2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by freethrow »

I miss the days of Mike Wilson at 107.7 and Rollie Swartz of 105.5. Those two gentleman never showed any bias towards any team even if it was Nelsonville or Athens playing. They also never talked about the officiating, period. Talked about the kids, the time and score and the ball moving from right to left or left to right. Always talked equally good about players on both sides of the ball. I quess thats just experience over youth in radio. Also they never talked over each other sometimes both guys are talking at the same time. At least we have the games on the radio so that people that aren't able to make it will get a chance to hear it. You have to give 105.5 credit for that.

As for the game sounds like it was a heck of a game. Good luck to both teams on the tournament run and past to Coach Skinner.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by 93Bulldog »

Rollie was flat out awesome ... guys like that just don't grow on trees greatone, everyone would LOVE to have him back on the air, me included, but its just not possible right now.
no comments on officiating. check - got it.
talk about the kids? I know on the post game show for football - that was THE PRIMARY objective ... and I'm pretty sure that philosophy is being carried over to basketball.
don't talk at the same time. check - got it.

appreciate the advice ... I'm a mature and humbe guy (sometimes ... lol) - so I am willing to take any and all opinions the right way and learn from them ... and yes, even advice from you greatone. :)
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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by 93Bulldog »

Now that I have had time to think a little bit about the game - after crying myself to sleep last night ... lol ... I'll throw a few things out their to ponder.

* We may have been critical on air about a few calls during the game - but I don't think by any means it cost Athens a win.
* I don't even think Athens played that poorly - nor do I think Vinton County played a 'super' game either ... it was just a weird game where the ball bounced a certain way all night and just so happened it didn't bounce the Bulldogs way very often ... couple that with the 'invisible' lid Ty Webb or Dundas put over top the basketball hoop whichever way Athens was going - added up to a big time loss for the 'Dogs and a monster win for the Vikes.
* The Vikings DEFENSE was pretty darn good as well ... holding Athens to just 20 first half points? Allowing them to only score 58 for the game? holding Burrow to just 8 points? very good effort by Vinton County I must say and great game plan by Coach Combs.
* Elmore picking up his third foul early in the 2nd half was huge - the kid was dominating near the end of the first, scoring six straight points before the two teams went to the locker rooms.
* How about the 'total team' effort by VC? The two freshmen: Chase Wood 7 points in the 1st half, Jarod Albright 5 points in the first half was big. Then the two seniors 'seal-the-deal' - Kidd 7 points in the 4th quarter, Remy with 6 in the 4th ... all-in-all 8 different players scored for the Vikings (6 of them scored five or more points)
* Ibi Watson was flat out awesome scoring 31 points (16 in the 4th quarter alone), but no other Athens player reached double figures.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by freethrow »

93, Rollie the last I heard wasn't in the best of shape. I see him off and on at Wendy's and if I don't see him he's hollowing at me when he see's me great man.

Also great summary on the game. Any word on Coach and how he's doing?

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Coach Skinner posted this last night to his facebook page...

"I am fine folks. As I replied in another post, my dizziness and head pain was triggered by some diabetes issues which triggered some dehydration and blood pressure crash that led to the dizziness and headache. Thanks for your concern. Sorry I couldn't bring home the win tonight, but I am sure we learned something from it. I am proud of our guys . We are having a great year. Alexander is Friday, and then tournament time."

A very good man and a friend to us, here, at Vinton County. So while we may be competitors and often to go war, we love, respect, and enjoy one another. It is our hope that Coach Skinner and the Bulldogs have a long tournament run.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by cable_hogue »

93Bulldog wrote:I've heard three people from Athens say they thought the broadcast was great and entertaining (on facebook).
two guys (one from VC) - and greatone, who hates Athens ...lol ... have complained about it.

when your liked by one side - and disliked by the other - that usually means it was intresting.
if nobody says a thing about it - it means it was probably boring.

I will say however that the crew doing the 105 broadcast tonight usually does Athens on 970 AM, in which case they are TOLD BY THE BOSS to be somewhat bias ... its hard to just switch gears after doing the broadcast a certain way all season long. The next time, I'm sure a more conscious effort will be made to be a little more 'unbias' when doing a game on FM. ;-)
I loved the broadcast, what I got to hear of it. I am not saying the guys were wrong about expressing there thoughts on how the game was called; thats part of the job. I am not used to hearing the complaints so one sided towards one team over the air. Sorry, about sending out the wrong message, nothing wrong with supporting your team. I am just not used to hearing announcers vividly stating how bad the refs are calling a game during a broadcast.
I just wanted to hear the game, since I had to work and not make it in person.
How about the big guy that sits on the Vinton County bench, who took a spill in the VC Alexander game? Hope he is doing ok? That was the last game I caught live and in person.

