- Posts: 7056
- Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:31 am
... just got word at 2:45 this afternoon that my eye surgery has been bumped UP to THIS Thursday at 3:30pm !!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! I will be able to see a week earlier than expected !!!!!!!!!!!! ... let's keep the "good" news rolling in LOL ... I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO PUMPED/STOKED/PSYCHED
maybe things ARE turning around ...

PFLOYD.......Prayers are continuing for you and your family from the Focused household...
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:57 am
Pfloyd,All my prayers and heartfelt thanks go out to you for all you have done to support youth sports in Logan.
Time to ramp up those thoughts and prayers, Southeastern Ohio!!!! Two more days until Pfloyd heads back in for that CT scan. PRAYING for NED!!!! NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE!!!!!!! Time for that push, last words of encouragement from SEOPS nation!!!! Send him to Columbus riding on a cloud of prayers and well wishes!!!! LET HIM HEAR YOU!!!!!!
... received my reminder/instruction call this afternoon from the James Medical Center - they gave me the usual instructions of no food or drink other than water within 3 hours of my CT scan ... have to report to the lab an hour in advance to drink "the stuff" before they take me in for the CT scan - it will be full body CT scan - to check to see if cancer has moved to my brain, upper/lower abdomen ( will get a look at the lungs where cancer was taking hold in May as well getting a look at the 2 spots on my lower left abdomen as well as the spot in my liver ) all searches to compare size/masses from the May CT/PET scan with Thursday "visuals" ... the final stop on the CT tour will be the lower abdomen to check on the original melanoma location in my lower right leg ... will take maybe 30 minutes tops to do the scan after they inject the dye into my blood stream ... I told folks at work that I am not leaving until I get the results I want to hear LOL ... I meet with my oncologist Dr. Kendra at 1pm after having my routine blood draw at 12:30 ... hope they have the "full results" of the CT scan - read by the "right specialist" ...
... I have been on edge all this week - so many good/bad scenarios running through my head - my close friends see it BUT most haven't a clue (which is the way I want it) ... friends are picking me up mentally everyday/propping up my spirits , keeping me positive - love these folks support ... HEY!!! I got a great surprise in the mail - Coach Ryan from Chesapeake, Peake 71,Buzz Johnson, Tom Ross ALL part of the best show on the court in January - the Beast of the Southeast - sent a card to kick Pfloyd in the butt/ get his mind on the positive side - Thanks goes to all of the great folks from Panther Country for your support and for always making Pfloyd and Mrs. Pfloyd like family when we visit in January - you people are simply the best ...
Napkin Stats:
My 2nd eye surgery went perfect! - have vision back in my right eye ... I have that "Rocky" shiner look going BUT vision is there ... less than 24 hours after getting the eye opened back up - my joint pain return!!! how does that happen? relatively NO pain for the 6 weeks of eye issues - none - just couldn't see - once I got the vision fixed these other side effects step out !!! I just don't get it ... other issues - is there such a thing as being bald and getting MORE bald? - anyway what little hair I have is just now (after 3 months of 2 chemo treatments per day) deciding to fall out by the fist full ... I will also need to have the oncologist check out another growth that showed up Sunday - this one on my upper lip - seems to be growing rapidly due to the chemo treatments just like the cancerous tumor on my right eye ... <sighs - seems the cancer does not want to let go> ... with all of this going on - I am actually doing pretty good - work gives me focus, takes my mind off the bad and focuses my mind on what's important - my kids at school who need direction, need that voice of reason to keep them going in the right direction ...
<wow> hard to believe Sept 13 is a little over 24 hours away ... that the results of this test will impact my life so much ... going to wear my Chuck Taylors, my Pfloyd Tour T-shirt and I will thank all of you here on SEOPs for your thoughts/prayers as they slide me into the "tube" for my pics ... thinking NED - No Evidence of Disease ... I'm thinking my blood pressure will be a little high, my breathing a little strained on Thursday LOL ... matter the outcome - I thank you all - you are the BEST TEAM I have ever been a part of - ever ...

