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Huntington @ VC 12-28
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:27 pm
This should be a great matchup with Huntington coming to the halls of Valhalla home of the VIkes. One of the premier guards in the area in Kellough vs probablly the premeire big man in the area, Thor ( god of thunder or paint) aka Dut Guthrie.
Kudos to Huntington for making the trip it will be a fantastic measuring stick for both teams.
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:09 pm
by Sweet Pea
AT VC - shocking that this game would have to be played at home for the vikes...
wouldn't want to play a tough roadie like Chilly did tonite- at North college hill - 3 time defending champ!!!! **(nichleback - you are right -it was in a neutral site - gasp!)**
continue on with the jv schedule after the 1st of the year.....oh but if you win by 30-40 that makes you a superior team - right patriots?
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:26 pm
by nickle back
Chillicothe played at North College Hill? I thought it was at a neutral site.
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:44 pm
Sweet Pea wrote:AT VC - shocking that this game would have to be played at home for the vikes...
wouldn't want to play a tough roadie like Chilly did tonite- at North college hill - 3 time defending champ!!!! **(nichleback - you are right -it was in a neutral site - gasp!)**
continue on with the jv schedule after the 1st of the year.....oh but if you win by 30-40 that makes you a superior team - right patriots?
What you a experiencing is jealousy. Who has your Green played? Keep talking trash and rooting for sub par teams and bashing what you wish you had(a winning team). 1st you were complaining because the game got rescheduled, now its not good enough because its at VC. From what i understand everything was done to get the game @ OUC and it didnt happen. So all we can do is enjoy a great ball game between 2 good teams. Something you wouldnt recognize if it hit you in the face(being a Green fan).
So enjoy a subpar season, we in VC will without a doubt enjoy ours.
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:59 am
by Senator Tressel
Glad to see this game being played just hate that it has to be a vc because of all the people slaming vc for the game being played in there house. But from what i understand ouc and southeastern had other events taking place. and huntingtons gym wouldnt hold the expected crowd. So i guess atleast the game is going to be played. If VC plays like they did last night at SE huntington will put em away easy. the vikes were sloppy, poor shooting, and oh yea we forgot to rebound. So i say to coach combs i hope u get the kids motivated and on the right track because huntington would love more than anything to beat the vikes, and at there house would be a added bonus. Go Vikes step up to the challenge and hush the nay sayers!!!
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:23 pm
I think this one is hard to judge
VC still hasnt been challenged yet and Huntington will give them their first real challenge this year
if it comes down to the final minutes it will be interesting to see how vc responds
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:54 am
by dr awkward
It's too bad this couldn't be played over at the Convo last week. You are talking about two quality teams that should be in Athens in March. Congrats to both teams on getting this game re-scheduled and good luck to both teams.
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:08 am
by ruhrig
A few facts.
The game is not 100% on, waiting to OK the final detail. Which is to be in place 12/26.
If it is played it will be a Fresh/JV/Var. triple header starting at 5:00. On 12/28 which is the only date all three schools are available.
Convo, OU-C, SE and Waverly could not host the game.
traveling to Alex was not an option.
Huntington's gym is plenty big enough, just didn't seem to be an option.
We are looking forward to the Alex/VC combined hospitality.
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:45 pm
vc 72-68
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:55 pm
by Ironman92
"Huntington's gym is plenty big enough, just didn't seem to be an option"
That can be viewed 2 different does not make VC look very good.....I doubt it is supposed to be taken that way...but many who read it on here will.
Huntington-Vinton County game
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 12:02 am
by Swampfox
As a committee member, I know several sites were looked at and these venues fell through. There has been alot of behind the scenes work to try and make this happen. The committee is in charge of obtaining the referees for the game. I know that both teams want to play this game.
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:02 am
by SEfan2007
interestingly enough the calender is empty on the 28th at Southeastern, maybe something I dont know about , just sayin....
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:23 pm
by bengalfan76
Folks there are a lot of logistics in putting on a game not on the schedule.
Officials, concessions ( people have other lives), administration, security, janitors. With all the games being played at SE, maybe the powers that be didn't want to deal with it.
I doubt that Combs insisted the game be played at home. You peoples jealosy of Combs and VC amaze me.
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:01 pm
by FrankieG
Folks; my take on this is if VC wins this game of "unbeatens" huntington can always say it was at VC.So they have nothing to lose.
Both teams need this game very much,VC has not been tested you say? Tell me who huntington has played!
Have they been tested yet? ask them they will tell you
I look for a large crowd and a VERY good game by both teams.
Thanks to the Alex committee for getting this game played. I know you put a lot of effort into this!
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:29 pm
by Senator Tressel
I hope both teams are on there "A" game. Im looking forward to seeing a barnburner.
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:41 pm
by pfloyd
... should be a great evening of hoops action in the Vinton County gymnasium ... an extra "napkin or two or three" night that's for sure !!! - 3 games ... what time does the show start (freshmen game)? ...

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:53 pm
by hateraid
before I start on the game I would like to reply to the mensa members who keep thinking this game is some kind of conspericy, with a few question. Are you serious? Really? Why would an Alex sponsered game be played 1 1/2 - 2hrs from Albany? why would SE want to open thier gym when they get nothing for it? So please read thi statement carefully, VC was the only option, period!!! So please stop the nosense tring to stir the pot. Be thankful this game is going to be played.
That being said,this should be a great test for both teams. I agree with frankieg, as far as more pressure to win being on VC in this one since it is now a home game, but I think the Vikes will rise to the challenge. The post is where the difference will be. Look for Guthrie to get his typical double/double(dont think huntington will have an answer fro him). However, it could get interesting if the VC guards dont step up and play better D. The last 2 games (Alex & Southeastern), good guard play has torched VC. I wouldnt be surprised if 1 or 2 of them ( 1 in particular) didnt complain of a sore rear after being back doored so many times. I know the guys have it in them to play shut down "D" just have had a few "off" nights. This cant happen with the stellar guard that plays for huntington. I think the scheduling for both teams will be a factor early, but look for VC to take over in the 2nd half.
VC 73
Huntington 61
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:07 pm
by wing-t
So please read thi statement carefully, VC was the only option, period!!!
Why was VC the only option? The game could have been played at Huntington. Maybe it was the only option for VC. Seems like you people in Vinton Co. always have some excuse why you have to have it your way.
Better start working on those excuses why Huntington came into your house and beat ya........................
Huntington 70
VC 55
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:26 pm
by hateraid
Look I do not live in VC, but as I said huntington was not an option. Why would Alex want to host a game that far away? VC is logistically a better venue for the sponser school. You will be the 1st person on here after the game cring about how its an unfair world that Huntington had to play @ VC, if huntington loses. Get a life. If you really think Huntington was a better option than VC you are just plain delusional.
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:55 pm
by wing-t
So it's fair to make Huntington's fans travel and let VC have a home game? That doesn't surprise me out of the VC fateful...Should have played the game on the day it suppose to played. Oh yeah maybe you should get a life.