SHL Coaching Changes
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
my apologies to you coach arey, i did not think you were the would be coach. i respect your comments and wish you well. also i received misleading info on "open gym", again my apologies.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 1:49 pm
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
sneaky1 wrote:Mr. Arey
If the coaching decision is not in your hands, and everything happens for a reason, and you truly believe that things will turn out for the best - Then why not accept their decision and support the program from that point on???Hmmmm.....
To quote the great Ricky Bobby "If you ain't first, you are last".
Sneaky1 if you paid any attention to anything Coach Arey put in his post the other night and if you had even the slightest clue about what you were talking about or even checked your sources, whoever they may be, you would know that Coach Arey has always been in support of the Administration's decision. To quote him on this I do believe he said,"I have not, and never had intended to file a grieviance. The administration is aware of this because I told them right away. This would be out of character for me, so I had no intention of doing so. I was content with their decision, even though I was disappointed. I did not create the current situation. I interviewed just like everyone else...". Coach Arey's only concern in this situation is the kids and I beleive that he cares more about them than you possibly ever could. Since this Forum was started on April 6 till the present you have never once had a good thing to say about the players, the administration, the parents, or Coach Arey. You have shown no concern for the players or their well being(and to be honest you, you have even dared to put their friendship and respect they have for each other into question). Rather than trying to use this Forum like it should be used, which is to show support for the players, Admn., and community of Peebles, you have used it as a way to try disgrace the town of Peebles, and it's basketball program. Before you choose to write your next post I suggest that you check your sources first and try showing some respect to the players, coaches, administration, and the parents of the Peebles community.
Oh, and to quote Jesus Christ, and I believe this is the way he put it, "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen."
Last edited by peeblesportsfan1391 on Thu May 22, 2008 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
Seems to be a touchy subject for sneaky1. I wonder if it's not sour grapes.
I know Josh personally and I guarantee that the kids and the program are his only concerns. He has coached my son and I have complete faith in his abilities and in his character.
I know Josh personally and I guarantee that the kids and the program are his only concerns. He has coached my son and I have complete faith in his abilities and in his character.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
I don't think it is wise for those who post on here to try and discredit the coaches or demean the players or their parents. To what avail? What purpose does it serve other than to promote bitter feelings and alienate the fans who have started to follow Peebles Basketball again.
So there are a few parents that did not like the current Coach, do you think that is the first time that has ever happened? They have a right to voice their opinion just like you have done in this forum. The administration listened. If you are good friends with the Coach and you hang out together on the weekends I can see why you might not have wanted the change it’s hard to be objective when it comes to your friends. I'm not faulting you for that.
I know that Coach Arey would do an outstanding job. He is one of the few people who have put in the time to cultivate our young players and foster a basketball program that teaches these kids the meaning of teamwork and respect for the game from beginners to the varsity level.
That is why the players wrote a letter and signed it not because their mommies held the ink pen but because they are decent young men who were raised to follow their hearts and stand on their principles and they have tremendous respect for Arey as a coach and a person.
I hope that if Coach Arey chooses not to accept this position he will remain in the Peebles basketball program in some capacity, for the sake of the players.
Thanks for putting to rest the rumors Coach. I wish you the best no matter the outcome.
So there are a few parents that did not like the current Coach, do you think that is the first time that has ever happened? They have a right to voice their opinion just like you have done in this forum. The administration listened. If you are good friends with the Coach and you hang out together on the weekends I can see why you might not have wanted the change it’s hard to be objective when it comes to your friends. I'm not faulting you for that.
I know that Coach Arey would do an outstanding job. He is one of the few people who have put in the time to cultivate our young players and foster a basketball program that teaches these kids the meaning of teamwork and respect for the game from beginners to the varsity level.
That is why the players wrote a letter and signed it not because their mommies held the ink pen but because they are decent young men who were raised to follow their hearts and stand on their principles and they have tremendous respect for Arey as a coach and a person.
I hope that if Coach Arey chooses not to accept this position he will remain in the Peebles basketball program in some capacity, for the sake of the players.
Thanks for putting to rest the rumors Coach. I wish you the best no matter the outcome.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 1:49 pm
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
Great posts. I agree that it is time for the administration to do whatever they're going to do, make a decision and move on. I do have to comment on the post by the rooster however. Yes, everyone does have the right to their opinion, I don't think anyone is sore over that. What is so sad and what has started to tear this community apart is that those individuals didn't have the guts to take those "concerns" to the coach himself. Rather, they hid behind their letters, their phone calls, their trips into the office and their little gatherings. They had one goal and they achieved it. Yet, the chaos continues.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
On a good note go to and see what Mr. R.Arey has put together.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 1:49 pm
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
nice post dmills...I love the trailer on that gives me chills every time I watch it. I'm pumped for the movie to come out this Christmas.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
One more thing rooster, unless you are a player, I'm not sure you can speak as to why they do or do not do something.