... I have been on edge all this week - so many good/bad scenarios running through my head - my close friends see it BUT most haven't a clue (which is the way I want it) ... friends are picking me up mentally everyday/propping up my spirits , keeping me positive - love these folks support ... HEY!!! I got a great surprise in the mail - Coach Ryan from Chesapeake, Peake 71,Buzz Johnson, Tom Ross ALL part of the best show on the court in January - the Beast of the Southeast - sent a card to kick Pfloyd in the butt/ get his mind on the positive side - Thanks goes to all of the great folks from Panther Country for your support and for always making Pfloyd and Mrs. Pfloyd like family when we visit in January - you people are simply the best ...
Napkin Stats:
My 2nd eye surgery went perfect! - have vision back in my right eye ... I have that "Rocky" shiner look going BUT vision is there ... less than 24 hours after getting the eye opened back up - my joint pain return!!! how does that happen? relatively NO pain for the 6 weeks of eye issues - none - just couldn't see - once I got the vision fixed these other side effects step out !!! I just don't get it ... other issues - is there such a thing as being bald and getting MORE bald? - anyway what little hair I have is just now (after 3 months of 2 chemo treatments per day) deciding to fall out by the fist full ... I will also need to have the oncologist check out another growth that showed up Sunday - this one on my upper lip - seems to be growing rapidly due to the chemo treatments just like the cancerous tumor on my right eye ... <sighs - seems the cancer does not want to let go> ... with all of this going on - I am actually doing pretty good - work gives me focus, takes my mind off the bad and focuses my mind on what's important - my kids at school who need direction, need that voice of reason to keep them going in the right direction ...
<wow> hard to believe Sept 13 is a little over 24 hours away ... that the results of this test will impact my life so much ... going to wear my Chuck Taylors, my Pfloyd Tour T-shirt and I will thank all of you here on SEOPs for your thoughts/prayers as they slide me into the "tube" for my pics ... thinking NED - No Evidence of Disease ... I'm thinking my blood pressure will be a little high, my breathing a little strained on Thursday LOL ... matter the outcome - I thank you all - you are the BEST TEAM I have ever been a part of - ever ...

- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
- Posts: 20590
- Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:49 am
- Location: Next to a lake somewhere
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... getting ready to roll up Rt.33 ...
... breathing? (erratically)
... heart rate/bp ? off the charts I'm sure
... Chuck's laced up? -check
... Pfloyd Purple Hippo Tour shirt on? - check
... Prayers/thoughts from Southern/SE Ohio TEAM? - filling my heart - check
... game on !!!!!!!

... breathing? (erratically)
... heart rate/bp ? off the charts I'm sure
... Chuck's laced up? -check
... Pfloyd Purple Hippo Tour shirt on? - check
... Prayers/thoughts from Southern/SE Ohio TEAM? - filling my heart - check
... game on !!!!!!!

- Freshman Team
- Posts: 181
- Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:18 pm
You are an inspiration to all of us! Good luck and hoping for great news! Prayers to you and your family from Reedsville Eastern!
pfloyd wrote:... getting ready to roll up Rt.33 ...
... breathing? (erratically)
... heart rate/bp ? off the charts I'm sure
... Chuck's laced up? -check
... Pfloyd Purple Hippo Tour shirt on? - check
... Prayers/thoughts from Southern/SE Ohio TEAM? - filling my heart - check
... game on !!!!!!!
Here's to hoping that you receive the good news you/we have all been hoping and praying for.
... Stable ...
... what a long day ! - it started with an accident on Rte 33 just East of C'bus, had us crawling the last stretch before getting onto 70 ... made it into the James/Doan Hall, they put the IV in, gave me the bottle of "stuff" to drink an hour before my CT scan , an hour goes by I'm still in the waiting room - 45 minutes after they should have done the CT scan they get to me (apparently my paperwork was misplaced) ... we get to my oncologist office - blood draw, BP completed, put into "the room" - 1 hour goes by no doc ... I'm getting that " today is not going well" eerie " this is not going to be good" feeling ... my oncologist was held up in the James - 2 hours after my scheduled appointment time I finally see my doc <heavy sigh> ... the wait was going to be long no matter what as the PA had indicated that since my CT scan was late the radiologist "may not" get to read scan while I was there - as I said the day was not going as planned LOL - I said that I had nowhere to go or be that Mrs. Pfloyd and I would be staying in "the room" until the "official" results were in/when the fat lady sings - we we're not going anywhere LOL ... final results indicated that the chemo I have been doing has stopped the spread of the cancer to this point ... not the NED (No Evidence of Disease) that I was hoping for BUT doc said that I should be "happy" with the results ... which I am ... happy - disappointed that none of the tumors have disappeared BUT happy that the Zelboraf chemo is the first treatment so far that has slowed the cancer down ... I will continue to take the chemo , with the slowing of the cancer I am now a candidate to do a more aggressive treatment with Interleukin 2 - the most aggressive treatment yet to try to kill the cancer cells ( requires 1 week being admitted to the James while they administer the chemo monitoring the side effects followed by 2 weeks recovery out of the hospital, with a second rotation of 1 week in/2 weeks out before they do a CT scan to see the results of their efforts ... the rotation will continue until the docs feel the cancer is under control) ...
... my next "adventure" to the James is for a "routine" visit Oct 24th ... it will be at that time when "we" decide when to begin the IL-2 treatments ... thank you all for the continued support - we will keep plugging away here in the land of Purple as today's "stable" results adds valuable "time" to the game clock - my oldest son is getting married Sept 28th ! - it will definitely be a special event with all that has been happening in the Pfloyd household - a time to cherish for sure ...

