinson are two coaches that I have always admired for your ability to "motivate" - you know me Fraun I will always hang in there and will always fight <thanks for the offer of a sit down and chat > ... I ran out to the high school today took care of some "bidness" with Mr. Robinson ( always good for a laugh or twelve LOL ) ... heard rumors that Warren, Fairfield Union and Logan were scrimmaging this morning as well! a double win!!! - a little spirit lifting from the humor of Mr. Robinson AND got to watch some hoops as well ... spoke with Coach Maddox, his lovely wife Sally, Coach Duckworth (he introduced me to little Duckworth) <always great to visit with friends, put a smile on my face seeing both some hoops and the Warren folks> ...

... side note => FU has good size, experience, inside/outside game AND attitude ... the Falcons of Coach Brusco will be moving into the top 25 preseason teams ...

Last edited by pfloyd on Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Focused »

Thoughts and prayers continue from the Focused household and P.J.

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Post by pfloyd »

... 2 "bad" days in a row - "pain" must have "recruited" over the weekend ... "pain" definitely brought in the big guns the last 2 days as today it was difficult to stand up or walk - I broke out the 60 degree wedge to use as a cane ... must be some major body blocks going on in the paint as it feels like "pain" took a hammer, pounded on my right shoulder and right forearm - almost unbearable in those 2 locations <heavy sigh> ... as strange as it may sound the chemo med I am taking (Zelboraf) one of the side effects is the "pain" on the bottoms of my feet! with the joint pain in my hips/knees/ankles the last 2 days throw in what seems like "accumulated" pain on the bottoms of my feet - walking is difficult ...

... I would have to say that "pain" has tied things up in the series the last 2 days - dammit I hate losing ... regrouping now for tomorrow's battle - a scheduled dumbbell lifting day it is ... I will be ready - will need to see if "pain" has done anymore recruiting LOL ...


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Post by 32, 16, 6 »

Sorry about the pain but I think thats a sign its workin. You arnt losing at all. You win every day. Now get back in there and show em what we are made of. Be tough. laugh til it hurts then laugj some more. We need ya so dont give up

besides T owes you a couple of visits

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Post by abuck76 »

God Bless brother................ :12224

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Post by Fighting_Scots1 »

PFLOYD - What you do for basketball in Southeastern Ohio is outstanding. You have given so much for people to look forward to with your insights here on SEOPS, and I am told that it gets better in person! I wish you well in your chemo, and I hope that you continue to become stronger and that the treatments are working without flaw.

Although I have never met you, I can only imagine how good of a person you must be ... And what makes it better is your love for hoops!

Take Care and God Bless!

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Post by Mad-Dogg »

my thoughts and prayers are with u and your family. keep fightin

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Post by wipala »

pfloyd,,just got back to Arizona from P-town..was able to see the Bannon Classic,,
as I watched the games that I was able to see I was thinking of YOU and all the info
you supply during the season..I do not know if you were able to make it down to
the Classic or not but I know you would have really enjoyed seeing the wonderful
game of basketball being played..Keep up the fight.....continued prayers from

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Post by pfloyd »

wipala ! I was not able to make it to P'town for the hoops - it sounded awesome though ... a great plus for the Portsmouth area during the summer months once again ... thank you for your thoughts my friend! ... difficult summer this year for me BUT I am hanging in there as best I can, I have a few napkin stats to share:

* finishing up week number 6 of chemo this Monday night (chemo drug Zelboraf, 960mg taken every 12 hours ... scheduled thru at least mid October)

* Met with my oncologist at the James on July 2nd - she went ballistic when I told her I was trying to lift light weights for my joints ugghhh told me it was the worst thing I could be doing - putting strain on my joints ... so much for fighting pain, trying to take control ... she suggested swimming, walking ... the Baymont Inn here in Logan is allowing me to use their pool and hot tub ( as long as I have a doc's prescription - got it) ... have used the facilities 4 days this week - awesome! - the joint pain seems to be relatively nonexistent ... walking is soooo much better, balance better ... although I feel like I am entering the movie set for the Cocoon when I go - it is definitely helping ...

* with the pain on the back burner for now, my battle seems to be with "fatigue" ... I am usually a very active person, indoors/outdoors ... my energy levels are way below my norm ... coupled with the hypersensitivity to the sun the ability to get out and do anything is not happening ...

* Not to be one to be 'defeated" easily - I picked up one of the 5-hour Energy thingys - never tried the stuff before BUT today - I'm game ... only 6 mg of Caffeine , mostly vitamins ... just tipped it back a few minutes ago - we'll see how it works ...

* New side effects - I have had a "2nd head" start growing under my right eye lid, the dermatologist gave me antibiotics to see if that reduces the size of it - if not I will be having it removed and biopsied this Thursday in Athens OR if I leave it my "committee of one will have to expand to a committee of 2!" ...

* My weight is down about 12 lbs

* Hair loss - who can tell when I had not so much to start with LOL ...

