Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by trojandave »

Gahs4ever: Kick Portsmouth out?.........Just because we are looking into the possibility of joining the SOC?

I don't think that's a fair solution at all.......If Portsmouth is voted down, we will continue to play in the SEOAL.........and until that time comes that the SOC will admit us, that's the way it should be..........the SEOAL should try to keep every school it can, because it looks as if nobody else in the SE District is willing to step up and join the league.

Maybe the SEOAL shouldn't have looked at expanding in the first place.......why did they? I thought the league was stable........6 schools, 3 charter members, in existence since 1925........why expand?..........Nobody forced them to......they did it on their own volition......and with that comes risks..........

I am like a lot of Portsmouth posters on this thread.......I like the SEOAL......the best league competition in SE Ohio........if we are admitted to the SOC, the competition will be good, but not as good as the SEOAL.........

The SEOAL has existed for a long time, and you have said that the league will survive despite the changes........so why worry about the possiblity of Portsmouth leaving?

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by biggdowgg »

I kinda agree with evreyone, and I understand gahs4evers Points ..if we are looking to leave, we are not happy and wil continue to look.

everyone is always looking for greener pastures, isnt that what we was doing when we joined this league?

problem is, greener pastures, are not always greener.

now thats not directed at the SEOL, because I have already said how I fel about it.

It dont matter to me if we get on the SOC,or stay where we are,ar even bring back the OKAC........I wil stil enjoy watching the Portsmouth Trojans...heack,m even if we have to join the OBDTF Ss, I will be there to support :mrgreen:

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by WTIGER 80 »

Word is this is a done deal and will be finalized today, SOC will be going to 3 divisions. If they do that this could be a great conference.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC



Word is this is a done deal and will be finalized today, SOC will be going to 3 divisions. If they do that this could be a great conference

Where did you hear this from???? I didnt think they voted untill after the scond meeting.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by TheSportsGuy »

Word is the above post is B.S. They've said it takes two meetings before a decision can be made. Unless the SOC ADs get together for coffee every weekend, this can't be a "done deal."

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC


Starting rumors can get you a vacation.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by sparky »

would manchester want to join the soc now that they have football?

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by WTIGER 80 »

Did not mean to start any rumors but if not today it should be finalized soon as from what I am told going to 3 divisions has helped sell everyone on the idea. Did not mean to say it would be final today I mis spoke and I am sorry.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by WTIGER 80 »

Manchester would be a good fit but i would hate that drive in the winter.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by falconater »

to have three football divisions, there would need to be more than Portsmouth and South Gallia. Who else is involved?

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I understand the points gahs4ever made concerning the schools who remain. I think that is just an unfortunate consequence of things like this. By no means should any one school place the needs of other schools over their own needs, so it's just one of those unfortunate consequences. It's like when a person accepts a new job. It is in the persons best interest to take the new job, but it causes headaches for those who remain at the former company who have to take on that persons duties either short-term or long-term if no new hire is made. The person with the new job still had to do what he/she had to do despite the headaches of those who remain at the old company.

This could turn out to be the one of the best moves for Portsmouth sports in team history. Likewise, it's a great move for South Gallia. Local rivalries with league titles on the line. There is nothing better than that!

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by frank-n-beans »

Let 'em in!! No need to go to three divisions, two is just fine. When I was in school a loooonnnggg time ago, Portsmouth was the King and the rest of the county was the court. Sadly, now P-town is now just one of the court. No true King anymore but the 'Burg has been the exhaulted Prince for some time. This is a natural marriage that should have happened a long time ago. I hope it happens.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by Eaglesnest »

Don 't have a dog in the Porsmouth fight, but the SOC1 wouyld be stupid to allow SG in. The drive to Symmes Valley from Pike County is inane enough!

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by d-5 »

ever drive from Sciotoville to Latham :122248 no easy way there

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC


The drive to South Gallia from Pike County would actually be better when considering the majority of the drive would be on 4 lane high way. State Route 32 to Jackson, US 35 to Gallipolis then State Route 7 to State Route 218. The distance by Map Quest is only 4 miles longer than the trip to Symmes Valley and the roads would be better. Just my thoughts.

The SOC will do what it things is best for the over all league and not a few schools.

South Gallia would be very happy to get into the SOC but if the vote is no they will just keep on doing what they have since 96.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by Mercerville Monster »

The drive to South Gallia from Pike County would actually be better when considering the majority of the drive would be on 4 lane high way. State Route 32 to Jackson, US 35 to Gallipolis then State Route 7 to State Route 218. The distance by Map Quest is only 4 miles longer than the trip to Symmes Valley and the roads would be better. Just my thoughts.

The SOC will do what it things is best for the over all league and not a few schools.

South Gallia would be very happy to get into the SOC but if the vote is no they will just keep on doing what they have since 96.

Thats what I was thinking. Alot better roads to travel from Western to SG and I say it would be atleast 15-20 minutes shorter than going to SV since it is 4 lane and the roads are not near as curvy.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by Eaglesnest »

mercerville monster wrote:
The drive to South Gallia from Pike County would actually be better when considering the majority of the drive would be on 4 lane high way. State Route 32 to Jackson, US 35 to Gallipolis then State Route 7 to State Route 218. The distance by Map Quest is only 4 miles longer than the trip to Symmes Valley and the roads would be better. Just my thoughts.

The SOC will do what it things is best for the over all league and not a few schools.

South Gallia would be very happy to get into the SOC but if the vote is no they will just keep on doing what they have since 96.

Thats what I was thinking. Alot better roads to travel from Western to SG and I say it would be atleast 15-20 minutes shorter than going to SV since it is 4 lane and the roads are not near as curvy.


If you are comparing your trip to SV, you are barking up the wrong tree. Everyone in the league wishes SV was not in the SOC as well. Geographically, it makes no sense.

SG and SV should join the OVC or something?

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by Mercerville Monster »


If you are comparing your trip to SV, you are barking up the wrong tree. Everyone in the league wishes SV was not in the SOC as well. Geographically, it makes no sense.

SG and SV should join the OVC or something?

Sounds to me like you just dont want SG in the SOC for many reasons. I really wouldnt see a problem with riding on a four lane for over half of the trip.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by boogerred »

Eaglesnest wrote:SG and SV should join the OVC or something?

That won't happen. SG and RV aren't allowed to play. I wish they would, but the powers that be won't make it happen. The gate alone from that game would be an athletic director's wet dream!

I like the idea of SG being able to play for league championships; it gives the kids something else to play for. SG has had some good teams over the years, and could have competed for the league title.

I hope SG gets in the SOC. It would make scheduling easier.

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Re: Portsmouth/So. Gallia want to Join SOC

Post by Mercerville Monster »

I think what it will come down to is travel. Some people look and say Symmes Valley is so far away why would I want to drive longer than that when really SG would probably take less time. That is the only thing I could see them rejecting it for.

The first year we played the whole SOC1 football schedule we went 6-0, so I dont think anyone could use the "you wont compete" excuse.

I actually have a good feeling that this is gonna go through this time and we will finally be accepted into a league.

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