On a different note I want to say a few things and then I'm probably going to retire from this topic. First of all, I have the utmost respect for all of the coaches involved, the past ones and the present ones, from junior high up. Some I do know personally, some I do not. I appreciate all of the time and the effort they have all put in and I know as well, that each of them care about Peebles basketball. I also have a tremendous amount of respect for these boys. They have handled themselves, not only throughout the season, but now, with all this chaos going on around them, very very well. They are great kids who truly like each other, like playing together, want to work hard, give 110% and win together. They are not jealous of each other and there is no doubt in my mind, they would have each other's backs in a minute. I know they will have the utmost respect as well for whoever is lucky enough to be their coach this season. I challenge all of us, as a community, to get behind these kids, encourage them, support them, pump them up when you get the chance, and let them know you're for them. Support the coaches, no matter whether or not you agree with everything they do and every decision they make. They are doing what they are doing to make these kids better players and to build a winning program here again. When all this happens, we will have the pride back at Peebles.
On a different note I want to say a few things and then I'm probably going to retire from this topic. First of all, I have the utmost respect for all of the coaches involved, the past ones and the present ones, from junior high up. Some I do know personally, some I do not. I appreciate all of the time and the effort they have all put in and I know as well, that each of them care about Peebles basketball. I also have a tremendous amount of respect for these boys. They have handled themselves, not only throughout the season, but now, with all this chaos going on around them, very very well. They are great kids who truly like each other, like playing together, want to work hard, give 110% and win together. They are not jealous of each other and there is no doubt in my mind, they would have each other's backs in a minute. I know they will have the utmost respect as well for whoever is lucky enough to be their coach this season. I challenge all of us, as a community, to get behind these kids, encourage them, support them, pump them up when you get the chance, and let them know you're for them. Support the coaches, no matter whether or not you agree with everything they do and every decision they make. They are doing what they are doing to make these kids better players and to build a winning program here again. When all this happens, we will have the pride back at Peebles.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 1:49 pm
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
shljunkie wrote:One more thing rooster, unless you are a player, I'm not sure you can speak as to why they do or do not do something.
"I also have a tremendous amount of respect for these boys. They have handled themselves, not only throughout the season, but now, with all this chaos going on around them, very very well. They are great kids who truly like each other, like playing together, want to work hard, give 110% and win together. They are not jealous of each other and there is no doubt in my mind, they would have each other's backs in a minute. I know they will have the utmost respect as well for whoever is lucky enough to be their coach this season."
That's fine shljunkie, I won't speak for the boys if you won't, but it seems we are saying the same thing. I don't know any parent that made their kid sign that letter including you I do believe that the coaches (all of them) have had the kids best interest at heart. I fully support whomever the new coach may be and these fine boys who want it so badly. I think its time for the bickering and finger-pointing at the parents and the administration to end. It will change nothing except make Peebles fans look bad. So I agree let's get behind the coach and stop all the conjecture and propoganda in this forum that has brought about no good to anyone involved.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
I agree. If we are not parents or players we honestly shouldn't be making any assertions or assumptions. Sadly though, what is making Peebles look bad is more than just the finger-pointing because sometimes that needs to happen and those doing things that are detrimental to our program need called out for it. What is making Peebles look so bad is that a small group wants to have their way and control things and they have shown they will stop at nothing to get that to happen. Again though, hopefully we can get past that and move on.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
rooster wrote:I don't think it is wise for those who post on here to try and discredit the coaches or demean the players or their parents. To what avail? What purpose does it serve other than to promote bitter feelings and alienate the fans who have started to follow Peebles Basketball again.
So there are a few parents that did not like the current Coach, do you think that is the first time that has ever happened? They have a right to voice their opinion just like you have done in this forum. The administration listened. If you are good friends with the Coach and you hang out together on the weekends I can see why you might not have wanted the change it’s hard to be objective when it comes to your friends. I'm not faulting you for that.
I know that Coach Arey would do an outstanding job. He is one of the few people who have put in the time to cultivate our young players and foster a basketball program that teaches these kids the meaning of teamwork and respect for the game from beginners to the varsity level.
That is why the players wrote a letter and signed it not because their mommies held the ink pen but because they are decent young men who were raised to follow their hearts and stand on their principles and they have tremendous respect for Arey as a coach and a person.
I hope that if Coach Arey chooses not to accept this position he will remain in the Peebles basketball program in some capacity, for the sake of the players.
Thanks for putting to rest the rumors Coach. I wish you the best no matter the outcome.
Rooster for the most part you are completey far from the truth. If it wasn't for the parents then none of this would be happening. Not all the parents but a select group not mentioning any names but it ryhmes with Shmustice. This Shmustice group was calling parents and telling them to inform their kids that they needed to sign this letter that she typed. Yes, that is right rooster the kids did not write the letter. Must of these kids were pressured into signing this letter. All of the kids are a wonderful group of kids, you couldn't ask for a better bunch. You need to get your facts straight before posting this garbage. If this group would just keep their mouth shut then none of this would be a problem. I have nothing against these parents, it is just hurting the kids and the whole program.