... what a long day ! - it started with an accident on Rte 33 just East of C'bus, had us crawling the last stretch before getting onto 70 ... made it into the James/Doan Hall, they put the IV in, gave me the bottle of "stuff" to drink an hour before my CT scan , an hour goes by I'm still in the waiting room - 45 minutes after they should have done the CT scan they get to me (apparently my paperwork was misplaced) ... we get to my oncologist office - blood draw, BP completed, put into "the room" - 1 hour goes by no doc ... I'm getting that " today is not going well" eerie " this is not going to be good" feeling ... my oncologist was held up in the James - 2 hours after my scheduled appointment time I finally see my doc <heavy sigh> ... the wait was going to be long no matter what as the PA had indicated that since my CT scan was late the radiologist "may not" get to read scan while I was there - as I said the day was not going as planned LOL - I said that I had nowhere to go or be that Mrs. Pfloyd and I would be staying in "the room" until the "official" results were in/when the fat lady sings - we we're not going anywhere LOL ... final results indicated that the chemo I have been doing has stopped the spread of the cancer to this point ... not the NED (No Evidence of Disease) that I was hoping for BUT doc said that I should be "happy" with the results ... which I am ... happy - disappointed that none of the tumors have disappeared BUT happy that the Zelboraf chemo is the first treatment so far that has slowed the cancer down ... I will continue to take the chemo , with the slowing of the cancer I am now a candidate to do a more aggressive treatment with Interleukin 2 - the most aggressive treatment yet to try to kill the cancer cells ( requires 1 week being admitted to the James while they administer the chemo monitoring the side effects followed by 2 weeks recovery out of the hospital, with a second rotation of 1 week in/2 weeks out before they do a CT scan to see the results of their efforts ... the rotation will continue until the docs feel the cancer is under control) ...
... my next "adventure" to the James is for a "routine" visit Oct 24th ... it will be at that time when "we" decide when to begin the IL-2 treatments ... thank you all for the continued support - we will keep plugging away here in the land of Purple as today's "stable" results adds valuable "time" to the game clock - my oldest son is getting married Sept 28th ! - it will definitely be a special event with all that has been happening in the Pfloyd household - a time to cherish for sure ...

Last edited by pfloyd on Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Congratulations to all of you! Many prayers, recovery, healing, coping, and The excitement of marriage. May Gods love continue to surround all of you. You and Mrs. Pfloyd have been a blessing of confidence, Thank you.
Pink,,,you are one awesome dude....keep up the good fight..prayers will continue to go to high places from AZ
- Varsity
- Posts: 488
- Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:43 am
Hey Pfloyd. I just heard tonight that Warren plays Chesepeake in BB this year. At Warren. I don't know the date yet, but I'll get it.
- Varsity
- Posts: 488
- Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:43 am
A little something for you, Pfloyd. Anyone can enjoy this too.; ... re=related
- All State
- Posts: 1445
- Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:58 am
Pfloyd, Hope you are doing well. I remember back 9 years ago you went on a big prayer chain for my son LOGAN. I remember sitting at Cincinnati Childrens reading what you go started. All of those kinds words kept my wife and I going through his heart surgery. Dr.'s said he probably would struggle through life with his activities. Well, PRAYERS are good. Logan is a 4.0 student and a beast at all three sports. I think he averaged like 25 points and 10 assists a game in basketball, He batted 70+ times n baseball and got out twice, and he gets like 10+ tackles a game and leads his team in interceptions with 3 in football in 5 games. With that being said, PRAYER is good my friend. I hope you are blessed in the battle you are facing. I hope this prayer chain has help you through some of the bad days because it sure did us. I can see your work on these stats, info, and prayers that you are a man that concerns more of others than yourself. You put all this time in for the kids, coaches, and basketball fans. I hope to see your work in the upcoming season because I went on and took a job at Rival Symmes Valley with Coach Saunders. I am so proud to be a Viking now as well as my kids. Thanks for all your kinds words to all of us.
All you SEOPS fans! Give a shout out to PFLOYD who celebrates a birthday on Wednesday October 3rd!!!!! I know he would LOVE to hear from