... all in all I am coping as best I can ... I have a routine oncology visit August 1st - EKG/blood draw/see how I'm handling the meds will be at this appointment at the James when we will set a date for the first week in September for a CT Scan ... the CT Scan will tell us if the cancer has continued to spread OR IF the Zelboraf has been effective in slowing down the spread/shrinking the size of the tumors/ and BEST case scenario - possibly eliminating the tumors all together ...

...I have heard from many of you via DM or cards - thank you all ... I can't overemphasize what the support you have shown me and my family has meant - my heart swells up just typing that - you folks are so amazing ... I have never had any doubts about beating this thing - even when given the statistical odds by the docs that say otherwise - too much to live for, too many lives to touch yet, so much basketball to see, so much harassment of 93bulldog yet to be done !!!

Thank you all, you're the best ...


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Post by 93Bulldog »

Always great to hear an update from ya Floyd ... thx.

So let me get this straight ... your kicked back in a hot-tub, sipping on 5-hour energy drinks while reading updates on how well my Bulldogs have played this summer? Good stuff ...

BTW ... You have my permission to sit back and relax next Thursday-Sunday man ... All you have to do is wake up in the morning, fluff the pillow a bit & have Mrs. Floyd bring you some pancakes while you take in hours and hours of Golf from the Brittish Open.

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Post by Schnellfritz »

Hang in there, Pfloyd. You aren't going anywhere cause I haven't met you yet and I can't wait till you see my Warren Warriors in action this year. They will probably be better than last year's 19-3.... Forget football and let's go straight to B-ball!

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Post by Orange and Brown »

Keep on Fighting!!!

My prayers are always with you.

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Post by pfloyd »

...have you ever played golf? a few rounds in a row everything is working - you get off the tee fine, those iron shots are spot on, and the putts are like putting into a hole the size of a bucket - THEN - the golf gods notice you bragging way too much - you go out for the next round , those drives are now finding every tree on the course, your irons? - where did that slice come from? ... and on the green it seems every putt from 20 feet or more is for par instead of birdie ... the game of golf is amazing ...

... when I posted my last update - all was going as well as could be expected - even better in some ways without the pain ...but for some reason my feeling better was/is something that is not supposed to happen just yet / maybe I haven't paid my dues - I don't know ... anyway last Wednesday evening I started getting "low grade fever spikes" up to 99.1 or so then it would go away by bedtime ... same thing Thursday, Friday - early evening fever/temperature spikes that subsided by 11-12 pm ... then Saturday early afternoon rolled around - my drives apparently started going waaaaaay right as my temp spiked to 102.2 around 4pm ... my appetite went south, nothing tasted as it should, water tasted medicine like ugggggghhhhh needless to say any interest in eating or drinking stopped ...temp stayed above 102 until around 11pm or so when it apparently broke , at least it came back down to 99.1 or so ... thought I could get some sleep after that BUT nooooooooooo at around 12:30AM I woke with major chills -shivering ,covered myself with 2 blankets, 2 afghans, wearing a long sleeve shirt,and a hoodie! still could not get warm finally about 5:30 am after being curled up in a ball on the couch all night, the chills went away - horrible night ( a night exactly like I had in Dec of 2010 when I took my first IV chemo with high dosage interferon - not good memories) ... Sunday had me with a 24 hour temp between 99.1 at 8:30 am and 102.7 by 5 pm ... some Alieve worked to reduce the temp to below 102 - dropping to between 100 and 101.7 ... no food , not much drink ... Sunday night was a duplicate of Saturday night unfortunately more chills/shivering ...

... was able to get a hold of the James Cancer hospital on Monday - my oncologist said that another gentleman taking the Zelboraf chemo was having similar temperature spikes ... they called in labs to be drawn here in Logan so I wouldn't have to drive to Columbus - the labs used to rule out an infection somewhere that would be causing the temps/fevers - nothing out of the usual showed up ... they asked I have a face to face with my family doc so he could read the lab reports and give me the news ... all seemed good but my doc wanted to do a chest X-ray to make sure there was nothing there that might be causing this run of fevers ... so far nothing on the chest x-rays ...

... The James wants me to stop taking my Zelboraf chemo until I can show a 24 hour period of normal (unassisted by meds Tylenol) 98.6 temps ... they will then decide as to whether to adjust the Zelboraf from 100% prescription strength down to something less ... now this in itself opens up the questions as to by stopping the treatment for a period time "am I allowing" the cancer to regain a foothold ? will I in some way be starting all over when I get the green light to continue? does this push back my time schedule for being done with the Zelboraf ? ...

... Monday night I had a mix of night sweats, but nothing as bad as Saturday or Sunday... I had temp of 99.1 again this morning, but after taking 2 Tylenol my temp was at the magical 98.6 figure ... I had some Chocolate Cheerios which didn't "suck" LOL ... trying to drink lots of water - but you can only drink so much of a medicine like taste ...