Glad to read that the Athens coach is ok.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by pfloyd »

... hawkeye - thanks for posting the "comments" from Coach Skinner ... when I heard the 105.5 guys broadcast that Coach Skinner was having a problem court side - I was worried it was much worse than what coach put out there although what did happen with Coach Skinner IS a serious situation for sure GREAT to read here in coach's own words that he is doing OK ... take it easy coach!!! get everything "regulated" my friend !!!

... as far as the radio broadcast? I , being of the group of people with Purple blood here in SEO, had NO problem with the broadcast ! Athens radio station, 970 AM broadcasts ALL of the Bulldog games! I expect some "lean" to the Athens side of the court AND it's 93dog for goodness sake!! LOL ...93dog bleeds the Green & Gold! with that said I heard comments by both broadcasters going both ways as to "fouls that were or weren't called" but with that said "I was listening to the GAME - what was happening in the GAME" - I got that from the broadcast, I wasn't offended by any bias (and I wouldn't even go that far as to call it bias imo) ... I enjoyed the radio call of the game ... 93dog! there's hope for you yet as a color man! - I've always felt you had good contributions on your broadcasts/and good insight on the games that you call ... keep up the good job - when you do broadcasting for all who choose to listen to your call of the game you will always have those who either like the broadcast or WILL FIND something they don't agree with ...

... the game sounded like it was of the "ugly" variety BUT it was a battle of 2 of the top 8 teams in Southern/Southeast Ohio ... both play tough defensively , both have players who can/will light you up ... VC did an outstanding job of keeping the ball out of Elmores hands (I KNOW! Elmore got in foul trouble, took himself off the court so to speak - but I have to think that VC player quicks allowed them to get into position on rebounds etc. that had Elmore out of position,forcing the foul) ... Vinton County DID exactly what you have to do vs the AHS zone - they got the ball into that soft spot in the foul line area, defenders either commit or stay down in the box to take away the drive to rim ... VC - LB Remy - hit the shots , that midrange jumper ... Athens is shorthanded with Saltzman sidelined ... Vinton County got outstanding play from their 2 freshmen off the bench ... everything came together for the VC win - congratulations to Coach Combs & the Vikings ... Athens will be just fine for tournament time ...


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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by 93Bulldog »

pretty good rundown Floyd ... I'm not sure you even have to venture out into the snow to see anymore games - just stay home, listen, then give us your famous 'pfloyd-hoops-report' ... lol ... now that you have a 'newbie' in the family, I'm confident Schooner would much appreciate you staying home more anyways!

and thanks for the insight into the broadcast ... I kind of got 'caught up' in the game - and forgot we weren't on AM ... lol ... but oh well, you learn and move on.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by WarriorBlue »

93Dog - I was listening to your broadcast while I watched my Warriors beat Marietta. I think you did a great job. Your insight and "basketball iq" is evident. I never miss a Buckeye game and believe this when you listen to Paul Keels you know Ohio State is writing the check. Most of your audience was Bulldog fans. You weren't doing a national tv broadcast you were doing local HS basketball. I was impressed with your knowledge and the respect you have for the game.
Job Well Done!

Go Big Blue!

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by 93Bulldog »

Thanks WarriorBlue!

Million dollar question: would you feel the same if you had to listen me do an Athens/Warren rematch in the Convo?!?! lol
Maybe I'll just save you a seat next to me on press row - you can help 'keep me in line' and make sure I stay 'unbias.' ...


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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by WarriorBlue »

Dog... If listening to you do a Warren/Athens rematch ment we were in a Regional Semi Final yes I'd gladly listen to you. No matter what I'm sure it'd be a great game and you'd call a great game. That's in dreamland right now can't look past anybody in this one and done season. Whoever the 2 teams are that win a SE District title are gonna have to play some basketball. Wouldn't be shocked to see a Athens/LE and Warren/Vinton Co SE District Championship game matchup.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by bman »

Best wishes to Coach Skinner.

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Re: 2/12.. Athens @ Vinton County

Post by Coach Skinner »

I wanted to publicly thank everybody for the well wishes. Good to know that people care. Othen than God, family, and friends, there is nothing I love more than basketball. The battles we have had with Vinton County over the years have been classic hard fought games. Lots of respect on this end for Vinton County basketball and my good friend Coach Combs. Before the game the other night we were laughing about the time when his cousin and I ( Lee Raines at Alexander) took he and his little brother to the state fair to watch the World Wrestling Federation - We had to put Coach on our shoulders so he could see - That wouldnt be possible today.

As for the game - what a battle. Officiating was firm, fair, and consistant from start to finish - and we can't ask for more than that.

Best wishes to the Vikes on a deep tourney run, how fun would it be to hook up again down the tourney road?

Go Bulldogs!!!!

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