Waverly Coaching situation???

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Re: Waverly Coaching situation???

Post by smurray »

I am not talking about "opinions" or freedom of speech, etc. etc. Post your opinion about things all you want but believe me, there is nothing FUNNY about this situation at all (it's actually life changing). Some of the posts are indeed made without knowledge of the situation which skews those opinions. Travis resigned for a VERY GOOD reason which many folks may never know. Things have worked out (in a short amount of time) where he may return if he chooses and if the Administration takes him back. People should not judge the man based on information they don't have. I understand we talked privately and know your complaints/concerns but that has nothing to do with this situation.

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Re: Waverly Coaching situation???

Post by hbk2016 »

Why would Waverly look silly to bring him back?

The guy resigned during what is pretty much a dead time for roundball. He had some family issues to deal with, seems to have gotten some of that taken care of. If he has a change of heart and feels he made a mistake they would be silly to not bring him back.

The kids like him, no one outworks him and he teaches in the system. Do your really think bringing in a non-teacher who has no daily interaction with the kids or some broken down old coach is better for the program than a guy that you know does a good job and works his tail off?

Easy to be critical when you are not involved. Gotta love the armchair quarterbacks.

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Re: Waverly Coaching situation???

Post by toast »

hbk123 wrote:Why would Waverly look silly to bring him back?

The guy resigned during what is pretty much a dead time for roundball. He had some family issues to deal with, seems to have gotten some of that taken care of. If he has a change of heart and feels he made a mistake they would be silly to not bring him back.

The kids like him, no one outworks him and he teaches in the system. Do your really think bringing in a non-teacher who has no daily interaction with the kids or some broken down old coach is better for the program than a guy that you know does a good job and works his tail off?

Easy to be critical when you are not involved. Gotta love the armchair quarterbacks.
Sums things up very nicely!

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Re: Waverly Coaching situation???

Post by steppinontoes »

Travis Robertson is once again the varsity basketball coach for the Waverly Tigers. Anyone who knows Travis, knows that his decision to resign was a very tough one. And the decision to come back was also. The bottom line is, he is a very good basketball coach. Thats what he is good at, and we are fortunate to have him.

Its a done deal. Go Tigers!!!

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Re: Waverly Coaching situation???

Post by Lightle04 »

Congrats Tigers now it's time to get to work good luck on the up and comeing season.

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Re: Waverly Coaching situation???

Post by jackyl »

With Hobbs retiring,who will be filling the spot as the assistant?

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