You are right about Coach Arey. He does a lot for peebles basketball and cares about the kids. I know he is one of the best coaches around. But how do you hire him over a man who has 700+ career wins and 2 NAIA National Championchips at Rio Grande. I think if Coach Lawhorn gets hired like the comittee decided then it will be a huge asset to the whole program boys and girls.
Parents grow up and quit whining about not getting your way.
Last edited by night_owl on Fri May 23, 2008 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
dmills wrote:On a good note go to and see what Mr. R.Arey has put together.
That is really cool dmills. Do you know how I can get a copy of the documentary? It reminds me of how it was back in the day and how I hope it will be again.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
[quote="night_owl You are right about Coach Arey. He does a lot for peebles basketball and cares about the kids. I know he is one of the best coaches around. But how do you hire him over a man who has 700+ career wins and 2 NAIA National Championchips at Rio Grande. I think if Coach Lawhorn gets hired like the comittee decided then it will be a huge asset to the whole program boys and girls.
sneaky is that you????
night_owl I can see you feel strongly about this as do we all. Those are some strong allegations: coercion and intimidation sounds like a good conspiracy novel. I agree with you totally that Lawhorn would be a huge asset to our program, no arguments. In Coach Arey's post he stated the same thing as well. Regardless of how the circumstances came about anyone could put in for the job and when someone does they have to follow the rules in their consideration of that person. For example they must consider the fact that one of the applicants was a staff member with the qualifications for the job. If that person does not take the position than they can hire outside of the school system, I didn't make the rules they are what they are, its the Teacher's Union. However, I don't disagree that Lawhorn brings a lot to the table, I don't think anyone is disputing Lawhorn's experience and wisdom just the method of his selection.
sneaky is that you????
night_owl I can see you feel strongly about this as do we all. Those are some strong allegations: coercion and intimidation sounds like a good conspiracy novel. I agree with you totally that Lawhorn would be a huge asset to our program, no arguments. In Coach Arey's post he stated the same thing as well. Regardless of how the circumstances came about anyone could put in for the job and when someone does they have to follow the rules in their consideration of that person. For example they must consider the fact that one of the applicants was a staff member with the qualifications for the job. If that person does not take the position than they can hire outside of the school system, I didn't make the rules they are what they are, its the Teacher's Union. However, I don't disagree that Lawhorn brings a lot to the table, I don't think anyone is disputing Lawhorn's experience and wisdom just the method of his selection.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
How was coach Arey not interviewed properly? What qualifications did or did he not meet? And I guess I was right about the letter
How was coach Arey not interviewed properly? What qualifications did or did he not meet? And I guess I was right about the letter
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
From what I understand, the documentary, in it's completion, will not be ready until December. I think it would be a really neat thing to have a showing of it at the school for all the teams and the fans, really do it up right. Meet the Team time would be great. There are a lot of things that have happened this year that have started the process of the pride coming back. From the parade after the sectional win to the pep ralley and the huge display of red spread out over the convo, also the new banners hung in the high school gym, the webcasts of the games by NexTv and now this documentary. This stuff not only excites the fans but also the boys and hopefully makes them want to be a part of that winning tradition!
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
Night owl, I also think you need to be careful. You can have your opinions, everyone is entitled to them, I think we have established that. But to make accusations like you are making is wrong. I don't think anybody made anybody do anything. These are kids who care about each other as teammates and want to stick together. They have respect for all people involved. That letter really wasn't the issue everyone wants to make of it.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
Maybe I was to stern. But I am tired of people lying on these posts. All that I stated earlier is facts. Yes, there was phone calls made to parents not sure how many but to a majority of the players parents. Parents stay out of it and let the adminstration and coaches do their job. My intentions are not to make people mad or slander anyones name. I am just tired of lying and the back stabbing that is going on.
Re: SHL Coaching Changes
As an outsider, I can see the positives and negatives of both Coach Arey and Coach Lawhorn. Arey is inexperienced at the varsity level and had a tough season w/his 8th gr. team this year (I know he didn't have much to work with). He had a heck of a season w/the 7th gr. and it's obvious he knows the game. Lawhorn has stockpiled a great coaching career at both h.s. and college level. The only drawback w/him is "will he leave after a few years like last time at PHS?"
Just playing the devil's advocate. I think both, Arey and Lawhorn, will make good selections. Though Coach McFarland should never have been forced out to begin with.
Any idea why the "Shmustice's" want Arey so badly? Or is it they just don't want Lawhorn?
Just playing the devil's advocate. I think both, Arey and Lawhorn, will make good selections. Though Coach McFarland should never have been forced out to begin with.
Any idea why the "Shmustice's" want Arey so badly? Or is it they just don't want Lawhorn?