HaterAid wrote:I have been reading posts on this site for 2 years and just recently decided to join. Since I have started reading Army has made the most uneducated posts of anyone on this site PERIOD!! He attempted to bash me for a typo and he can not put together a complete sentence (look at prvious posts for proof). Did you learn to write like this @ Harvard or was it Stanford? LOL!!!! He avoids the argument at hand by trying to sidestep the question with his "so called facts" (which were so wrong it shows waht a tool he is) on a subject no one but he is even talking about. GO ahead Army make up stats and numbers to back up your side of the argument, it makes you look like a retard.
Something else Army you set here on this site and call me names like chicken and BOC BOC (I would assume you are trying to suggest that is what a chicken says). Was barnyard sounds your major at MIT? Or was Princeton? I served my country for several years active duty in the Army in the 11th ACR. I will bet you are a reservist or a National Guard member on here hiding behind the title ARMY. And after I got out used my GI Bill and attended a major Big East University (Not West Virginia or Cicy).
And to answer your question I do follow VC. I have family that live there and think they have a class program. Players graduate and are great members of what ever community they decide to live in. They do it the right way school 1st sports 2nd, this is why they can get a decent score on an ACT. Plus it is fun to give rejects like you a hard time. Chilly's ball team is without a doubt great. But are they doing it the right way? Can players on the team score high enough on the ACT to get them in a GOOD coolege? I know Givens did Miami is a great scholl. But i have heard this is not the case this year. Could be rumors, but I dont think so. I am sure you will be on here arguing something off the wall like team colors or which league is better( Was your major debate @ Brown?), but this has been my point from the begining. Some times schools dont put enough emphisis on education and it can be a problem when these kids want to go to decent schools.
Looks like your BIG EAST Education did not help you that much. Now did it

Whose the (retard) Mr. VC the Big East Man

Oh, and not West Virginia or Cincy either HUH

Ashamed to tell us where again

Hmmmm..........what Louisville

I hope there are not BIG EAST Schools that teach there students to spell words like you.

a. College is spelled this way, not coolege.

b. School is spelled this way, not scholl.

c. What is spelled like this, not waht

d. Beginning is spelled like this, not begining

e. previous is spelled like this, not prvious

Bronc21 and Dhaston will sure be glad to know you finally confessed to being from VC.

No disrespect to there school, but you better take a hard look at there B-Ball schedule before you run your trap about our B-Ball Schedule in comparison to VC's. Especially playing little Racine Southern Meigs. Aren't you guys a D2 School in Basketball too

The same as Chillicothe D2 right

Two, no offense to VC, but the academics there and what are being offered at (Chillicothe City Schools) are not even in the same league retard.
But to hear you say it on here, your VC Vikes are all headed to play for Yale and Harvard.

Three, the SAT and ACT scores are most likely higher at Chilli too. Would you like to run a check through the OHIO DOE before running your ignornant trap on here about our Chillicothe Players.

Are you trying now to convince us, those serving in the Army National Guard and Army Reserve, somehow are second class Soldiers? Do you think that you are the only one who has utiliized there G.I. Bill benefits? Seems to me that your BIG EAST school must of over looked your spelling issues when you wrote your papers huh

How many times have you served in Iraq or Afganhistan? 11th ACR huh? Where in Germany or at NTC as OPFOR?

Thanks for your service. But I highly suggest you take a real hard look in the mirror before you cut down those that serve in the Reserve Components. Why aren't you serving part time, afraid of being mobilized

I too served on Active Duty. Like so many in the Reserves.
Here is my time partner

A. USMC 1978-1981 :-D
1. Parris Island Basic Training USMC Depot Jun-Sep 1978
2. A-School Sep-Nov 1978
3. 2d Mar Div at Camp, Lejune, N.C. Nov 1978-Jun 1981
4. Jul 1979-Feb 1980 (Sea Duty) MED and NATO Cruises
B. U.S. Army 1981-1985

1. 7th ID at Ft. Ord, CA 1981-1982
2. 2AD (FWD) in West Germany 1982-1985
3. 2AD at Ft. Hood, TX 1985
C. USAR 1985-1987 :-D
1. 83rd ARCOM Attached AC NCO Trainer
D. U.S. Army 1987-1991

1. 5th ID (MECH) Ft. Polk, LA 1987-1989
(Deployed to Panama for invasion "OUF") 1989 (3 months)
2. 8th ID (MECH) Germany 1989-1991
3. Deployed with 1st Inf Div (MECH) Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991 10 months
E. Ohio Army National Guard 1991-1999

(Bosnia 6 month Tour) 1997
F. USAR 1999-Present
Mobilized 5 times 3 OIF Tours (Iraq), 1 OEF (Afganhistan),
1 (Honduras) SOTO-CANO AB Tour.
1. 2001-2002 Mobilized with 101st Airborne-Air Assault (Afganhistan) (179 Days)
2. 2002-Mobilized III Corps Arty OIF Iraq (179 days)
3. 2003-2004 Mobilized with 3rd Inf Div (MECH) OIF Iraq (179 days)
4. 2004-2005 Mobilized with USAR Command CENTCOM Iraq OIF
(279 days)
5. 2005-2006 Mobilized Honduras SOTO-Cano AB USAR CMD (1 Year)
Captain 03E
How many times have you been in Combat Mr. VC

How many times have you seen a friend get shot up or worse lose a limb or get killed and have to write a letter to his family

How many times have you seen the tragedy of War where innocent little children die in the cross fire

There is a whole host of Army National Guradsmen and Reservists experiencing those vey issues as we speak.
11th ACR huh.....WOW

I wish I could have continued to serve in peace time my whole 29 plus year career.
11th ACR huh....

Training and partying in Germany? I'll take Graf or Hohenfels any time before Iraq or Afganhistan. If it was West Germany, which I doubt, because you don't seem old enough, the way you talk, I would even take Border Patrol before Iraq when the East and West German security fences were up.
Or were you playing as the bad guy at NTC and partying in Las Vegas or LA, CA on your time off.

Give me Cowboy Pass at NTC any day over Iraq. Hmmmmmmm......

Before you run your motor-mouth trap about Reservist, think the next time retard

Especially when you see them re-deploying on there third or fourth tour.
There patroits

Tell that to most Army National Guardsmen or Army Reservist who have at least deployed more than 2 times, which most have, usually 3 is the minimum. And most likely they have prior Active Duty before getting out and joining the Reserves. Most Reservists have deployed more than there AD counter-parts. They have used us a lot. So what were you saying?
Looks like you need a refresher in spelling MR. VC Man. I just hope the team you support doesn't spell words like you do at School. If so, they are going to have issues on there ACT and SAT's. maybe you can refer them to that BIG EAST School you attended.

It sure speaks volumes concerning your education at VC.

At Wellston where I went, they taught us to spell correctly at the grade school level.

You have a great day......

By the way RETARD, get some help in the spelling arena. I sure hope no VC College prospects are looking to you for mentorship.

Who knows we may meet this season at a B-Ball Game. Like the one our CAVS most likely will be playing again against your VC Vikings.