... hopefully in the next few days I FIND my "golf" game again so to speak ... something very comforting about "Fairways and Greens" ...

...take care everyone, thanks again for your words of encouragement ... keeps me hanging in there when my drives go right and left off the tee LOL ...


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Post by ironman02 »


Sorry to hear that things haven't been going very well the last few days. I know that you'll keep battling, and you'll be "back in the fairway" soon. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. This Ironman is behind you 100% too. Stay strong.

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Post by Focused »

Prayers continue for you from this Scioto Co. preacher...

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Post by 32, 16, 6 »

Hey...we talked about this along time ago I think. Flu like symptoms usually mean you are over medicated. Im no authority but it sounds like you are about to show this thing whos boss. Hole in one!

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Post by pfloyd »

32,16,6 - Teressa - we did have that conversation about being over medicated - hope you are right my friend ... went Saturday/Sunday without any spikes in temps so I followed my oncologists' orders and took a reduced dosage of the Zelboraf (3 pills instead of the full strength 4 every 12 hours) ...have been keeping a journal to take to the docs to show days, times, temps, and Tylenol taken , so forth ...

... Friday afternoon I got the results of the biopsy of the growth on my lower right eye lid - it is cancerous ... needs to be removed asap due to the combination of Zelboraf causing the speed up in the growth in size of this 2nd head and my reduced immune system ...problem is getting into a specialist in C'bus to get it done - they scheduled surgery for Aug 29th! over a month away! -this thing will have taken over my entire right side of my face by then ! talked to Dr Sammon's on her cell phone last Friday - told her that my procedure needs to be done this week - no later - or my combination of melanoma history, Zelboraf chemo and the fast growing cancer cell is becoming a perfect storm for disaster - she is going to have her people work Monday morning to try to get something this week if at all possible ...

... so I got all that going for me right now LOL ...

... on a positive note - LOGANLOCOS stopped into see if Pfloyd was still ticking Saturday!!! totally enjoyed the visit - Logan football, seoal football,Logan hoops, a little history and opinions as to what is going on now in the Land of Purple ... made my day Spence !!! I sent you a text but got nothing back so I'm not sure I got it sent to the right # ... I'll keep trying ... stay in touch Locos - take care of yourself ... and you know me I roll with the punches , push back when I get an opening - never one to go down easy in anything... people will say " the boy can play" ...

...New week with new challenges - I wonder if cancer has any idea that I am going to be going back to work full-time here in 4 weeks ...

... thanks Focused for your prayers, Ironman02 counting on you for some pep talks along the way , Teressa Ward ! you need to smack me when it looks like I have too many things I'm trying to think about - you sort 'em out and get me focused ... I need to see, feel some headway heading into that first week in September when they will do the CT Scan to determine if the Zelboraf Chemo is working - going to be a tense week here in the Pfloyd House but we'll get thru it - we'll hear the results - take em in stride, wrap our heads around the results and move on - that's how we roll here in the land of the purple ...

... take care everyone - hoping that I'm reporting that they will be doing surgery on my eye lid this week - one step at a time ...


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Post by pfloyd »

... just got word that I will be having surgery in C'bus Wednesday morning at 8:30am - finally something positive for the good guys LOL ... docs will be doing what is called the MOHs Procedure - they will be removing a layer at a time, looking at it under the microscope, they will keep going until they get clean margins ... told me to prep for about 4 hours , will be delicate due to being on the "eye lash" level of the eye ...

... life goes on ...


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Post by Orange and Brown »

pfloyd wrote:... just got word that I will be having surgery in C'bus Wednesday morning at 8:30am - finally something positive for the good guys LOL ... docs will be doing what is called the MOHs Procedure - they will be removing a layer at a time, looking at it under the microscope, they will keep going until they get clean margins ... told me to prep for about 4 hours , will be delicate due to being on the "eye lash" level of the eye ...

... life goes on ...

Your fight and positive attitude are an inspiration. My mother has found out she has Tumors on her lung, My step Mother has just been diagnosed with Colon Cancer and I fought a couple rounds of Radiation for a few tumors that were found on my left lung a couple years ago. You have fought so hard so long that I cannot believe any other outcome than you kicking this Cancer right in the Nutsack, and sending it packing!

You are always in my thoughts and prayers.........

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Post by pfloyd »

Orange and Brown - thank you for your thoughts and prayers ... AND YOU! be strong for your mom and step-mom! from your post you have firsthand knowledge of this opponent - you have taken it on AND beat it my friend ... gives ME strength to hear/read your own battle and "W" - thanks for sharing O & B ... as I said be strong for your moms - I will keep both in my thoughts/prayers here from the Land of Purple ... my black wristband says "Cancer Sucks" - all the people who are directly/indirectly effected ... O & B , everyday I will reach out, hold your mom's and step mom's hands, WE will all beat this opponent together ... strength in numbers ...


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