Buckeye Bash - Saturday, December 15

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Buckeye Bash - Saturday, December 15

Post by 90buckeye »

Ticket sales are starting to pick up the pace for the Nelsonville-York Buckeye Bash! The drawing is less than two weeks away. Go to nybuckeyebash.com to get your chance to win.

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Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Here, 90buckeye, I'll help you out and put the actual link up.


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Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Prize List and Times Winners Will Be Announced

2:00 Polaris ATV
2:05 Leather Sofa & Chair
2:10 $1000 CASH
2:15 50" HD Plasma TV
2:20 $500 CASH
2:25 Remington 11-87 12 Gauge Shotgun
2:30 2008 Harley Davidson Motorcycle
2:35 Black Shadow 28" 12 Gauge Shotgun
2:40 $500 CASH
2:45 Upholstered Living Room Group
2:50 $500 CASH
2:55 Alcione Classic 12 Gauge Shotgun
3:00 $10,000 CASH
3:05 Model 629 44 Magnum Pistol
3:10 $1000 CASH
3:15 Stainless Steel Kitchen Package
3:20 $500 Rocky Gift Certificate
3:25 $2500 CASH
3:30 Hyundai Accent Car
3:35 Honda ATV
3:40 Kodiak Pro All-Camo 50 Caliber
3:45 Leather Recliner
3:50 $500 Rocky Gift Certificate
3:55 Remington 504 22 LR Rifle
4:00 Kubota 4 Wheel Drive Tractor
4:05 Flat Panel LCD TV
4:10 $1000 CASH
4:15 Deluxe Bedroom Suite
4:20 Urika 391 12 Gauge Shotgun
4:25 $500 CASH
4:30 TrackerBass Boat
4:35 Washer & Dryer
4:40 $1000 CASH
4:45 Dining Room Set
4:50 Extreme Duty 9MM Pistol
4:55 $500 CASH
5:00 Ford F-150 4X4 Supercab Pickup

Only 6,000 tickets are being sold, so if they all sell, you have a 1 in 6,000 chance of winning each of these prizes!!

Need Not Be Present To Win! Anyone can purchase a ticket! Tickets are $50 each. All proceeds go to the Boston Field and Rocky Brands Athletic Complex Rennovations.


Posts: 7423
Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:49 pm

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Buckeye Bash 2007 to feature $150,000 in prizes

Messenger staff writer

Thursday, December 13, 2007

NELSONVILLE - When someone wins a raffle, they usually walk away with a few dollars or perhaps a quilt made by grandma. When someone wins the Buckeye Bash, they could drive away the winner of a pickup truck.

This is not your normal fundraiser.

Held by the Nelsonville-York Athletic Boosters to renovate athletic fields, the Buckeye Bash 2007 will raffle off $150,000 in prizes. Giveaways include a Ford F-150 Supercab pickup truck, a Kubota tractor, a Tracker bass boat, firearms, TVs, bedroom suites, furniture and cold, hard cash, among other prizes.

The drawing for the raffle was going to be held this Saturday, but has been changed to Feb. 9 because of the school district's building project.

How does a booster group come by such prizes? They do it with a little help from their friends and the community, said John Hurd, president of the Nelsonville-York Athletic Boosters.

"We spent some money (on prizes), and local community businesses threw in a little something extra in exchange," Hurd said. "We've gotten a very positive response from the community. They have really stepped up to the plate. Without help from the community and the businesses, our new athletic facilities never would have been opened."

Through community donations and fundraisers, the athletic boosters have built a new football field. New bleachers were added, new turf was installed and a soft-surface track was added.

The raffle was held for the first time last year. A total of $113,000 in prizes was given away, and 3,600 raffle tickets were sold. The raffle made a profit of $60,000. A thousand people attended the bash itself.

"They've really responded well," Hurd said. "In a town of 5,000 people, we had a lot (who) participated that were really excited. People stepped up to the plate. It was a very festive event, and people really got into it."

The new track and athletic field are enjoyed by more than the students, said Mike Bishop, treasurer of the Nelsonville-York Athletic Boosters.

"Those facilities are used by the entire community," Bishop said. "I'll come to the school at 7 in the evening, and the parking lot will be filled with cars from people using the track. Hocking College has used it. It's an addition that has really benefited the whole community of Nelsonville."

The athletic boosters sought out the help of alumni as well. A list of alumni was compiled, and word hit the streets. Organizers got responses from alumni as far away as Washington and Las Vegas.

The money goes toward athletics, and Hurd said he believes sports can play a great role in the development and character of Nelsonville-York youth.

"Both Mike and I were really into sports when we were younger," Hurd said. "We went to college and became successful, and we think sports were instrumental in that success. Sports helped us with our priorities."

Raffle tickets are $50 each, and can be obtained at the Pit Stop, First National Bank, C & J Tax, online at nybuckeyebash.com or by calling 753-4744.

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